List of mountains in Ireland

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The list of mountains in Ireland includes the most important mountain ranges and highest mountains on the Irish island .

Map with the mountains, lakes, rivers and other geological features of Ireland ( larger version )

The information comes from the book: "A GUIDE TO IRELAND'S MOUNTAIN SUMMITS". They can also be found on the Internet on the Mountainviews page.

Mountain range in Ireland

This table includes all mountains with at least 500 m high mountains. It begins in County Kerry and continues counterclockwise geographically. If a mountain range is located in several counties and has mountains over 500 m there, it is listed several times.

province county Mountains
Muenster Kerry Brandon Group
Dingle West
Central Dingle
Slieve Mish Mountains
Dunkerron Mountains
Macgillycuddy's Reeks
The Paps
Derrynasaggart Mountains
Purple Mountain
Caha Mountains
Glenbeigh Horseshoe
Iveragh northwest
Shehy / Knockboy
Cork Shehy / Knockboy
Caha Mountains
Derrynasaggart Mountains
Boggeragh Mountains
limerick Galtee Mountains
Ballyhoura Mountains
Clare Slieve Bernagh
Tipperary Galtee Mountains
Keeper Hill
Knockmealdown Mountains
South Midlands
Waterford Knockmealdown Mountains
Comeragh Mountains
Leinster Wexford Blackstairs Mountains
Dublin / Wicklow Mountains
Kilkenny South Midlands
Carlow Blackstairs Mountains
Offaly Slieve Bloom Mountains
Laois Slieve Bloom Mountains
Wicklow Dublin / Wicklow Mountains
Dublin Dublin / Wicklow Mountains
Louth Cooley
Ulster Armagh Slieve Gullion
Down Morne Mountains
Antrim Antrim Hills
Derry / L'derry Sperrin Mountains
Tyrone Sperrin Mountains
Fermanagh Cuilcagh Mountains
Donegal Inishowen
Derryveagh Mountains
Glendowan Mountains
Donegal South-West
Blue Stack Mountains
Cavan Cuilcagh Mountains
Connacht Sligo Dartry Mountains
Ox Mountains or Slieve Gamph
Leitrim Iron Mountains
Dartry Mountains
Mayo Nephin Beg Range
Mweelrea Mountains
Croagh Patrick
Sheefry Hills
Ben Gorm
Galway Partry Mountains
Joyce Country
Twelve Bens

The highest mountains in Ireland

The highest mountains from 750 m and a saddle height from 90 m are listed here. The name given, the Irish name with its meaning, the altitude, the Schartenhöhe (SH), the associated mountains and a picture.

