Team line-ups for the 1935 Chess Olympiad

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The tables show the line-up of the teams at the 1935 Chess Olympiad in Warsaw . The 20 participating teams played a full tournament with one game each against each other team. Each team had four regular players and a maximum of one substitute player. For each team the won, undecided and lost competitions as well as the scores are given. Then for each player his personal results follow. For the placement of the teams, the board points were the priority.


1. USA

space country G R. V Brettp. Team p.
1 United States 48United States United States 17th 0 2 54 34
board player G R. V Points Lots
1 Reuben Fine 05 8th 4th 9 17th
2 Frank Marshall 06th 3 3 7.5 12
3 Abraham Kupchik 06th 8th 0 10 14th
4th Arthur Dake 13 5 0 15.5 18th
R. Israel Albert Horowitz 10 4th 1 12 15th

2. Sweden

space country G R. V Brettp. Team p.
2 SwedenSweden Sweden 14th 3 2 52.5 31
board player G R. V Points Lots
1 Gideon Ståhlberg 08th 7th 2 11.5 17th
2 Gosta Stoltz 08th 8th 3 12 19th
3 Erik Lundin 10 7th 2 13.5 19th
4th Gosta Danielsson 12 6th 1 15th 19th
R. Ernst Larsson 00 1 1 0.5 2

3. Poland

space country G R. V Brettp. Team p.
3 Poland 1928Second Polish Republic Poland 13 04th 2 52 30th
board player G R. V Points Lots
1 Savielly Tartakower 06th 11 0 11.5 17th
2 Paulino Frydman 07th 09 0 11.5 16
3 Mieczysław Najdorf 09 06th 2 12 17th
4th Henryk Friedman 05 05 2 7.5 12
R. Kazimierz Makarczyk 06th 07th 1 9.5 14th

4. Hungary

space country G R. V Brettp. Team p.
4th Hungary 1918Hungary Hungary 14th 3 2 51 31
board player G R. V Points Lots
1 Lajos Steiner 07th 7th 4th 10.5 18th
2 Andor Lilienthal 11 8th 0 15th 19th
3 Kornel Havasi 05 6th 0 8th 11
4th László Szabó 06th 6th 2 9 14th
R. Pál Réthy 05 7th 2 8.5 14th

5. Czechoslovakia

space country G R. V Brettp. Team p.
5 Czechoslovakia 1920Czechoslovakia Czechoslovakia 10 8th 1 49 28
board player G R. V Points Lots
1 Salo Flohr 09 8th 0 13 17th
2 Karel Opočenský 05 6th 4th 8th 15th
3 Josef Rejfíř 05 6th 3 8th 14th
4th Karel Treybal 05 9 1 9.5 15th
R. Jiří Pelikán 07th 7th 1 10.5 15th

6. Yugoslavia

space country G R. V Brettp. Team p.
6th Yugoslavia Kingdom 1918Kingdom of Yugoslavia Yugoslavia 12 3 4th 45.5 27
board player G R. V Points Lots
1 Milan Vidmar 04th 9 1 8.5 14th
2 Vasja Pirc 04th 6th 5 7th 15th
3 Boris Kostic 04th 9 3 8.5 16
4th Petar Trifunović 10 5 1 12.5 16
R. Imre king 05 8th 2 9 15th

7. Austria

space country G R. V Brettp. Team p.
7th AustriaAustria Austria 07th 08th 4th 43.5 22nd
board player G R. V Points Lots
1 Ernst Grünfeld 03 12 3 9 18th
2 Rudolf Spielmann 05 09 3 9.5 17th
3 Erich Eliskases 12 06th 1 15th 19th
4th Hans Müller 04th 10 2 9 16
R. David Podhorzer 00 02 4th 1 6th

8. Argentina

space country G R. V Brettp. Team p.
8th ArgentinaArgentina Argentina 10 04th 5 42 24
board player G R. V Points Lots
1 Roberto Gray 06th 04th 9 8th 19th
2 Jacobo Bolbochan 06th 12 1 12 19th
3 Isaías Pleci 09 06th 4th 12 19th
4th Carlos Maderna 05 10 4th 10 19th

9. Latvia

space country G R. V Brettp. Team p.
9 LatviaLatvia Latvia 9 3 7th 41 21st
board player G R. V Points Lots
1 Vladimir Petrovs 7th 7th 5 10.5 19th
2 Fricis Apšenieks 6th 7th 5 9.5 18th
3 Movsas Feigins 7th 5 5 9.5 17th
4th Volfgangs Hāzenfuss 4th 4th 4th 6th 12
R. Alfrēds Krūmiņš 3 5 2 5.5 10

10. France

space country G R. V Brettp. Team p.
10 Third French RepublicThird French Republic France 6th 05 8th 38 17th
board player G R. V Points Lots
1 Alexander Alekhine 7th 10 0 12 17th
2 Louis Betbeder Matibet 5 03 9 6.5 17th
3 André Muffang 4th 09 4th 8.5 17th
4th Victor Kahn 1 04th 4th 3 9
R. Maurice Raizman 4th 08th 4th 8th 16

