Norbert Johann Klein

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Coat of arms of the bishop
Grand Master's coat of arms of the Teutonic Order

Norbert Johann Nepomuk P. Klein (Czech: Norbert Jan Klein ; born October 25, 1866 in Brunzeif (German: Braunseifen) , Moravia ; † March 10, 1933 ) was Bishop of Brno and Grand Master of the Teutonic Order .


After studying theology in Olomouc, he entered the Teutonic Order on October 16, 1887 and began his one-year novitiate . In 1892 he made his solemn profession . As a member of the Teutonic Order, he was ordained a priest on July 27, 1890 in Innsbruck . After the appointment of Brno Bishop Paul Count Huyn as Archbishop of Prague, Norbert Johann Klein was nominated as his successor on July 27, 1916 and was confirmed papally on January 28, 1917. The episcopal ordination donated him on January 28, 1917 the Archbishop of Olomouc Leo Skrbenský of Hříště , co-consecrators were Adolf Bertram , Bishop of Wroclaw, and Karel Wisnar , auxiliary bishop in the Archdiocese of Olomouc.

On January 4, 1926 he resigned to the office and was replaced by Pope Pius XI. Appointed Titular Bishop of Syene .

Grand Master's grave in Freudenthal

In 1923, Norbert Johann Klein, who was a priest of the Teutonic Order, was elected coadjutor of Grand Master Archduke Eugen von Österreich-Teschen . After his resignation, he succeeded him in the office of Grand Master, which he held until his death.

He found his final resting place in the grand master's grave in Freudenthal .


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