Name of the mountain Irish name Height in m Mountains SH in m image
Carrauntoohil Corrán Tuathail
Tuathail's sickle
1038.6 m Macgillycuddy's Reeks 1038 m Carrantuohill.jpg
Beenkeragh Binn Chaorachl
Mountain of sheep
1007.9 m Macgillycuddy's Reeks 91 m Macgillycuddy's Reeks, Binn Chaorach (Beenkeragh) - - 1434441.jpg
Caher Cathair
Stone gone
1000.0 m Macgillycuddy's Reeks 100 m Caher from Carrauntoohil - - 331993.jpg
Knocknapeasta Cnoc na Péiste
Hill of the serpent
988 m Macgillycuddy's Reeks 253 m Macgillycuddy's Reeks, Lough Callee and Cnoc na Péiste (Knocknapeasta) - - 1434579.jpg
Mount Brandon Cnoc Bréanainn
Brendan's hill
951.7 m Brandon Group 934 m Mt.Brandon, Co. Kerry, Ireland - - 425649.jpg
Lugnaquilla Log na Coille
Hollow of the wood
925 m Dublin / Wicklow Mountains 915 m Peaklug.jpg
Galtymore Cnoc Mór na nGaibhlte
Big hill of the Galtees
917.9 m Galtee Mountains 898 m Galtymore Mountains.JPG
Building space Barr Trí gCom
Top of the three hollows
851 m Slieve Mish Mountains 643 m A foggy day on the summit of Baurtregaum, Slieve Mish - - 332923.jpg
Slieve Donard Sliabh Dónairt
(St.) Dónairt's mountain
850 m Morne Mountains 822 m Murlough Beach, August 2010 (04) .JPG
Mullaghcleevaun Mullach Cliabháin
Summit of the cradle
849 m Dublin / Wicklow Mountain 374 m Cleevaun Lough - - 1216702.jpg
Mount Brandon Cnoc Bréanainn
Brendan's hill
840 m Brandon Group 190 m Boulder fields and clouds - - 219291.jpg
Mangerton Mountain an Mhangarta
The long-haired (mountain)
839 m Mangerton 584 m Devil's Punchbowl 1.jpg
Caherconree Cathair Conraoi
Stone ringfort of Cú Roí
835 m Slieve Mish Mountains 129 m Caherconree Fort.JPG
Purple Mountain at Sliabh Corcra
Purple Mountain
832 m Purple Mountain 597 m Purple Mountain View, Killarney.jpg
Beenoskee Binn os Gaoith
Mountain above the wind / estuary
826 m Central Dingle 491 m Kilcummin, Co. Kerry - - 249574.jpg
Lyracappul Ladhar to Chapaill
Fork / confluence of the horse
825 m Galtee Mountains 100 m Wall and Summit - - 1031562.jpg
Clay layers Tóin le Gaoith
Back-side to the wind
817 m Dublin / Wicklow Mountains 202 m IMGTonelageeR756 4975cw.jpg
Mweelrea Cnoc Maol Réidh
Smooth soon hill
814 m Mweelwrea Mountains 779 m Mweelrea depuis Rosroe - Killary harbor-Mweelrea.JPG
Nephin Néifinn
Heavenly / Sanctuary
806 m Nephin 778 m Lough conn.jpg
Ben Lugmore Binn Log Mhór
Peak of the big hollow
803 m Mweelrea Mountains 158 m
Greenane At Grianán
Sunny spot
802 m Galtee Mountains 157 m
Mount Leinster Stua Laighean
Prince (warrior) of Leinster
795 m Blackstairs Mountains 707 m Mount Leinster.JPG
Knockmealdown Cnoc Mhaoldomhnaigh
Hill of Muldowney
794 m Knockmealdow Mountains 682 m Irl-Knockmealdown.jpg
Fauscoum Fáschom
Empty hollow
792 m Comeragh Mountains 622 m
Temple Hill Cnoc to Teampaill
Hill of the church
785 m Galtee Mountains 190 m
Stumpa Dúloigh Stumpa Dúloigh
Stump of the black lake
784 m Dunkerron Mountains 499 m View over the Bridia Valley - - 451316.jpg
Mullaghanattin Mullach at Aitinn
Summit of the gorse
773 m Dunkerron Mountains 528 m Gleann Chárthaigh - - 292585.jpg
Barrclashcame Barr Chlais Céim
Top of the trench of the step
772 m Sheefry Hills 720 m
Coomacarrea Com an Charria
Hollow of the stag
772 m Glenbeigh Horseshoe 457 m
Slieve Commedagh Sliabh Coimhéideach
Watching / guarding mountain
767 m Morne Mountains 180 m Slieve Commedagh-geograph-1136954.jpg
Croagh Patrick Cruach Phádraig
Patrick 'stack
764 m Croagh Patrick 639 m Croagh Patrick Ireland @ 20160531 04.jpg
Masatiompan Más an Tiompán
Rump of the drum / hump / hollow
763 m Brandon Group 108 m
Camenabologue Céim na mBulóg
Stack / pass of the bullocks
758 m Dublin / Wicklow Mountains 133 m Camenabologue.jpg
Kippure Cipiúr
757 m Dublin / Wicklow Mountains 262 m KippurePoor5179w.jpg
Knockanaffrin Cnoc to Aifrinn
Hill of the mass
755 m Comeragh Mountains 289 m
Errigal To Earagail
Oratory (?)
751 m Derryveagh Mountains 688 m Earagail.jpg

More mountains and the highest peaks in every county

Known mountains

Some well-known mountains below 750 m height and regardless of their height are listed here.

