List of formerly German settlements in the Łódź area

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This is a list of places in the immediate vicinity of Łódź that used to have a significant German population. A large part of these former German villages, which are located within a radius of about 30 km from the city center, has now become part of the city of Łódź through incorporation . How it came about that so many people of German origin settled in the Łódź area is described in detail in the article History of Germans in the Łódź Area . In the wider area of ​​Łódź there were a large number of other German settlements, although not in a comparable density.

The list below is based on three cards:

  • the very extensive but not very clear map "Development of the rural German settlement in north-western Congress Poland (1800, 1825, 1835, 1935)" by Oskar Kossmann , from which an area of ​​about 30 km around the city center of Łódź was selected in which there was a high density of German settlements,
  • Albert Breyer's map “German settlements in the area around Lodz” , which shows a much earlier state of research, but is much clearer
  • another map by Albert Breyer: "German settlements in Central Poland"

Additional sources are added, in particular the

  • Warsaw list of colonies and colonists from 1835 (supplemented by information from 1825, 1851, 1865), which lists a total of 1231 colonies for Congress Poland .

One particular difficulty in identifying the places arises from the fact that there are many places in the region (and in Poland in general) with the same or very similar names. For example, the name Józefów occurs five times among the German settlements in the area around Łódź. Or an addition such as “Kolonia” or “ Holendry ” was originally added to the place name, which is mostly missing in German literature, since it was already obvious that the German settlement and not the nearby Polish mother settlement was meant. (In the meantime, many of these additions to the name have disappeared again due to incorporations.) An example of this is Gałkówek-Kolonia , which appears in German literature exclusively under the name Gałkówek , which is actually the name of the estate whose landlord originally had the settlement founded.

Description of the table

  • Place : This is the current name of the place. Elderly, e.g. Names of the same place that have been valid for a long time can be found in the column “other names and spellings of the place”. If the place is marked with a *, it means that the Germans were settled in an already existing place with a Polish population, but these are usually start-ups.
  • Today's affiliation : Here the city or Gmina is given to which the place belongs today, as well as the Schulzenamt , if the place itself does not form one.
  • Other names and spellings of the place : First, if available, is the German name of the place, followed by earlier place names and spelling variants. Most of the settlements had no real German name, but often a German version of the Polish name.
  • German place names 1939 to 1945 : Since the German place names of the occupation during the Second World War are by no means always identical with the historically developed ones, they are listed separately here.
  • Beginning of the settlement of German families : There are often different information on this in the literature.
  • Origin of the settlers : The regions of origin given here are primarily to be understood as a guide, as not all families normally had the same origin. In the case of the “Pomeranians” and “Silesians”, it should also be remembered that they were mostly families whose ancestors had often left the regions of origin mentioned several generations ago in order to settle in the Polish-speaking area. A small number of settlements were also included in the list in which Polish settlers were assigned the same law and which therefore appear again and again in the sources typical of German settlements. Their inclusion in the list serves to avoid that they are added later as German places, since they are sometimes referred to as such in the literature.
  • Comments : On the one hand you can find information on the infrastructure of Germans in the region (German-speaking schools, Protestant churches) and on the other hand information on emigration and immigration from the town.
  • Article in the Polish Wikipedia .
place Today's affiliation Other names and spellings of the place German place names 1939 to 1945 Beginning of the settlement of German families Origin of the settlers Remarks Article in the Polish Wikipedia
Adamów (near Brzeziny ) Gmina Brzeziny Małczew-Holland 1796, before 1800, 1830 Pomerania pl: Adamów (powiat brzeziński)
Adolfów Gmina Wodzierady 1820 Silesians pl: Adolfów (powiat łaski)
Albertów Gmina Lutomiersk 1850 Silesians pl: Albertów (powiat pabianicki)
Albertów (near Ciosny) 1845
Aleksandria Gmina Ozorków Friedrichsruh (e), Aleksandrja, Alexandrya before 1806, before 1835, 1850 Pomerania, weavers from Ozorków pl: Aleksandria (województwo łódzkie)
Aleksandrów Łódzki * Alexandrov Alexanderhof (1939–1943), Wirkheim (1943–1945) 1817, 1819 Cloth makers mainly from Grünberg (Zielona Góra) , Lobsens (Łobżenica) , Obersitzko (Obrzycko) , Züllichau (Sulechów) and Schwersenz (Swarzędz) School (1819), school with six classes (from 1913, around 1925), church since 1829 (moved from Ruda-Bugaj) pl: Aleksandrów Łódzki
Anastazew Gmina Parzęczew 1840 Pomerania pl: Anastazew (województwo łódzkie)
Andrespol Gmina Andrespol Andreasfeld, Andreaspol, Andryspol 1805, 1807 Pomerania School (from 1916 to 1919) pl: Andrespol
Andrzejów Łódź , Widzew district Andreshof (1943–1945) 1820s, 1803, 1805 Pomerania School (1841, 1865, 1881, 1914, 1918, 1919, around 1925), branch church since 1925, church since 1936, Andrzejów was created when the district border was moved in the 1820s and now ran right through Andrespol; the western, separated part was now called Andrzejów. pl: Andrzejów (osiedle administracyjne w Łodzi) and pl: Andrzejów (osiedle w Łodzi)
Anielin (near Stryków ) Gmina Stryków 1835, before 1835 Pomerania School (around 1919) pl: Anielin (powiat zgierski)
Anielin (near Łask ) Gmina Łask Annielin 1815 Silesians School (1865) pl: Anielin (powiat łaski)
Aniołów Zgierz Engelhardt before 1806, before 1835 Most of the settlers emigrated between 1825 and 1835. pl: Osiedla Piaskowice-Aniołów (Zgierz)
Antoniev Gmina Aleksandrów Łódzki 1806, 1825-35 Silesians pl: Antoniew (gmina Aleksandrów Łódzki)
Antoniew-Sikawa (northeast of Łódź ) Łódź ?, Widzew? 1799 Pomerania School (1867)
Antoniew-Stoki (east of Łódź ) Łódź ?, Widzew? Antoniev-Stoki Hol. 1797, 1798 Pomerania School (1865, 1899, 1919, around 1925)
Apolonia Gmina Wodzierady Apolonja 1840 Silesians pl: Apolonia (województwo łódzkie)
Augustów Łódź , Widzew or Górna? Friedrichshagen 1803 Pomerania, Swabia School (around 1925)
Babice Gmina Lutomiersk Babitz 1835, 1836 Schlesier, Hesse School (1919) pl: Babice (województwo łódzkie)
Babiczki Gmina Lutomiersk 1830 Silesians pl: Babiczki
Babieniec 1850 Silesians
Bałuty Łódź before 1825 Most of the settlers emigrated between 1825 and 1835., School in 1899, church since 1936 (parish Bałuty-Żubardz) pl: Bałuty
Bandków before 1826 was in the ev. parish Ozorków
Bardzińska Huta see Huta Bardzyńska
Bardzynin Gmina Dalików Bardzinin 1800 Pomerania pl: Bardzynin
