Team line-ups for the 1937 Chess Olympiad

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The tables show the line-up of the teams at the 1937 Chess Olympiad in Stockholm . The 19 participating teams played a full tournament with one game each against each other team. Each team had four regular players and a maximum of one substitute player. For each team the won, undecided and lost competitions as well as the scores are given. Then for each player his personal results follow. For the placement of the teams, the board points were the priority.


1. USA

space country G R. V Brettp. Team p.
1 United States 48United States United States 15th 3 0 54.5 33
board player G R. V Points Lots
1 Samuel Reshevsky 06th 7th 3 9.5 16
2 Reuben Fine 09 5 1 11.5 15th
3 Isaac Kashdan 13 2 1 14th 16
4th Frank Marshall 03 7th 0 6.5 10
R. Israel Albert Horowitz 11 4th 0 13 15th

2. Hungary

space country G R. V Brettp. Team p.
2 Hungary 1918Hungary Hungary 11 7th 0 48.5 29
board player G R. V Points Lots
1 Andor Lilienthal 09 6th 2 12 17th
2 László Szabó 09 7th 2 12.5 18th
3 Endre Steiner 12 5 1 14.5 18th
4th Kornel Havasi 06th 5 4th 8.5 15th
R. Árpád Vajda 00 2 2 1 4th

3. Poland

space country G R. V Brettp. Team p.
3 Poland 1928Second Polish Republic Poland 14th 02 2 47 30th
board player G R. V Points Lots
1 Savielly Tartakower 01 10 2 6th 13
2 Mieczysław Najdorf 06th 07th 3 9.5 16
3 Paulino Frydman 09 05 2 11.5 16
4th Izaak Appel 07th 04th 3 9 14th
R. Teodor Regedziński 10 02 1 11 13

4. Argentina

space country G R. V Brettp. Team p.
4th ArgentinaArgentina Argentina 11 4th 3 47 26th
board player G R. V Points Lots
1 Luis Roberto Piazzini 04th 6th 2 7th 12
2 Jacobo Bolbochan 02 5 5 4.5 12
3 Roberto Gray 08th 5 2 10.5 15th
4th Carlos Guimard 08th 6th 2 11 16
R. Isaías Pleci 11 6th 0 14th 17th

5. Czechoslovakia

space country G R. V Brettp. Team p.
5 Czechoslovakia 1920Czechoslovakia Czechoslovakia 11 5 2 45 27
board player G R. V Points Lots
1 Salo Flohr 09 7th 0 12.5 16
2 Jan Foltys 07th 9 2 11.5 18th
3 Emil Zinner 09 4th 4th 11 17th
4th Jiří Pelikán 03 3 4th 4.5 10
R. František Zíta 04th 3 4th 5.5 11

6. Netherlands

space country G R. V Brettp. Team p.
6th NetherlandsNetherlands Netherlands 11 5 2 44 27
board player G R. V Points Lots
1 Max Euwe 08th 3 2 9.5 13
2 Salo Landau 05 8th 2 9 15th
3 Lodewijk Prins 05 4th 5 7th 14th
4th Theo van Scheltinga 07th 5 3 9.5 15th
R. Adriaan de Groot 06th 6th 3 9 15th

7. Estonia

space country G R. V Brettp. Team p.
7th EstoniaEstonia Estonia 9 2 7th 41.5 20th
board player G R. V Points Lots
1 Paul Keres 9 4th 2 11 15th
2 Paul Felix Schmidt 4th 8th 4th 8th 16
3 Ilmar Raud 7th 8th 2 11 17th
4th Johannes Türn 1 4th 6th 3 11
R. Gunnar Friedemann 6th 5 2 8.5 13

8. Lithuania

space country G R. V Brettp. Team p.
8th Lithuania 1918Lithuania Lithuania 8th 4th 6th 41.5 20th
board player G R. V Points Lots
1 Vladas Mikėnas 7th 8th 3 11 18th
2 Povilas Vaitonis 8th 5 5 10.5 18th
3 Isakas Vistaneckis 5 3 8th 6.5 16
4th Markas Luckis 7th 9 1 11.5 17th
R. Leonardas Abramavičius 2 0 1 2 3

9. Yugoslavia

space country G R. V Brettp. Team p.
9 Yugoslavia Kingdom 1918Kingdom of Yugoslavia Yugoslavia 8th 03 7th 40 19th
board player G R. V Points Lots
1 Vasja Pirc 3 12 2 9 17th
2 Petar Trifunović 8th 06th 2 11 16
3 Savo Vuković 1 00 7th 1 8th
4th Boris Kostic 7th 09 2 11.5 18th
R. Mirko Bröder 4th 07th 2 7.5 13