Name of the mountain Irish name Height in m Mountains SH in m image
Arderin Ard Éireann
The height of Ireland
527 m Slieve Bloom Mountains 320 m The Fanning Pass - - 586980.jpg
Ben Crom Binn Chrom
Curved / stooped peak
526 m Morne Mountains 81 m Ben Crom - - 1140038.jpg
Benbaun Binn Bhán
White peak
729 m Twelve Bens 684 m Benbaun.JPG
Ben Bulben Binn Ghulbain
Gulban's peak or
Jaw-shaped peak
526 m Dartry Mountains 61 m Benbulbenmount.jpg
Blackstairs Mountain An Staighre Dubh
The black stairs
735 m South Midlands 540 m Blackstairs3.jpg
Brandon Hill Cnoc Bhréanail
Hill of Bréanal
575 m South Midlands 450 m BrandonHill116.jpg
Croaghaun Cruachán
Little stack
688 m Achilles 688 m Croghaun Cliffs, Dooagh, Achill, Co Mayo, Ireland.jpg
Devilsmother Binn Garbh
Rough peak
645 m Partry Mountains 280 m Killary Harbor, the slipway at Nancy's Point - - 505424.jpg
Djouce Dioghais
Fortified height
725 m Dublin / Wicklow Mountains 200 m Djouce.jpg
Great sugar loaf Ó Cualann
Lump of Cualu
501 m Dublin / Wicklow Mountains 216 m IMG GreatSugarLoaf1038c.jpg
Hungry Hill Cnoc Daod
Hill of the tooth / set of teeth
685 m Caha Mountains 400 m Hungry hill.jpg
Keadeen Céidín
Flat topped hill
653 m Dublin / Wicklow Mountains 334 m Keadeen.JPG
Keeper Hill Sliabh Coimeálta
Mountain of the Guarding
694 m Keeper Hill 627 m KeeperHill.jpg
Mount Eagle Sliabh to Iolair
Mountain of the eagle
516 m Dingle West 461 m Mount-Eagle-Dingle-Peninsula.JPG
Muckish Mountain To Mhucai's
The pig back / ridge
667.1 m Derryveagh Mountains 523 m View across Lough Nadourcon to Muckish Mountain - - 431488.jpg
Nephin Beg Néifinn Bheag
Little sanctuary
627 m Nephin Beg Range 365 m LoughCullin.JPG
Sawel Samhail Phite Méabha
Resemblance of Maeve's vulva
678 m Sperrin Mountains 657 m Sawel mountain.jpg
Slieve Anierin Sliabh to Iarainn
Mountain of the iron
585 m Iron Mountains 245 m Slieve Anierin from Lough Allen.png
Slieve Binnian Sliabh Binneáin
Mountain of the small peak
747 m Morne Mountains 283 m NI Slieve Binnian.jpg
Slieve Foye Sliabh Feá
Mountain of rushes
589 m Cooley 494 m SlieveFoyWinter.jpg
Slieve Gullion Sliabh g Cuillinn
Mountain of the steep slope / holly
573 m Slieve Gullion 478 m Slieve Gullion, South-West Slope - - 255272.jpg
Slieve League Sliabh Liag
Mountain of the flagstones
595 m Donegal South-West 470 m Slieve League-cliffs-2.jpg
Slieve Snaght Sliabh Sneachta
Mountain of snow
675 m Inishowen 600 m Slieve Snaght - - 76651.jpg
Slievemore Sliabh Mór
The big mountain
671 m Achilles 582 m Slievemore.jpg
Slievenamon Sliabh na mBan
Mountain of the women
721 m South Midlands 711 m Slievenamon 2006-07-01.jpg
The Paps An Dá Chích
The two breasts
694 m The Paps 623 m The Paps of Dana-01.jpg
Consolation Trostán
Pole / Staff
550 m Antrim Hills 515 m Trig point at summit of Trostan - - 642884.jpg

The highest peaks in every county

In some cases peaks are in 2 counties. They can be the highest peak for both (Laois / Offaly), but they can also be the highest peak for just one county, with the second having a higher peak (Wicklow / Dublin).

county Surname height rank comment
Kerry Carrauntoohil 1038.6 m 1. Highest mountain in Ireland and Munster
Wicklow Lugnaquilla 905 m 13. Highest mountain in Leinster
limerick Galtymore 898 m 14th
Tipperary Galtymore 898 m 14th
Down Slieve Donard 822 m 19th Highest mountain in Ulster
Mayo Mweelrea 779 m 34. Highest mountain in Connacht
Carlow Mount Leinster 795 m 44.
Wexford Mount Leinster 795 m 44.
Waterford Knockmealdown 794 m 45. Summit is also part of Tipperary
Dublin Kippure 757 m 73. Summit is also part of Wicklow
Donegal Errigal 751 m 76.
Galway Benbaun 729 m 89.
Cork Knockboy 706 m 104. Summit also belongs to Kerry
Derry / Londonderry Sawel Mountain 678 m 144.
Tyrone Sawel Mountain 678 m 144.
Cavan Cuilcagh 665 m 165.
Fermanagh Cuilcagh 665 m 165.
Sligo Truskmore 647 m 201.
Leitrim Truskmore SE Cairn 631 m 229.
Louth Slieve Foye 589 m 299
Armagh Slieve Gullion 573 m 323.
Antrim Consolation 550 m 361.
Clare Moylussa 531.6 m 390
Laois Arderin 527 m 399
Offaly Arderin 527 m 399
Kilkenny Brandon Hill 515 m 425.
Roscommon Seltannasaggart 412 m 699.
Kildare Cupidstown Hill 379 m 872.
Monaghan Slieve Beagh 373 m 878.
Longford Corn Hill 278 m 980.
Meath Slieve na Calliagh 276 m 982.
Westmeath Mullaghmeen 258 m not known

Individual evidence

  2. " Information on the Irish mountains. Retrieved January 25, 2018