Bechcice Gmina Lutomiersk Peschitz 1834, 1835, 1836 Protestant Southwest Germans, Hessen, Rheinhessen School (around 1919) pl: Bechcice-Wieś
Besiekierz Gmina Zgierz Biesiekierz 1825, 1845 Pomerania School (around 1919) pl: Besiekierz Nawojowy or pl: Besiekierz Rudny
Biała Gmina Zgierz Billheim (1943–1945) 1820, before 1825, 1840 Pomerania School (around 1867, around 1919) pl: Biała (powiat zgierski)
Bibianów (southwest of Ozorków) Gmina Parzęczew before 1835 pl: Bibianów
Bielanki Gmina Brzeziny before 1825 pl: Bielanki
Boginia Gmina Nowosolna 1785, 1795, before 1800 Pomerania pl: Boginia
Borowa Gmina Koluszki Wilhelmswalde, Wilchelmswalde, Borowo 1800 Pomerania School (1865, 1919, around 1925) pl: Borowa (powiat łódzki wschodni)
Brużyczka Gmina Aleksandrów Łódzki Księstwo, Brożyczka, Klein-Bruzyca Breitbruschütz (1943–1945) 1791 Silesians, Pomerania School (1798, 1919, around 1925) pl: Brużyczka Mała
Brzeziny * Lion City (1943–1945) 1816 Drapers mainly from Ozorków and Dąbie School (around 1925), church since 1829 (nominally since 1826) pl: Brzeziny
Budy-Sikawa Łódź ?, Widzew? Sikawa stalls, Budy Sikawskie 1820 Pomerania
Budy-Stoki Łódź ?, Widzew? Stocker stalls, Budy Stokowskie 1831, before 1835 Pomerania School (1919)
Budy Wolskie Gmina Aleksandrów Łódzki Wolskie Budy 1830 Silesians pl: Budy Wolskie (województwo łódzkie)
Bugaj * (near Ozorków ) Bugay Strzeblew Pomerania
Bugaj (near Aleksandrów Łódzki ) Gmina Aleksandrów Łódzki 1782 Silesians School (1919, around 1925) pl: Ruda-Bugaj
Bukowiec Gmina Brójce Koenigsbach 1803, 1803-1806 Protestant Southwest Germans, Swabians, Swabians and Alsatians School (1865, around 1919), branch church since 1936 pl: Bukowiec (powiat łódzki wschodni)
Bychlew after 1835 Silesians
Byszewy Gmina Nowosolna before 1825 pl: Byszewy
Celestynów Gmina Ozorków before 1835 pl: Celestynów (powiat zgierski)
Chechło Gmina Dobroń Hackle 1785, 1785–1796, before 1795 Silesians, as well as Poles from the Poznan area, Germans and Poles pl: Chechło Pierwsze
Chełmy Zgierz 1850 Silesians pl: Osiedle Krzywie-Chełmy (Zgierz) and pl: Osiedle Chełmy-Adelmówek (Zgierz)
Chociszewer Holl. see Rexul
Chojny Łódź , Górna district 1788, 1797 Pomerania pl: Chojny w Łodzi and pl: Chojny-Dąbrowa (osiedle administracyjne w Łodzi)
Chorzeszów Gmina Wodzierady Korishev 1840, after 1835 Silesians School (1919, around 1925) pl: Chorzeszów
Ciężków Gmina Aleksandrów Łódzki 1850, after 1835 Silesians pl: Ciężków (powiat zgierski)
Cisów * Gmina Rokiciny Pomerania pl: Cisów (województwo łódzkie)
Cyganka * Łódź , district? Silesians
Cyprianów Gmina Zgierz, Biała Schulzenamt before 1825 pl: Cyprianów
Czaplinek Gmina Zgierz 1859, 1860, 1864-1865 Pomerania pl: Czaplinek (województwo łódzkie)
Czyżemin * Gmina Dłutów after 1835 Pomerania, Silesians pl: Czyżemin
Czyżeminek Gmina Rzgów New Czyżemin 1780-1800, 1815 Silesians School (around 1919), New Czyżemin was renamed Czyżeminek around 1918 pl: Czyżeminek
Dąbrowa (northeast of Łódź ) Gmina Nowosolna 1795 Pomerania pl: Dąbrowa (powiat łódzki wschodni)
Dąbrowa (south of Pabianice ) Gmina Dłutów Pomerania pl: Dąbrowa (powiat pabianicki)
Dąbrowa (southeast of Łódź ) Łódź , Górna district Dombrowa-Holland, Dąbrowa-Holendry 1788, 1789, before 1795, 1795 (1788) Silesians, Pomerania School (1798, 1865, 1867) pl: Chojny-Dąbrowa (osiedle administracyjne w Łodzi) and pl: Dąbrowa w Łodzi
Dąbrowa Gmina Ksawerów Dombrowa, Wissef Collony, Widzew Colony 1804 Swabia The colony with 8 settler sites was included in the same when Ksawerów was founded in 1824 .
Dąbrowka H. Dombrowka H. 1788 was in the ev. parish Zgierz
Dąbrówka Nadolna (northwest of Aleksandrów Łódzki ) Gmina Dalików before 1825 Some of the settlers emigrated between 1825 and 1835. pl: Dąbrówka Nadolna
Dąbrówka Górna (northwest of Aleksandrów Łódzki ) Gmina Dalików Dąbrowa Nagórna 1803, around 1800 Pomerania School (around 1919) pl: Dąbrówka Górna (województwo łódzkie)
Dłutów Gmina Dłutów before 1825 Most of the settlers emigrated between 1825 and 1835. pl: Dłutów
Dmosin Gmina Dmosin before 1825 Pomerania Most of the German settlers later emigrated. pl: Dmosin
Dobieszków * Gmina Nowosolna after 1835 Pomerania pl: Dobieszków (powiat łódzki wschodni)
Dobków Gmina Wodzierady Dąbków, Dębków after 1835 Silesians pl: Dobków (województwo łódzkie)
Doły Łódź , Bałuty district 1827 Pomerania pl: Doły (osiedle administracyjne w Łodzi) or pl: Doły (osiedle w Łodzi)
Domaradzyn- Holendry Domrasin-Holendry before 1798 School (1798) pl: Domaradzyn
Dzierżanów Dzierzanów 1843 Silesians School (1854–1929)
Emilia Gmina Zgierz Emilja 1825 Pomerania pl: Emilia (województwo łódzkie)
Erazmów Gmina Koluszki Lisowskie Hol. 1795, before 1800 Pomerania School (1805, 1865) pl: Erazmów
Eufeminów Gmina Brzeziny 1830 Pomerania School (1865, 1919) pl: Eufeminów
Felicjanów Gmina Koluszki 1798 Pomerania School (1805, 1865, around 1919) pl: Felicjanów (powiat łódzki wschodni)
Feliksów (northwest of Stryków ) Gmina Głowno 1840 Pomerania pl: Feliksów (powiat zgierski)
Feliksów (on the Ner) Gmina Poddębice before 1835, before 1838 Pomerania School (1810), most of the German settlers later emigrated. pl: Feliksów (powiat poddębicki)
Florentynów (near Konstantynów) Gmina Lutomiersk 1855 Silesians pl: Florentynów (powiat pabianicki)
Florentynów (southwest of Ozorków ) Gmina Parzęczew after 1835 Pomerania pl: Florentynów (powiat zgierski)
Florianki Gmina Parzęczew Florjanki 1810 Pomerania pl: Florianki
Florianów Gmina Zgierz Florianov 1830 Pomerania pl: Florianów (powiat zgierski)
Franciszków Gmina Lutomiersk before 1835 Pomerania The German settlers later emigrated. pl: Franciszków (powiat pabianicki)
Gaj Gmina Brzeziny Przanowice-Holland, Gay 1796, 1797 Pomerania pl: Gaj (powiat brzeziński)
Gałkówek-Kolonia Gmina Brzeziny Galkowek, Galkhof 1798 (the different information in the same work that the place was founded in 1788 is a typo), 1802 Pomerania School (1865, around 1919) pl: Gałkówek-Kolonia
Giemzów * Gmina Brójce Pomerania pl: Giemzów
Glewa 1830 Pomerania
Głąbie Gmina Nowosolna, Schulzenamt Stare Skoszewy Głombie 1795, 1798 Pomerania School (1798)
Głogowiec Gmina Nowosolna 1785, 1795, before 1800 Pomerania School (1865, 1919, around 1925) pl: Głogowiec (powiat łódzki wschodni)
Głowa Gmina Zgierz before 1835 pl: Kolonia Głowa
Godaszewice Gmina Rokiciny, part of Łaznowska Wola (Grömbach) 1806 3 settler sites
Góra Bałdrzychowska Gmina Poddębice after 1835 Pomerania The German settlers later emigrated. pl: Góra Bałdrzychowska-Kolonia or pl: Góra Bałdrzychowska
Górka Pabianicka Silesians pl: Górka Pabianicka
Górki Łódź , Górna district Górki starlings 1790 Silesians, Pomerania
Górki Nowe before 1835
Grabczyna Gmina Lutomiersk? 1840 Silesians
Grabieniec Łódź , Bałuty district? Kalskie Hollendry, Kały-Grabieniec, Grabienice 1793, 1796 Silesians School (from 1820, 1865, around 1867, around 1925), church since 1936
Grabina Gmina Nowosolna 1795, 1802, 1825 Pomerania School (1865) pl: Grabina (powiat łódzki wschodni)
Helenów Gmina Brzeziny 1860 Pomerania pl: Helenów (powiat brzeziński)
Helenów before 1835 Pomerania
Henryków Łódź , Widzew district Henryków Hol. 1825 Pomerania, before 1825 Henryków belonged to Janów
Hermanów Gmina Pabianice 1850 Silesians School (around 1919) pl: Hermanów (województwo łódzkie)
Hipolitów Gmina Wodzierady 1840, after 1835 Silesians School (1919) pl: Hipolitów (powiat łaski)
Hulanka Gmina Andrespol, Justynów Schulzenamt 1850, 1860 Pomerania
Huta Zgierz? before 1825 Most of the settlers emigrated between 1825 and 1835.