10. Sweden

space country G R. V Brettp. Team p.
10 SwedenSweden Sweden 07th 7th 4th 38.5 21st
board player G R. V Points Lots
1 Gideon Ståhlberg 07th 4th 4th 9 15th
2 Erik Lundin 04th 7th 5 7.5 16
3 Gosta Stoltz 02 3 7th 3.5 12
4th Gosta Danielsson 12 4th 2 14th 18th
R. Eric Jonsson 02 5 4th 4.5 11

11. Latvia

space country G R. V Brettp. Team p.
11 LatviaLatvia Latvia 8th 04th 6th 37.5 20th
board player G R. V Points Lots
1 Vladimir Petrovs 5 10 3 10 18th
2 Fricis Apšenieks 8th 05 4th 10.5 17th
3 Voldemārs Mežgailis 2 07th 6th 5.5 15th
4th Karlis Ozols 2 03 5 3.5 10
R. Lūcijs Endzelīns 6th 04th 2 8th 12

12. Finland

space country G R. V Brettp. Team p.
12 FinlandFinland Finland 6th 5 7th 34 17th
board player G R. V Points Lots
1 Thorsten Gauffin 2 4th 8th 4th 14th
2 Eero Böök 6th 9 3 10.5 18th
3 Ilmari Solin 2 2 7th 3 11
4th Toivo Salo 4th 5 5 6.5 14th
R. Kaarle Ojanen 7th 6th 2 10 15th

13. England

space country G R. V Brettp. Team p.
13 EnglandEngland England 5 03 10 34 13
board player G R. V Points Lots
1 George Alan Thomas 2 11 04th 7.5 17th
2 Conel Hugh O'Donel Alexander 8th 06th 03 11 17th
3 Philip Stuart Milner-Barry 2 02 05 3 9
4th Harry Golombek 3 10 03 8th 16
R. George Wheatcroft 4th 01 08th 4.5 13

14. Italy

space country G R. V Brettp. Team p.
14th Italy 1861Kingdom of Italy (1861-1946) Italy 3 3 12 26.5 9
board player G R. V Points Lots
1 Vincenzo Castaldi 6th 5 06th 8.5 17th
2 Michele Riello 1 3 12 2.5 16
3 Mario Napolitano 5 5 06th 7.5 16
4th Cherubino Staldi 5 2 07th 6th 14th
R. Stefano Roselli del Turco 2 0 07th 2 9

15. Denmark

space country G R. V Brettp. Team p.
15th DenmarkDenmark Denmark 3 3 12 25.5 9
board player G R. V Points Lots
1 Jens Enevoldsen 3 9 05 7.5 17th
2 Ernst Sørensen 0 7th 10 3.5 17th
3 Christian Poulsen 3 7th 07th 6.5 17th
4th Øjvind Larsen 2 5 03 4.5 10
R. Johannes Petersen 3 1 07th 3.5 11

16. Iceland

space country G R. V Brettp. Team p.
16 IcelandIceland Iceland 2 3 13 23 7th
board player G R. V Points Lots
1 Eggert Gilfer 1 4th 10 3 15th
2 Jón Guðmundsson 4th 5 07th 6.5 16
3 Ásmundur Ásgeirsson 5 6th 05 8th 16
4th Baldur Möller 3 2 11 4th 16
R. Sturla Pétursson 0 3 06th 1.5 9

17. Belgium

space country G R. V Brettp. Team p.
17th BelgiumBelgium Belgium 2 2 14th 22.5 6th
board player G R. V Points Lots
1 Arthur Dunkelblum 4th 9 05 8.5 18th
2 Albéric O'Kelly de Galway 5 6th 07th 8th 18th
3 Arthur Baert 0 6th 12 3 18th
4th Marcel Defosse 1 4th 13 3 18th

18. Norway

space country G R. V Brettp. Team p.
18th NorwayNorway Norway 2 1 15th 19.5 5
board player G R. V Points Lots
1 Storm Herseth 0 4th 12 2 16
2 Oluf Kavlie-Jørgensen 1 5 09 3.5 15th
3 Andreas Gulbrandsen 3 2 10 4th 15th
4th K. Salbu 6th 3 06th 7.5 15th
R. Hans Christoffer Christoffersen 1 3 07th 2.5 11

19. Scotland

space country G R. V Brettp. Team p.
19th ScotlandScotland Scotland 0 4th 14th 14th 4th
board player G R. V Points Lots
1 James Macrae Aitken 4th 3 10 5.5 17th
2 John Montgomerie 1 1 14th 1.5 16
3 George Page 1 2 09 2 12
4th Peter Reid 3 3 11 4.5 17th
R. Charles Pirie 0 1 09 0.5 10
