Markku Aro

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Markku Aro

Markku Aro (actually: Markku Tuomas Puputti , born February 3, 1950 in Mouhijärvi ) is a Finnish pop singer .

Live and act

He took part in the Finnish pre-selection for the Eurovision Song Contest six times , but only in his second participation, in 1971, did he manage to win. So he was allowed to compete for his country at the Eurovision Song Contest in Dublin in 1971 . With the hit Tie uuteen päivään , together with the singing duo Koivistolaiset , he reached eighth place. He remained a well-known singer in Finland, especially in the 1970s.

Discography (albums)

Chart positions
Explanation of the data
Kestän mitä vain
  FI 22nd 24/2006 (6 weeks)
Tilaisuus on nyt
  FI 37 11/2008 (1 week)
  • 1969: Markku Aro
  • 1972: Oo - mikä nainen
  • 1973: Niin käy kun rakastuu
  • 1974: Grandma cult
  • 1975: Katso luontoa ja huomaa
  • 1976: Etsin kunnes löydän sun (FI:goldgold)
  • 1977: Markku Aro
  • 1978: Anna aikaa
  • 1979: Daniela
  • 1981: Mun suothan tulla vierees sun
  • 1982: Suojassa saman auringon
  • 1985: Markku Aro
  • 1990: Kaksi rakkainta
  • 1991: Rakastamme vain toisiamme
  • 1993: Käsi kädessä
  • 1997: Rakkauden toukokuu
  • 1999: Menneisyyden sillat
  • 2001: Sinetti
  • 2006: Kestän mitä vaan

Web links


  1. Chart sources: FI
  2. Music Sales Awards: FI