Huta Bardzyńska Gmina Dalików Bardzińska Huta before 1800, 1811 Pomerania School (around 1919) some of the settlers emigrated between 1825 and 1835., Filial church since 1839 pl: Huta Bardzyńska
Huta Dłutowska Gmina Dłutów before 1825 Pomerania pl: Huta Dłutowska
Huta Jagodnica Łódź , Polesie district 1837 Hesse pl: Huta Jagodnica (osiedle w Łodzi)
Huta Janowska Gmina Pabianice before 1835 pl: Huta Janowska
Huta Szklana * Łódź , Widzew district Huta Szklanna Pomerania
Ignacew Gmina Parzęczew 1810 Pomerania pl: Ignacew Folwarczny or pl: Ignacew Rozlazły or pl: Ignacew Parzęczewski or pl: Ignacew Podleśny
Janowice Gmina Pabianice Janowiec before 1825 pl: Janowice (powiat pabianicki)
Janów (north of Nowosolna ) Gmina Nowosolna 1790, after 1835 Pomerania School (1919, around 1925) pl: Janów (powiat łódzki wschodni)
Janów (south of Nowosolna ) Łódź , Widzew district Mileszki Holland 1790, 1795, 1790 Pomerania School (1865), Henryków also belonged to Janów pl: Olechów-Janów (osiedle administracyjne w Łodzi)
Janów Gmina Zgierz 1860, 1862, 1864-1865 Pomerania pl: Janów (gmina Zgierz)
Janów before 1825
Janówka Gmina Andrespol 1812, 1830 Pomerania pl: Janówka (powiat łódzki wschodni)
Jasień Gmina Rogów before 1825 School (1865) pl: Jasień (powiat brzeziński)
Jesionna Gmina Wodzierady Jasionna 1820, after 1835 Silesians pl: Jesionna
Any Gmina Zgierz Pomerania pl: Any A or pl: Any B
Jeziorko Gmina Koluszki after 1835 Pomerania pl: Jeziorko (powiat łódzki wschodni)
Jeżew Gmina Zadzim Jeżów after 1835 Pomerania pl: Jeżew
Jędrzejów Łódź , Górna district? 1820 Pomerania
Jordanów Gmina Brzeziny 1832, 1852 Pomerania, Silesians pl: Jordanów (województwo łódzkie)
Józefów (near Zgierz ) Gmina Zgierz 1860, 1862, 1864-1865 Pomerania School (1919) pl: Józefów (powiat zgierski)
Józefów (north of Łask ) Gmina Wodzierady 1840 Silesians pl: Józefów (powiat łaski)
Józefow (near Konstantynów Łódzki ) 1850 Silesians, Pomerania
Józefów (west of Ruda-Bugaj ) 1843 Silesians
Józefów Gmina Rogów before 1825 pl: Józefów (powiat brzeziński)
Julianki before 1835
Julianów Gmina Wodzierady after 1835 Silesians pl: Julianów (powiat łaski)
Justynów Gmina Andrespol 1811 Pomerania School (1865, around 1919) pl: Justynów (powiat łódzki wschodni)
Jutrzkowice Pabianice after 1835 Silesians
Kalino * Gmina Rzgów after 1835 Protestant Southwest Germans, Pomerania School (around 1919, 1929) pl: Kalino
Kalonka Gmina Nowosolna Mieczki 1800, after 1835 Pomerania School (1919) pl: Kalonka (województwo łódzkie)
Kalskie Hollendry see Grabieniec
Kałów Gmina Poddębice after 1835 Pomerania The German settlers later emigrated. pl: Kałów
Kały Łódź , Bałuty district? Kały-Holland 1793, 1796, after 1835 Silesians School (1798)
Karasica Gmina Głowno 1795, before 1800 Pomerania Most of the German settlers later emigrated. pl: Karasica
Karkoszki Łódź 1798 The settlement was near the later factory station and was incorporated into the factory town founded there in 1821.
Karolew (near Łódź ) Łódź , Polesie district Litzmannstadt-Karlshof (1943–1945) 1842 Silesians pl: Karolew-Retkinia Wschód (osiedle administracyjne w Łodzi) and pl: Karolew (osiedle w Łodzi)
Karolev Pabianice 1800, after 1835 Silesians
Karolinów Gmina Dalików 1811 Pomerania pl: Karolinów (powiat poddębicki)
Karolszewice Pabianice? Silesians
Karpin Gmina Brójce Pomerania pl: Karpin (województwo łódzkie)
Karszew Gmina Łask after 1835 Silesians pl: Karszew (województwo łódzkie)
Katarzynów (southeast of Brzeziny ) Gmina Koluszki Sick before 1795, 1797 Pomerania School (1805, 1865, 1919) pl: Katarzynów (powiat łódzki wschodni)
Katarzynów Gmina Ozorków 1830 Pomerania pl: Katarzynów (powiat zgierski)
Kazimierzów (northwest of Brzeziny ) Gmina Stryków? 1850 Pomerania
Kazimierzów (southeast of Brzeziny ) Gmina Koluszki Kazmierzow 1864 Pomerania pl: Kazimierzów (powiat łódzki wschodni)
Kędziorki * Gmina Brzeziny after 1835 Pomerania pl: Kędziorki
Kiełbasa Gmina Rogów before 1795, before 1800 In 1814 the settlers migrated to Russia (Bessarabia?), But were immediately replaced by new ones.