11. Estonia

space country G R. V Brettp. Team p.
11 EstoniaEstonia Estonia 07th 2 10 37.5 16
board player G R. V Points Lots
1 Paul Keres 11 3 05 12.5 19th
2 Gunnar Friedemann 06th 7th 06th 9.5 19th
3 Leho Laurine 04th 2 08th 5 14th
4th Ilmar Raud 04th 7th 04th 7.5 15th
R. Feliks Kibbermann 02 2 05 3 9

12. England

space country G R. V Brettp. Team p.
12 EnglandEngland England 6th 03 10 37 15th
board player G R. V Points Lots
1 William Winter 1 13 04th 7.5 18th
2 George Alan Thomas 5 07th 04th 8.5 16
3 Conel Hugh O'Donel Alexander 4th 07th 04th 7.5 15th
4th Henry Ernest Atkins 3 06th 04th 6th 13
R. Harry Golombek 5 05 04th 7.5 14th

13. Finland

space country G R. V Brettp. Team p.
13 FinlandFinland Finland 6th 04th 9 35 16
board player G R. V Points Lots
1 Eero Böök 6th 10 2 11 18th
2 Birger Axel Rasmusson 4th 04th 9 6th 17th
3 Ilmari Solin 7th 03 7th 8.5 17th
4th Ragnar Krogius 4th 06th 7th 7th 17th
R. Toivo Salo 1 03 3 2.5 7th

14. Lithuania

space country G R. V Brettp. Team p.
14th Lithuania 1918Lithuania Lithuania 4th 05 10 34 13
board player G R. V Points Lots
1 Vladas Mikėnas 2 10 06th 7th 18th
2 Aleksandras Machtas 2 05 07th 4.5 14th
3 Isakas Vistaneckis 3 04th 08th 5 15th
4th Povilas Vaitonis 5 03 05 6.5 13
R. Markas Luckis 8th 06th 02 11 16

15. Palestine

space country G R. V Brettp. Team p.
15th PalestineLeague of Nations mandate for Palestine Palestine 4th 4th 11 32 12
board player G R. V Points Lots
1 Heinz Foerder 5 7th 6th 8.5 18th
2 David Enoch 6th 5 6th 8.5 17th
3 Yosef Dobkin 2 6th 7th 5 15th
4th Victor Winz 2 2 9 3 13
R. Moshe Czerniak 6th 2 5 7th 13

16. Denmark

space country G R. V Brettp. Team p.
16 DenmarkDenmark Denmark 4th 4th 11 31.5 12
board player G R. V Points Lots
1 Erik Andersen 7th 1 10 7.5 18th
2 Bjørn Nielsen 3 6th 05 6th 14th
3 Jens Enevoldsen 5 6th 08th 8th 19th
4th Julius Nielsen 1 6th 05 4th 12
R. Ernst Sørensen 4th 4th 05 6th 13

17. Romania

space country G R. V Brettp. Team p.
17th Romania kingdomRomania Romania 5 03 11 27.5 13
board player G R. V Points Lots
1 Heinrich Silbermann 0 02 06th 1 8th
2 Traian Ichim 2 08th 09 6th 19th
3 Miklos Bródy 5 07th 03 8.5 15th
4th Stefan Erdélyi 1 11 07th 6.5 19th
R. Toma Popa 3 05 07th 5.5 15th

18. Italy

space country G R. V Brettp. Team p.
18th Italy 1861Kingdom of Italy (1861-1946) Italy 3 3 13 24 9
board player G R. V Points Lots
1 Antonio Sacconi 3 2 09 4th 14th
2 Mario Monticelli 4th 5 09 6.5 18th
3 Stefano Rosselli del Turco 1 3 11 2.5 15th
4th Massimiliano Romi 5 3 09 6.5 17th
R. Mario Napolitano 2 5 05 4.5 12

19. Switzerland

space country G R. V Brettp. Team p.
19th SwitzerlandSwitzerland Switzerland 3 2 14th 21st 8th
board player G R. V Points Lots
1 Oskar Naegeli 2 5 08th 4.5 15th
2 Henry Grob 2 5 08th 4.5 15th
3 Walter Michel 2 4th 09 4th 15th
4th Adolf Staehelin 2 3 11 3.5 16
R. Fritz Gygli 2 5 08th 4.5 15th

20. Ireland

space country G R. V Brettp. Team p.
15th Ireland 1922Irish Free State Ireland 0 1 18th 12 1
board player G R. V Points Lots
1 Brian Reilly 4th 3 12 5.5 19th
2 James Creevey 1 3 10 2.5 14th
3 John O'Hanlon 0 3 16 1.5 19th
4th Thomas Cranston 0 3 14th 1.5 17th
R. Austin De Burca 1 0 06th 1 7th
