Oberamt forest

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The administration of the upper office was located in the building of the then secularized Wald monastery

The Oberamt Wald was an administrative district in the south of today's state of Baden-Württemberg . The Hohenzollern Oberamt belonged to Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen from 1806 to 1850 and belonged to Prussia as part of the Hohenzollern Lands until its dissolution in 1861 .



On September 11, 1806, after the secularization and immediately after the monastery rule Wald was taken over by the Principality of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen, a princely upper office was established in Wald with its seat in the monastery buildings. In addition to the village of Wald, which had 140 inhabitants at the time, it included the parish villages of Dietershofen (72) and Walbertsweiler (273), which belonged to the former monastery territory, and the localities of Buffenhofen (35), Gaisweiler (31), Glashütte (63), Hippetsweiler (248), Igelswies ( 28), Kappel (82), Litzelbach , Otterswang (142), Reischach (75), Riedetsweiler (55), Ringgenbach (79), Rothenlachen (23), Ruhestetten (122), Steckeln (9), Tautenbronn (23) and Weihwang (26). With the exception of Igelswies and Tautenbronn, which were both located as Hohenzollern exclaves in Baden , the villages formed a contiguous part of the country.

According to a count from 1808, the population within the Oberamt was 1,537 people, most of whom were assigned to the three Catholic parishes of Dietershofen, Walbertsweiler and Wald. There were schools in Wald, Walbertsweiler, Dietershofen, Hippetsweiler and Kappel. The only pre-industrial operation was in Glashütte with the Herr von Schmidsfeld glassworks there .


From 1822, the forest office grew by incorporating other offices. In that year the Obervogteiamt Hohenfels was assigned to the Oberamt Wald, the area consisted of the former Teutonic Order Hohenfels with the villages of Deutwang, Kalkofen, Liggersdorf , Mindersdorf, Oberndorf and Selgetsweiler. In 1828 the municipality of Rengetsweiler was added by the Sigmaringen Oberamt , and finally in 1830 the localities of the dissolved Obervogteiamt Beuron Bärenthal , Beuron and Thalheim .

Transfer to Prussia

On April 6, 1850, the Principality of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen passed to Prussia when Prince Karl Anton renounced the throne . Like the eight remaining Oberamt or Obervogteien, the Oberamt Wald remained as a Prussian authority in the exclave now known as Hohenzollernsche Land . It was only dissolved on December 27, 1861 and attached to the Sigmaringen Oberamt .

Head of office


  • Wald community (ed.): 800 years of forest . Meßkirch 2008, ISBN 978-3-00-023978-6 .
  • Wolfram Angerbauer (Red.): The heads of the upper offices, district offices and district offices in Baden-Württemberg from 1810 to 1972 . Published by the working group of the district archives at the Baden-Württemberg district assembly. Theiss, Stuttgart 1996, ISBN 3-8062-1213-9 , pp. 134 .

Individual evidence

  1. hgisg.geoinform.fh-mainz.de

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