Klimkowizna * Pabianice Pomerania
Kochanów Gmina Głuchów Erdmannsweiler around 1800 Protestant Southwest Germans School (1865, 1919) pl: Kochanów (powiat skierniewicki)
Widzew colony see Dąbrowa
Konstancya before 1825
Konstantynów Łódzki * Tuchingen (1943–1945) 1821 Cloth makers and craftsmen from Züllichau (Sulechów) , the Poznan area and the Mark Brandenburg School (from 1838, around 1925), church since 1829 pl: Konstantynów Łódzki
Konstantynówek (near Konstantynów Łódzki) before 1825
Kopanka Gmina Nowosolna 1860, after 1835 Pomerania pl: Kopanka (województwo łódzkie)
Kowalszczyzna Łódź before 1825 pl: Kowalszczyzna w Łodzi
Kreszew Ozorków Kreszew Porządkowy 1825 Pomerania
Krogulec * Pomerania
Krzemieniew Gmina Dalików Krzemienew after 1835 Pomerania Most of the German settlers later emigrated. pl: Krzemieniew
Krzywie Zgierz 1820, after 1820 Pomerania pl: Osiedle Krzywie-Chełmy (Zgierz) and pl: Osiedle Chełmy-Adelmówek (Zgierz)
Krzywiec Gmina Aleksandrów Łódzki 1810 Silesians School (1865, 1914) pl: Krzywiec (województwo łódzkie)
Ksawerów Gmina Ksawerów Xawerów, Xawerow 1824, 1824–28, before 1835 Germans from the Bohemian Leipa , Silesian, Pomeranian region predominantly Catholic, school (around 1919) pl: Ksawerów (powiat pabianicki)
Księstwo see Brużyczka
Kudrowice * Gmina Pabianice after 1835 Silesians pl: Kudrowice
Kwilno Gmina Zgierz 1845 Pomerania pl: Kwilno (województwo łódzkie)
Laski Gmina Nowosolna, Moscow State Administration Office 1797 Pomerania
Leonardów Gmina Zgierz 1860, 1864-1865 Pomerania pl: Leonardów (województwo łódzkie)
Leonów Gmina Zgierz 1818 Pomerania pl: Leonów (powiat zgierski)
Leopoldów (southeast of Brzeziny) 1863, 1868 Pomerania
Leopoldów (southeast of Pabianice ) Gmina Tuszyn? Pomerania
Leosin Gmina Koluszki 1819 Pomerania School (1919) pl: Leosin
Leszczyny Gmina Dłutów after 1835 Pomerania pl: Leszczyny Duże or pl: Leszczyny Małe
Lipa Gmina Stryków 1850 Pomerania pl: Lipa (województwo łódzkie)
Lipiny Gmina Nowosolna 1820 Pomerania School (around 1919) pl: Lipiny (powiat łódzki wschodni)
Lisowskie Hol. see Erazmów
Lorenki Gmina Zgierz 1850 Pomerania School (around 1919) pl: Lorenki
Lublinek * Łódź, Polesie district Silesians pl: Lublinek (osiedle w Łodzi) and pl: Lublinek-Pienista
Lućmierz Gmina Zgierz pl: Lućmierz (powiat zgierski)
Ludowinka Gmina Wodzierady before 1825 Silesians pl: Ludowinka
Ludwików Gmina Aleksandrów Łódzki? 1850 Silesians School (around 1919)
Łagiewniki Małe Łódź Klosterborn (1939–45) before 1825 pl: Łagiewniki (osiedle administracyjne w Łodzi)
Łaskowice * Łódź , Polesie district Laskowice Silesians pl: Łaskowice
Łaznowska Wola Gmina Rokiciny Grömbach, Groembach, Laznowskaja Wolja, Grünbach 1800, 1800-1802, 1800-1803 Protestant Southwest Germans, Pomeranians, predominantly from Württemberg and Mecklenburg School (around 1800–1802, 1865, 1895, 1919, around 1925, 1932), branch church since 1928 pl: Łaznowska Wola
Łobódź Gmina Aleksandrów Łódzki Łobodzia 1815 Silesians pl: Łobódź
Łobudzice Gmina Szadek Loboschitz, 1837 Protestant and Catholic Southwest Germans School (1919) pl: Łobudzice (powiat zduńskowolski)
Łódź * Lodsch Litzmannstadt (1939–1945) 1823 Cloth makers and craftsmen from the Poznan area, Silesia , Saxony and Bohemia School (1826), 4 schools (1867), 9 schools (1899), schools with 127 (around 1919) and 100 (around 1925) classes, churches: St. Trinitatis since 1826, St. Johannis since 1884, St. Matthäi since 1929, Polish ev. Parish since 1936 pl: Łódź
Łomnik Aleksandrów Łódzki before 1825
Majdany Maidom
Maiówka Majówka 1816 Silesians
Małczew-Holland or Holendry see Adamów
Małogórne Gmina Parzęczew Kleingórne, Małagorne, Male Górne 1798 Pomerania
Mariampol Gmina Parzęczew Maryampol before 1825 School (1865) pl: Mariampol (powiat zgierski)
Marianów Gmina Rogów before 1843 School (1865) pl: Marianów Rogowski
Marjanów (northwest of Łódź ) Łódź , Bałuty district? 1850, 1864-1865 Silesians
Marianów (near Łask ) Gmina Wodzierady Maryanov 1820 Silesians School (around 1925) pl: Marianów (powiat łaski)
Marianów Kołacki Gmina Brzeziny Maryanów before 1825 pl: Marianów Kołacki
Markówka Gmina Dobroń Hochweiler, Hochwald 1803, around 1800, 1803–1806 Protestant Southwest Germans, Swabians, Swabians, Hesse, Huguenots School (1865, around 1919) pl: Markówka
Mauryców Gmina Wodzierady Maurycew 1815, after 1835 Silesians School (1919) pl: Mauryców (powiat łaski)
Michałów (east of Brzeziny) Gmina Rogów? before 1835 only four settler sites
Michałów (southeast of Brzeziny ) 1878 Pomerania
Michałów (north of Zgierz ) Gmina Zgierz Pomerania pl: Michałów (powiat zgierski)
Mieczki see Kalonka
Mikołajew Łódź ? Bałuty? or Gmina Aleksandrów Łódzkie 1820 Silesians
Mikołajów Gmina Rokiciny Mikołajew before 1835 School (1865) pl: Mikołajów (powiat tomaszowski)
Mikołajew Gmina Parzęczew before 1835 pl: Mikołajew (powiat zgierski)
Mileszki Łódź , Widzew district Militz 1790, 1793, before 1795, after 1835 Badener, Catholic Southwest German Catholic, school (1798) pl: Mileszki (osiedle administracyjne w Łodzi) and pl: Mileszki
Mileszki Holland see Janów
Modlica Gmina Tuszyn Modlitz before 1795, 1796, before 1825 Half Polish and half German The German settlers later emigrated. pl: Modlica (województwo łódzkie)
Modlna Gmina Ozorków Pomerania pl: Modlna
Moscow Łódź ?, Widzew? Moskuliki, Małe Moskule 1820, before 1825 Pomerania School (1865)
Natolin Gmina Nowosolna 1820 Protestant Southwest Germans, Swabians pl: Natolin (województwo łódzkie)
Nery * Łódź ?, Widzew? Pomerania
Niecki Gmina Nowosolna before 1825
Nowa Jerozolima Gmina Parzęczew before 1825 pl: Nowa Jerozolima (województwo łódzkie)
Nowe Krasnodęby Gmina Aleksandrów Łódzki Neu-Schöneich 1820 Pomerania pl: Nowe Krasnodęby
Nowe Rokicie Łódź , Górna district New Rokicie Silesians, Pomerania School (around 1919) pl: Nowe Rokicie (osiedle w Łodzi)
Nowe Wrzeszczewice Gmina Łask New Wrzeszczewice Silesians pl: Nowe Wrzeszczewice
Novosolna Łódź , Widzew district Neusulzfeld, Sulzfeld, Neu-Sulzfeld 1801 Protestant Southwest Germans, Swabians School (1919), school with three classes (around 1925), church since 1838 pl: Nowosolna
Novostawy Gmina Dmosin or Gmina Stryków Nowestawy before 1825 Almost all of the settlers emigrated between 1825 and 1835. pl: Nowostawy Dolne or pl: Nowostawy Górne
Nowy Adamów (near Aleksandrów Łódzki ) Gmina Aleksandrów Łódzki New Adamow, New Adam, Adamów Nowy 1828, 1832 Silesians School (around 1919) pl: Nowy Adamów
Nowy Świat Gmina Wodzierady before 1825 pl: Nowy Świat (powiat łaski)
Olechów Łódź , Widzew district Wiskitno Kolonia around 1790, 1794, before 1796 Silesians, Pomeranians, Germans and Poles School (1865, 1919) pl: Olechów-Janów (osiedle administracyjne w Łodzi) and pl: Olechów
Ostrówek (north of Zgierz) before 1825 Only 1–2 settler sites. ? pl: Ostrów (gmina Zgierz)
Ozorków * Brunnstadt (1943–1945) 1813, 1816 Drapers mainly from Rogasen (Rogoźno) , Kolmar (Chodzież) and Dombie (Dąbie) School (three-class from 1882, around 1919), church since 1826, immigration of drapers to the area of ​​what will later be the city from 1807 pl: Ozorków
