List of algorithms
This is a list of articles on algorithms in the German language Wikipedia. See also under Data Structure for a list of data structures.
Classes of algorithms according to complexity
- Space complexity
- Linear space-constrained algorithm
- Logarithmically space-constrained algorithm
- Polynomial space-constrained algorithm
- Exponentially space constrained algorithm
- Time complexity
- Linear time-limited algorithm
- Logarithmic time-constrained algorithm
- Polynomial time-constrained algorithm
- Exponentially time-constrained algorithm
Classes of algorithms according to machine capabilities
- Deterministic algorithm
- Non-deterministic algorithm
- Quantum mechanical algorithm
- Randomized algorithm
Classes of algorithms according to the problem
Classes of algorithms by method
- Approximation algorithm
- Dynamic algorithm
- Evolutionary Algorithm
- Greedy algorithm
- Probabilistic algorithm
Geometry and graphics
- Rasterization
- Rasterization of lines
- Rasterization of polygons
- Grid of circles
- Bresenham's algorithm
- De Casteljau algorithm
- Floodfill
- Marching cubes
- Parabolic blending
- Delaunay triangulation
- Voronoi diagram
- Algorithms to compute the convex hull
Graph theory
- Shortest path algorithms
- Spanning tree algorithms (MST, minimal spanning tree )
- Algorithms for calculating maximum flows in networks
- Algorithms for the Steiner Tree Problem
- Search in graphs:
- Algorithms for the Traveling Salesman Problem
Calendar invoice
- BLAST algorithm
- Center-Star Algorithm
- FASTA algorithm
- Fitch algorithm
- Needleman Desire Algorithm
- Smith-Waterman algorithm
- Audio data compression
- Entropy coding
- Run length coding
- LZ77
- Lempel-Ziv-Welch algorithm (LZW)
- Deflate
- Sequitur
- Wavelet transform
- Distance classifier
- Bayesian classifier
- Cluster process
- Decision tree
- Fuzzy classifier
- Artificial neural network
- Mahalanobis distance classifier
- Multi-layer perceptron
- Nearest neighbor classification
- Perceptron
- Polynomial classifier
- Cuboid classifier
- Radial base functions
- Support vector machines
Cluster analysis
- DBSCAN - Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise
- EM algorithm
- K-means algorithm
- OPTICS - Ordering Points To Identify the Clustering Structure
- Symmetrical encryption algorithms (secret key cryptology systems)
- Asymmetric encryption algorithms (public key cryptology systems)
- Hybrid process
- Special encryption algorithms (applications)
Checksum method
- Eagle-32
- Hamming code
- ZRP or CRC - Cyclic Redundancy Check or Cyclic Redundancy Check
- See the list of numerical methods .
Sorting algorithms
- Binary Tree Sort
- Bogosort
- Bubble sort
- Bucket location
- Combsort
- Counting location
- Gnome location
- Heapsort
- Hybrid variety
- Insertion location
- Introsort : Improved quick sort algorithm, which also has a runtime of in the worst case .
- Merge insertion
- Merge sort
- Quicksort
- Natal variety
- Selection location
- Shakersort
- Shellsort
- Slow sort
- Smoothsort
- Stoogesort
- Swap sort
- Timsort
Search algorithms
- for text
- other
- Lazy Select - stochastic algorithm
- Interval search, also called interpolar search, for searching by estimating the position of the element being sought
Number theoretic algorithms
- Euclidean algorithm : Finding the greatest common divisor (GCF) of two natural numbers A and B
- Sieve of Eratosthenes : Determination of all prime numbers less than or equal to a given number
- CORDIC algorithm for the calculation of elementary trigonometric and hyperbolic functions
Tactical and strategy games
Other algorithms
- Binary exponentiation
- Luhn's extraction algorithm
- Zassenhaus algorithm , linear algebra
- Epidemic Algorithm
- Local Outlier Factor ( data mining - outlier detection )
- Quickselect