Pabianice * Pabianitz before 1803, 1825 School (s) with 12 classes (around 1925), German high school (from 1916), church since 1827 (previously attempted to establish a foundation in 1818) pl: Pabianice
Pabyanka Łódź , Bałuty district? 1855 Silesians
Palestyna Gmina Zgierz Palestine 1860, 1864-1865 Pomerania School (from 1866) pl: Palestyna (województwo łódzkie)
Pawlikowice Gmina Pabianice 1794, after 1790, before 1795, before 1796 Silesians, as well as Poles from the Poznan area, Germans and Poles School (1919, around 1925) pl: Pawlikowice (powiat pabianicki)
Pelagia Gmina Wodzierady after 1835 Silesians pl: Pelagia (województwo łódzkie)
Piaskowa Góra Aleksandrów Łódzki Reschkenberg, Jeschkenberg (this version is obviously a transmission error), Sandberg 1808 Silesians
Piątkowisko Gmina Pabianice Piontkowisko 1815 Silesians, Pomerania pl: Piątkowisko
Placydów Gmina Aleksandrów Łódzki 1850 Pomerania pl: Placydów
Plichtów Gmina Nowosolna 1795, 1798 Pomerania pl: Plichtów
Podole Gmina Zgierz 1860, 1864-1865 Pomerania pl: Podole (województwo łódzkie)
Podwionczyn before 1835 School (1865)
Policy Gmina Brzeziny before 1825 pl: Polik (województwo łódzkie)
Popielawy Gmina Rokiciny, part of Łaznowska Wola (Grömbach) 1806 4 settler sites
Poreba Łódź? before 1835 Poland
Proboszczowice Gmina Zgierz? Proboszczowice, Proboszczewice 1800 School (dissolved in 1840)
Przanowice Gmina Koluszki Pszanowice 1790, 1798 Pomerania pl: Przanowice
Przanowice-Holland see Gaj
Przyłęk Gmina Rogów before 1795, before 1800 School (1865) pl: Przyłęk Duży or pl: Przyłęk Mały
Przyrownica Gmina Wodzierady after 1835 Silesians pl: Przyrownica
Pustkowa Góra Gmina Parzęczew Pustkowie Górne, Pustkowa Góra H. 1783, 1784 Pomerania School (around 1919) pl: Pustkowa Góra
Radogoszcz Łódź , Bałuty district Radegast 1794, 1794 (1795), before 1800, after 1835 Silesians School (around 1919), church since 1932 (Łódź-Radogoszcz parish) pl: Radogoszcz (osiedle Łodzi)
Radogoszcz Holland see Żabieniec
Radziborz 1850 Pomerania
Rafałów Gmina Zgierz or Parzęczew before 1825
Rafałów Aleksandrów Łódzki? before 1825
Rąbień Gmina Aleksandrów Łódzki Rombień 1800, 1802 Silesians School (around 1919) pl: Rąbień
Rąbinek after 1835 Silesians
Reginów (near Ciosny) 1845
Rembów Gmina Łask Rębów 1815 Silesians pl: Rembów (powiat łaski)
Reksuł Gmina Parzęczew Chociszewer Holl., Choziszew, Rexul, Rexul Holland Rebenau (1943–1945) before 1800, 1800 Pomerania School (1805)
Rogi * Łódź , Bałuty district Pomerania pl: Julianów-Marysin-Rogi (osiedle administracyjne w Łodzi) or pl: Rogi (osiedle w Łodzi)
Rogów Gmina Rogów before 1843 pl: Rogów (powiat brzeziński)
Rokiciny Gmina Rokiciny after 1835 Pomerania pl: Rokiciny (województwo łódzkie)
Rokitnica Gmina Łask 1800 Silesians School (1865, around 1925) pl: Rokitnica (powiat łaski)
Romanów * Łódź , Bałuty district 1885 Silesians pl: Romanów (osiedle w Łodzi)
Rosanów Gmina Zgierz Rosenau, Rozenów, Rosynów, Rossenow 1820, 1826, before 1835, 1840 Pomerania School (1865, around 1867, around 1919, until 1922) pl: Rosanów
Rozenów N. 1845 Pomerania
Ruda Gmina Aleksandrów Łódzki 1782 Silesians Church 1801–1829 (Groß Brużica parish, moved to Aleksandrów Łódzki in 1829) pl: Ruda-Bugaj
Ruda Pabianicka Łódź , Górna district Ruda Pabjanicka 1910 School with 5 classes (around 1925), church since 1924 pl: Ruda Pabianicka
Rudunki (Zgierz) Wilhelmstal, Rudonki pl: Osiedle Rudunki (Zgierz)
Rydzyny Gmina Pabianice Reisner Holl. around 1790, 1791, 1794, before 1795 Pomerania, as well as Poles from the Poznan area, Germans and Poles School (1865) pl: Rydzyny
Sanie Gmina Aleksandrów Łódzki 1832, after 1835 Silesians pl: Sanie (województwo łódzkie)
Sąsieczno before 1835 Pomerania and possibly southwest Germans
Skoszewka before 1825
Skoszewy Gmina Nowosolna before 1825 Several farms were later forcibly withdrawn from the landlord, in 1921 there was only one Protestant resident. pl: Stare Skoszewy or pl: Nowe Skoszewy
Skotniki Małe Gmina Zgierz before 1825 pl: Skotniki (gmina Zgierz)
Słotwiny Gmina Koluszki Słotfiny before 1800 Pomerania pl: Słotwiny (województwo łódzkie)
Słowik Gmina Zgierz Słowik H. 1784, 1785, before 1795 Pomerania School (1798, 1865, around 1919), some settlers emigrated between 1825 and 1835. pl: Słowik (województwo łódzkie)
Smolice * Gmina Stryków after 1835 Pomerania pl: Smolice (powiat zgierski)
Sokola Góra Gmina Parzęczew, Mariampol Schulzenamt before 1825 pl: Sokola Góra (powiat zgierski)
Sokołowo (northwest of Łódź) before 1825 Most of the settlers emigrated between 1825 and 1835.
Srebrna Dąbrowa Konstantynów Łódzki Srebrna, Schribnau, Schreibenau, Schribne 1834, 1835, around 1850 Baden, Catholics from the Mannheim area , Catholic Southwest Germans Catholic
Stamirowice Gmina Koluszki 1805 or 1819 (Kossmann records two places with this name close together. This is probably a transcription error, as no other source mentions two places with this name in this area). Pomerania pl: Stamirowice (województwo łódzkie)
Stanisławów Stary Gmina Lutomiersk 1845 Silesians School (1919) pl: Stanisławów Stary
Stanisławów Nowy (near Aleksandrów Łódzki ) Gmina Lutomiersk 1860 Silesians pl: Stanisławów Nowy
Stanisławow (southeast of Pabianice ) Gmina Dłutów or Gmina Tuszin 1855 Pomerania, Silesians
Stare Krasnodęby Gmina Aleksandrów Łódzki Alt-Schöneich, Durlach 1802 Pomerania pl: Stare Krasnodęby
Starowa Góra Gmina Rzgów Effingshausen, Effinghausen 1800, 1803-1805 Protestant Southwest Germans, Swabians School (1865, 1919, around 1925) pl: Starowa Góra
Stary Adamów (near Aleksandrów Łódzki ) Gmina Aleksandrów Łódzki Old Adamow, Old Adam, Adamów Stary 1815 Silesians School (1865, 1919) pl: Stary Adamów
Stawki 1870 Silesians
Stefanów (southeast of Brzeziny ) Gmina Koluszki before 1795, 1795 Pomerania pl: Stefanów (gmina Koluszki)
Stefanów (southeast of Łódź ) Gmina Brójce Pomerania pl: Stefanów (gmina Brójce)
Stefanów Gmina Rogów before 1800, before 1825 School (1805) pl: Stefanów (powiat brzeziński)
Stefanów Gmina Rokiciny before 1835 pl: Stefanów (powiat tomaszowski)
Stępowizna Stamping meadow 1830 Pomerania
Stróża Gmina Andrespol Stróza 1870 Pomerania School (around 1919) pl: Stróża (powiat łódzki wschodni)
Strumiany Gmina Zgierz before 1825 Some of the settlers emigrated between 1825 and 1835. ? pl: Dąbrówka-Strumiany
Stryków * Strickau (1943–1945) 1791 Cloth makers from Lissa (Leszno) and the Poznań area School (around 1925) pl: Stryków
Strzelnia Gmina Rogów before 1843
Swędów Gmina Stryków Swendow, Swendow H. 1789, 1790, 1792, before 1795 Pomerania School (1798, around 1867, around 1919) pl: Swęndów
Syberia Gmina Brzeziny Syberya before 1825 pl: Syberia (województwo łódzkie)
Szatonia * Aleksandrów Łódzki Szatonia Pomerania pl: Szatonia
Szedlika 1864-1865
Szynkielew Gmina Pabianice Szynkielów 1845, after 1835 Silesians School (around 1919) pl: Szynkielew
Tadzin * Gmina Rzgów Pomerania pl: Tadzin (powiat łódzki wschodni)
Tarnowa Gmina Poddębice before 1800 Pomerania Most of the German settlers later emigrated. pl: Tarnowa (województwo łódzkie)
Taurów Gmina Żelechlinek around 1800 Pomerania School (1865)
Tążewy Gmina Dłutów Tązowy before 1825 Most of the settlers emigrated between 1825 and 1835. pl: Tążewy
Teodorów Gmina Brzeziny 1801 pl: Teodorów (powiat brzeziński)
Teofilów Łódź , Bałuty district 1870 Silesians pl: Teofilów-Wielkopolska (osiedle administracyjne w Łodzi) or pl: Teofilów (osiedle w Łodzi)
Teolin Gmina Nowosolna 1820, before 1825 Protestant Southwest Germans, Swabians School (1919, around 1925) pl: Teolin (wojewódzo łódzkie)
Terenine after 1835 Silesians
Tkaczewska Góra Gmina Parzęczew New Württemberg around 1800, 1803 Swabia School (1919) pl: Tkaczewska Góra
Trupianka Gmina Dalików, Gmina Lutomiersk or Aleksandrów Łódzki 1865 Silesians
Tumusin Gmina Poddębice after 1835 Pomerania The German settlers later emigrated. pl: Tumusin
Turobowice Gmina Koluszki 1890 Pomerania pl: Turobowice (powiat łódzki wschodni)
Thyme * Gmina Stryków 1855, after 1880 Pomerania pl: Tymianka (województwo łódzkie)
Ukraine Gmina Zgierz 1860, 1862, 1864-1865 Pomerania pl: Ukraina (województwo łódzkie)
Ustronie (north of Aleksandrów Łódzki ) Gmina Zgierz 1860 Pomerania pl: Ustronie (województwo łódzkie)
Ustronie * (east of Łódź ) Łódź ?, Widzew? Pomerania
Utrata (southwest of Pabianice) before 1825
Wały Gmina Zgierz? before 1835
Warszewice Gmina Stryków before 1800, 1840 Pomerania pl: Warszewice (województwo łódzkie)
Wiączyń Dolny Gmina Nowosolna Lower Wionczyn 1803 Swabia School (around 1925) pl: Wiączyń Dolny
Wiączyń Górny Łódź , Widzew district? Upper Wionczyn 1803 Swabia, Poland In 1826 there were 40 Reformed families in Wiączyń Górny
Wiączyń Nowy N.-Wionczyn, Neu-Wyącz. 1803, around 1800 Protestant Southwest Germans, Swabians School (1919)
Widzew Łódź Friedrichshagen before 1825 Poland pl: Widzew
Wielka Wieś Gmina Zgierz? before 1825
Wierzbno Aleksandrów Łódzki 1782, 1810 pl: Wierzbno (Aleksandrów Łódzki)
Wilczyca Gmina Dalików after 1835, before 1838 Pomerania School (1919) pl: Wilczyca (województwo łódzkie)
Wilków Gmina Dalików before 1800, before 1838 Pomerania School (1919), Most of the German settlers later emigrated. pl: Wilków (województwo łódzkie)
Wiśniowa Góra Gmina Andrespol Kirschberg 1860 Protestant Southwest Germans pl: Wiśniowa Góra
Wiskitno Kolonia see Olechów
Władysławów Gmina Zgierz 1820 Pomerania School (1919) pl: Władysławów (powiat zgierski)
Wola Branicka Gmina Zgierz 1825 Pomerania pl: Wola Branicka or pl: Wola Branicka-Kolonia
Wola Kazubowa * Gmina Tuszyn Wola Kozubowa after 1835 Pomerania, Silesians pl: Wola Kazubowa
Wola Rakowa * Gmina Brójce Wollrackhof pl: Wola Rakowa
Wola Zaradyńska Gmina Ksawerów 1815, after 1835 Silesians pl: Wola Zaradzyńska
Wola Żytowska Gmina Pabianice 1815, before 1825 Silesians pl: Wola Żytowska
Wołyń Gmina Zgierz 1864-1865 pl: Wołyń (województwo łódzkie)
Woźniki Gmina Dalików before 1800 Pomerania pl: Woźniki (powiat poddębicki)
Vodka Gmina Nowosolna before 1825 pl: Wódka (województwo łódzkie)
Wymysłów Francuski Gmina Dobroń Ms. Wymysłów 1800 to 1800 Swabia pl: Wymysłów Francuski
Wymysłów-Piaski Gmina Dobroń Piaski 1810 Pomerania pl: Wymysłów-Piaski
Wysieradz Gmina Pabianice, Janowice Schulzenamt 1820 Silesians pl: Wysieradz
Wytrzyszczki * Gmina Parzęczew Wytryszcz before 1825 Pomerania The German settlers later emigrated. pl: Wytrzyszczki
Zalesie * Gmina Wodzierady Silesians pl: Zalesie (powiat łaski)
Załęże before 1835
Tsarzew Łódź before 1825 Poland pl: Zarzew (osiedle w Łodzi)
Zdrzychów Gmina Dalików Zdzichów, Zdzychów after 1835 Pomerania pl: Zdrzychów
Zdziechów (west of Łódź ) Gmina Lutomiersk 1880, after 1835 Silesians pl: Zdziechów (województwo łódzkie)
Zgierz * Görnau (1943–1945) 1819, 1821 (partly even before 1806) Cloth makers mainly from Ozorków , Rogasen (Rogoźno) Meseritz (Międzyrzecz) and Ritschenwalde (Ryczywół) School (around 1867), school with 6 classes (around 1925), German grammar school (1917–1928), church since 1824 pl: Zgierz
Zgniłe Błoto Gmina Aleksandrów Łódzki 1828 Silesians pl: Zgniłe Błoto
Zielona Góra Gmina Koluszki Grünberg 1803 Swabians, Protestant Southwest Germans School (1865, around 1919) pl: Zielona Góra (województwo łódzkie)
Zimna Woda * Łódź , Bałuty district Pomerania
Zlotno Łódź , Polesie district Zlotna 1880 Silesians School (1919, around 1925) pl: Złotno (osiedle administracyjne w Łodzi)
Zlotniki Gmina Dalików Güldenstern after 1835 Pomerania The German settlers later emigrated.
Zofiówka Gmina Tuszyn 1850 Pomerania, Silesians School (around 1919) pl: Zofiówka (powiat łódzki wschodni)
Żabieniec (north of Łódź ) Łódź , Bałuty district Radogoszcz Holland 1793, 1797, before 1800 Silesians School (around 1867, 1919, around 1925)
Żabieniec (west of Pabianice ) see Babieniec (probably a reading error) after 1835
Żakowice Gmina Koluszki Saccower Hol., Saccower branch 1805, after 1835 Pomerania School (1865, 1919) pl: Żakowice (powiat łódzki wschodni)
Żytowice * Gmina Pabianice after 1835 Silesians pl: Żytowice


  1. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh bi bj bk bl bm bn bo bp bq br bs bt bu bv bw bx by bz ca cb cc cd ce cf cg ch ci cj ck cl cm cn co cp cq cr cs ct cu cv cw cx cy cz da db dc dd de df dg dh di dj dk dl dm dn do dp dq dr ds dt du dv dw dx dy dz ea eb ec ed ee ef eg eh ei ej ek el em en eo ep eq er es et eu ev ew ex ey ez fa fb fc fd fe ff fg fh fi fj fk fl fm fn fo fp fq fr fs ft fu fv fw fx fy fz ga gb gc gd ge Oskar Kossmann: Map development of the rural German settlement in north-western Congress Poland (1800, 1825, 1835, 1935). , in: Oskar Kossmann: The Germans in Poland since the Reformation. , Marburg 1978.
  2. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh bi bj bk bl bm bn bo bp bq br bs bt bu bv bw bx by bz ca cb cc cd ce cf cg ch ci cj ck cl cm cn co cp cq cr cs ct cu cv cw cx cy cz da db dc dd de df dg dh di dj dk dl dm dn do dp dq dr ds dt du dv dw dx dy dz ea eb ec ed ee ef eg eh ei ej ek el em en eo ep eq er es et eu ev ew ex ey ez fa fb fc fd fe ff fg fh fi fj fk fl fm fn fo fp fq fr fs ft fu fv fw fx fy fz ga gb gc gd ge gf gg gh gi gj gk gl gm gn go gp gq gr gs gt gu gv gw gx gy gz ha hb hc hd he hf hg hh hi hj hk hl hm hn ho hp hq hr hs ht hu hv hw hx hy hz ia ib ic id ie if ig ih ii ij ik il im in io ip iq ir is it iu iv iw ix iy iz ja jb jc jd je jf jg jh ji jj jk jl jm jn jo jp jq jr js jt ju jv jw jx jy jz ka kb kc kd ke kf kg kh ki kj kk kl km kn ko kp kq kr ks kt ku kv kw kx ky kz la lb lc ld le lf lg lh li lj lk ll lm ln lo lp lq lr ls lt lu lv lw lx ly lz ma mb mc m d me mf mg mh mi mj mk ml mm mn mo mp mq mr ms mt mu mv mw mx my mz na nb nc nd ne nf ng nh ni nj nk nl nm nn no np nq nr ns nt nu nv nw nx ny nz oa ob oc od oe of og oh oi oj ok ol om on oo op oq or os ot ou ov ow ox oy oz pa pb pc pd pe pf pg ph pi pj pk pl pm pn po pp pq pr ps pt pu pv pw px py pz qa qb qc qd qe qf qg qh qi qj qk ql qm qn qo qp qq qr qs qt qu qv qw qx qy qz ra rb rc rd re rf rg rh ri rj rk rl rm rn ro rp rq rr rs rt ru rv rw rx ry rz sa sb sc sd se sf sg sh si sj sk Albert Breyer: The German villages around Lodz. with map of German settlements in the area around Lodz. , in: German monthly books in Poland, magazine for the past and present of Germanness in Poland, volume 2 (12), issue 5/6, November / December 1935.
  3. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh bi bj bk bl bm bn bo bp bq br bs bt bu bv bw bx by bz ca cb cc cd ce cf cg ch ci cj ck cl cm cn co cp cq cr cs ct cu cv cw cx cy cz da db dc dd de df dg dh di dj dk dl dm dn do dp dq dr ds dt du dv dw dx dy dz ea eb ec ed ee ef eg eh ei ej ek el em en eo ep eq er es et eu ev ew ex ey ez fa fb fc fd fe ff fg fh fi fj fk fl fm fn fo fp fq fr fs ft fu fv fw fx fy fz ga gb gc gd ge gf gg gh gi gj gk gl gm gn go gp gq gr gs gt gu gv gw gx gy gz ha hb hc hd he hf hg hh hi hj hk hl hm hn ho hp hq hr hs ht hu hv hw hx hy hz ia ib ic id ie if ig ih ii ij ik il im in io ip iq ir is it iu iv iw ix iy iz ja jb jc jd je jf jg jh ji jj jk jl jm jn jo jp jq jr js jt ju jv jw jx Albert Breyer: "German settlements in Central Poland.", In Viktor Kauder ( Ed.): The Germanness in Central Poland. , Leipzig 1938.
  4. ^ Oskar Kossmann: Warsaw List of Colonies and Colonists from 1835 (supplemented by information from the years 1825, 1851, 1865). , in: Oskar Kossmann: The Germans in Poland since the Reformation. , Marburg 1978, pp. 367-399.
  5. ^ Oskar Kossmann: Warsaw List of Colonies and Colonists from 1835 (supplemented by information from the years 1825, 1851, 1865). , in: Oskar Kossmann: The Germans in Poland since the Reformation. , Marburg 1978, p. 396.
  6. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z Eduard Kneifel / Harry Richter: The Evangelical Lutheran Congregation Brzeziny near Lodz / Poland 1829–1945. , Vierkirchen / Schwabach 1983, p. 9.
  7. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z Otto Heike: 150 years of Swabian settlements in Poland 1795–1945. , Leverkusen 1979, p. 9.
  8. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s Oskar Kossmann: Warsaw list of colonies and colonists from the year 1835 (supplemented by information from the years 1825, 1851, 1865). , in: Oskar Kossmann: The Germans in Poland since the Reformation. , Marburg 1978, p. 376.
  9. a b c Albert Breyer: The German villages in the area around Lodz. with map of German settlements in the area around Lodz. , in: German monthly books in Poland, magazine for the past and present of Germanness in Poland, volume 2 (12), issue 5/6, November / December 1935, p. 202.
  10. a b c d e f Oskar Kossmann: Warsaw List of Colonies and Colonists from 1835 (supplemented by information from 1825, 1851, 1865). , in: Oskar Kossmann: The Germans in Poland since the Reformation. , Marburg 1978, p. 397.
  11. ^ A b Eduard Kneifel: The Evangelical Augsburg congregations in Poland 1555-1939. Vierkirchen 1971, p. 142.
  12. a b c Albert Breyer: German clothmaker immigration in the East Central European area from 1550 to 1830. Leipzig 1941, p. 134.
  13. a b c d In addition to those listed here, the source also names other places of origin of German immigrants in this place.
  14. a b c d Eduard Kneifel: The Evangelical Augsburg congregations in Poland 1555-1939. Vierkirchen 1971, p. 143.
  15. ^ A b Eduard Kneifel: The Evangelical Augsburg congregations in Poland 1555-1939. Vierkirchen 1971, p. 145.
  16. a b c d e f g h i j k Eduard Kneifel: The Evangelical Augsburg congregations in Poland 1555-1939. Vierkirchen 1971, p. 146.
  17. ^ Adolf Eichler: Andrespol. An excerpt from the history of the German settlement in Congress Poland. In: German scientific newspaper for Poland, issue 1 from 1923, p. 54.
  18.  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Dead Link /  
  19. ^ Eduard Kneifel: The Evangelical Augsburg congregations in Poland 1555-1939. Vierkirchen 1971, p. 147.
  20. a b c d e f g h i j k l m Oskar Kossmann: Warsaw list of colonies and colonists from the year 1835 (supplemented by information from the years 1825, 1851, 1865). , in: Oskar Kossmann: The Germans in Poland since the Reformation. , Marburg 1978, p. 393.
  21. a b c Eduard Kneifel: The Evangelical Augsburg congregations in Poland 1555-1939. Vierkirchen 1971, p. 161.
  22. a b c d e f g h i j k l m Eduard Kneifel: The Evangelical Augsburg congregations in Poland 1555-1939. Vierkirchen 1971, p. 157.
  23. a b c d e f g h i j k Oskar Kossmann: A Lodzer Heimatbuch. , Hanover 1967, p. 52.
  24. ^ Eduard Kneifel: The Evangelical Augsburg congregations in Poland 1555-1939. Vierkirchen 1971, p. 159.
  25. a b c d Oskar Kossmann: A Lodzer Heimatbuch. , Hanover 1967, p. 109.
  26. ^ A b Eduard Kneifel: The Evangelical Augsburg congregations in Poland 1555-1939. Vierkirchen 1971, p. 150.
  27. ^ Eduard Kneifel: The Evangelical Augsburg congregations in Poland 1555-1939. Vierkirchen 1971, p. 151.
  28. a b c d e f g h i Eduard Kneifel: The Evangelical Augsburg congregations in Poland 1555–1939. Vierkirchen 1971, p. 182.
  29. ^ A b c d e f Eduard Kneifel: The Evangelical Augsburg congregations in Poland 1555-1939. Vierkirchen 1971, p. 156.
  30. a b c d Eduard Kneifel: The Evangelical Augsburg congregations in Poland 1555-1939. Vierkirchen 1971, p. 155.
  31.  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Dead Link /  
  32. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac Eduard Kneifel: The Evangelical Augsburg congregations in Poland 1555–1939. Vierkirchen 1971, p. 178.
  33. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o Oskar Kossmann: Warsaw list of colonies and colonists from the year 1835 (supplemented by information from the years 1825, 1851, 1865). , in: Oskar Kossmann: The Germans in Poland since the Reformation. , Marburg 1978, p. 372.
  34. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x Oskar Kossmann: Warsaw list of colonies and colonists from 1835 (supplemented with information from 1825, 1851, 1865) . , in: Oskar Kossmann: The Germans in Poland since the Reformation. , Marburg 1978, p. 371.
  35. a b c Albert Breyer: The German villages in the area around Lodz. with map of German settlements in the area around Lodz. , in: German Monthly Issues in Poland, Journal for the Past and Present of Germanness in Poland, Volume 2 (12), Issue 5/6, November / December 1935, p. 197.
  36. ^ Oskar Kossmann: The Germans in Poland since the Reformation. Marburg 1978, p. 257.
  37.  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Dead Link /  
  38. ^ A b c d e f g h i j k l Albert Breyer: The German villages around Lodz. with map of German settlements in the area around Lodz. , in: German monthly books in Poland, magazine for the past and present of Germanness in Poland, volume 2 (12), issue 5/6, November / December 1935, p. 199.
  39. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o Eduard Kneifel: History of the Evangelical-Augsburg Church in Poland. , Niedermarschacht 1964, p. 93.
  40. Albert Breyer: German cloth makers immigration to the East Central European area from 1550 to 1830. Leipzig 1941, p. 135.
  41. ^ A b Eduard Kneifel: The Evangelical Augsburg congregations in Poland 1555-1939. Vierkirchen 1971, p. 152.
  42. ^ A b Oskar Kossmann: A Lodzer Heimatbuch. , Hanover 1967, p. 112.
  43. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x Oskar Kossmann: Warsaw list of colonies and colonists from 1835 (supplemented with information from 1825, 1851, 1865) . , in: Oskar Kossmann: The Germans in Poland since the Reformation. , Marburg 1978, p. 377.
  44. a b c Eduard Kneifel: The Evangelical Augsburg congregations in Poland 1555-1939. Vierkirchen 1971, p. 148.
  45. a b c d e f g h i Eduard Kneifel: The Evangelical Augsburg congregations in Poland 1555–1939. Vierkirchen 1971, p. 174.
  46. a b c d Oskar Kossmann: Warsaw List of Colonies and Colonists from 1835 (supplemented by information from 1825, 1851, 1865). , in: Oskar Kossmann: The Germans in Poland since the Reformation. , Marburg 1978, p. 392.
  47. a b c d e f g Eduard Kneifel: The Evangelical Augsburg congregations in Poland 1555-1939. Vierkirchen 1971, p. 149.
  48. ^ A b c d e f g h i j k l Albert Breyer: The German villages around Lodz. with map of German settlements in the area around Lodz. , in: German monthly books in Poland, magazine for the past and present of Germanness in Poland, volume 2 (12), issue 5/6, November / December 1935, p. 206.
  49. ^ A b Oskar Kossmann: A Lodzer Heimatbuch. , Hanover 1967, p. 64.
  50. a b c d e f g h i Oskar Kossmann: The Germans in Poland since the Reformation. , Marburg 1978, p. 258.
  51. a b c d e f g Oskar Kossmann: A Lodzer Heimatbuch. , Hanover 1967, p. 150.
  52. ^ A b Eduard Kneifel: The Evangelical Augsburg congregations in Poland 1555-1939. Vierkirchen 1971, p. 144.
  53. a b c d e Eduard Kneifel: The Evangelical Augsburg congregations in Poland 1555-1939. Vierkirchen 1971, p. 173.
  54. ^ A b Eduard Kneifel / Harry Richter: The Evangelical Lutheran Congregation Brzeziny near Lodz / Poland 1829–1945. , Vierkirchen / Schwabach 1983, p. 27.
  55. a b Otto Heike: 150 Years of Swabian Settlements in Poland 1795–1945. , Leverkusen 1979, p. 275.
  56. a b c Roman Catholic Church Book of the Church in Skoszewy Stare, LDS microfilm No. 904348.
  57. Kneifel locates the communal school of Głogowiec , Boginia and Głabie in Głogowiec, but this is probably not correct, since the teacher Kerrentopf specified by Breyer for this school lived in Głabie according to the relevant church book, Stare Skoszewy .
  58. a b c Otto Heike: 150 years of Swabian settlements in Poland 1795–1945. , Leverkusen 1979, p. 50.
  59. ^ Otto Heike: 150 Years of Swabian Settlements in Poland 1795–1945. , Leverkusen 1979, p. 50f.
  60. a b c d e Eduard Kneifel: The Evangelical Augsburg congregations in Poland 1555-1939. Vierkirchen 1971, p. 180.
  61. ^ Eduard Kneifel: The Evangelical Augsburg congregations in Poland 1555-1939. Vierkirchen 1971, p. 181.
  62. a b c d e f g Oskar Kossmann: A Lodzer Heimatbuch. , Hanover 1967, p. 65.
  63. a b c d e f g h Oskar Kossmann: Warsaw List of Colonies and Colonists from 1835 (supplemented by information from 1825, 1851, 1865). , in: Oskar Kossmann: The Germans in Poland since the Reformation. , Marburg 1978, p. 373.
  64. ^ Eduard Kneifel: The Evangelical Augsburg congregations in Poland 1555-1939. Vierkirchen 1971, p. 175.
  65. a b Otto Heike: 150 Years of Swabian Settlements in Poland 1795–1945. , Leverkusen 1979, p. 10.
  66.  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Dead Link /  
  67. a b c d e f g Oskar Kossmann: Warsaw List of Colonies and Colonists from 1835 (supplemented by information from 1825, 1851, 1865). , in: Oskar Kossmann: The Germans in Poland since the Reformation. , Marburg 1978, p. 394.
  68. ^ A b Oskar Kossmann: A Lodzer Heimatbuch. , Hanover 1967, p. 149.
  69. ^ Oskar Kossmann: A Lodzer Heimatbuch. , Hanover 1967, p. 147.
  70. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v Oskar Kossmann: Warsaw List of Colonies and Colonists from 1835 (supplemented with information from 1825, 1851, 1865). , in: Oskar Kossmann: The Germans in Poland since the Reformation. , Marburg 1978, p. 378.
  71. ^ Eduard Kneifel: The Evangelical Augsburg congregations in Poland 1555-1939. Vierkirchen 1971, p. 160.
  72. ^ Eduard Kneifel: The Evangelical Augsburg congregations in Poland 1555-1939. Vierkirchen 1971, p. 165.
  73. ^ Eduard Kneifel: The Evangelical Augsburg congregations in Poland 1555-1939. Vierkirchen 1971, p. 168.
  74. a b c d Eduard Kneifel: The Evangelical Augsburg congregations in Poland 1555-1939. Vierkirchen 1971, p. 170.
  75. ^ A b c Eduard Kneifel / Harry Richter: The Evangelical Lutheran Congregation Brzeziny near Lodz / Poland 1829-1945. , Vierkirchen / Schwabach 1983, p. 47.
  76. ^ Oskar Kossmann: A Lodzer Heimatbuch. , Hanover 1967, p. 95.
  77. ^ Otto Heike: 150 Years of Swabian Settlements in Poland 1795–1945. , Leverkusen 1979, p. 31.
  78. a b c Eduard Kneifel: The Evangelical Augsburg congregations in Poland 1555-1939. Vierkirchen 1971, p. 171.
  79. ^ A b Eduard Kneifel: The Evangelical Augsburg congregations in Poland 1555-1939. Vierkirchen 1971, p. 183.
  80. ^ A b Eduard Kneifel: The Evangelical Augsburg congregations in Poland 1555-1939. Vierkirchen 1971, p. 176.
  81. Lilli Zekorn: Janna. Stories from Lodz. , Rheinbach 2011, p. 112.
  82. ^ Słownik geograficzny Królestwa Polskiego i innych krajów słowiańskich, Volume IX, page 42
  83.  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Dead Link /  
  84. ^ Eduard Kneifel: The Evangelical Augsburg congregations in Poland 1555-1939. Vierkirchen 1971, p. 179.
  85. ^ Eduard Kneifel: The Evangelical Augsburg congregations in Poland 1555-1939. Vierkirchen 1971, p. 177.
  86. a b Robert Klatt: German place names Congress Poland. In: Deutsche Blätter in Polen , No. 2, 1925, p. 126.
  87. ^ Oskar Kossmann: The Germans in Poland since the Reformation. Marburg 1978, p. 250.
  88. ^ Oskar Kossmann: A Lodzer Heimatbuch. , Hanover 1967, p. 80.
  89. ^ Oskar Kossmann: Germans in the middle of Poland. Our ancestors at the loom of history. Berlin / Bonn 1985, p. 68.
  90. ^ Albert Breyer: German cloth makers immigration to the East Central European area from 1550 to 1830. Leipzig 1941, p. 51f.
  91. ^ Oskar Kossmann: Germans in the middle of Poland. Our ancestors at the loom of history. Berlin / Bonn 1985, pp. 68f.
  92. ^ Eduard Kneifel: The Evangelical Augsburg congregations in Poland 1555-1939. Vierkirchen 1971, p. 153.
  93. a b c d Oskar Kossmann: Warsaw List of Colonies and Colonists from 1835 (supplemented by information from 1825, 1851, 1865). , in: Oskar Kossmann: The Germans in Poland since the Reformation. , Marburg 1978, p. 379.
  94. ^ Eduard Kneifel: The Evangelical Augsburg congregations in Poland 1555-1939. Vierkirchen 1971, p. 157f.
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  97. ^ Eduard Kneifel: The Evangelical Augsburg congregations in Poland 1555-1939. Vierkirchen 1971, p. 273.