Peter Miklusz

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Peter Miklusz portrayed by Oliver Mark , Berlin 2017

Peter Miklusz (born November 29, 1983 in Braunschweig ) is a German theater , film and television actor .


Peter Miklusz spent his childhood and youth in the Braunschweig , Helmstedt and Wolfsburg region . He attended the Grasleben elementary school and lived in the Heidwinkel district, where he lived in the former administration building of the ammunition plant . He later moved to Altendorf (Brome) and attended elementary school there. He later switched to the Heinrich Nordhoff Comprehensive School in Wolfsburg. He then completed his military service with the Air Force Training Regiment 1 at the Goslar Air Base and was later transferred to the 1st FlaRakGrp 38th in Bad Arolsen . Miklusz is a reservist in the Bundeswehr in the guard battalion at the Federal Ministry of Defense in Berlin. After completing his military service, he went to Aubagne near Marseille in France to apply for the Foreign Legion . However, it was retired after a short time. He then went to Berlin and studied acting at the Ernst Busch Academy of Dramatic Arts in Berlin , from which he graduated with a diploma with distinction. His first permanent engagement was at the Burgtheater Vienna, where he made his debut with Ruprecht in Der zerbrochne Krug , directed by Matthias Hartmann . Further work followed with directors Luc Bondy , Stefan Bachmann , Martin Wuttke , Anette Raffalt, Michael Schachermaier , among others .

After two years he left the Burgtheater Vienna and switched to the Berliner Ensemble on Schiffbauerdamm. Here he played Siegfried Jepsen in a dramatization of the novel Deutschstunde , Hans in Hans im Glück by Bertolt Brecht and Franz Woyzeck in Woyzeck by Georg Büchner (directed by Leander Haußmann ), for which he was nominated as a young actor in 2015 by Theater heute . 2016 he moved to Cologne Theater and played to start the season the Hamlet of William Shakespeare , directed by Stefan Bachmann. Other roles included Happy in Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller (directed by Rafael Sanchez ), Solveig in Peer Gynt by Henrik Ibsen and Khaled in Heimwärts by Ibrahim Amir, also directed by Stefan Bachmann. In 2018, Miklusz played Tyll Ulenspiegel at the Schauspiel Köln in the world premiere of Tyll based on the bestselling novel by Daniel Kehlmann , again directed by Stefan Bachmann. Shortly afterwards I worked with Frank Castorf . In the world premiere of the novel Der Jüngling by Fyodor Michailowitsch Dostojewski Miklusz played the father of the young man Andrei Petrovich Versilow. In 2019/20 he worked again with Frank Castorf in Aus dem Bürgerlichen Heldenleben by Carl Sternheim played Miklusz, the role of the snob Christian mask at the Cologne theater.

During his studies he staged his first plays at the Berliner Arbeiter-Theater : The Importance of Being Earnest and Das Bildnis des Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde as well as the story of the director Ed Wood in 2014 at RAW Berlin-Friedrichshain. In 2015 his first work in front of the camera took place. He made his first short film with Mole Cake. He also works as a speaker for radio plays and features on Deutschlandradio , ORF , WDR and SWR and was a guest lecturer at the Ernst Busch Academy of Dramatic Arts in Berlin .

Miklusz has dedicated himself to film and television since 2017. He already had his first appearances in Ku'damm 59 , SOKO Cologne , Marie Brand and Um Himmels Willen as well as in the movie Wuff - Follow the dog by Detlev Buck . He played other roles in Julia Durant determined , Alarm for Cobra 11 , as well as in the television film The Secret of Freedom . And in the series Wir Kinder from Bahnhof Zoo and in season 3 of Charité .

Peter Miklusz lives in Berlin and Cologne and has a son.




  • 2010: The Importance of Being Earnest - bat-Studiotheater Berlin
  • 2011: The portrait of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde - bat-Studiotheater Berlin
  • 2014: Ed Wood - RAW 99 Berlin, Theater
  • 2015: Mole cake, short film
  • 2016: Upward with Hardes, short film
  • 2017: Red Poppy, feature film

radio play

  • 2011: never stop asking why! The murdered of the Franco dictatorship - directed by Kerstin Ewald and Tim Zülch - SWR
  • 2011: Pilgrimage - Director: Stella Luncke
  • 2012: How does the salt get into the sea - Director: Elisabeth Putz - ORF
  • 2013: Krochacarraldo - Director: Christoph Schwarz
  • 2014: Blowback - radio play / computer game - directed by Elisabeth Putz - Deutschlandradio
  • 2015: Antichrist - Director: Thomas Leutzbach - WDR
  • 2016: Mozart in Augsburg, "such a great genius going astray?" - Director: Brigitte Orawetz - Deutschlandradio
  • 2019: Idylle - Director: Stella Luncke - Deutschlandfunk
  • 2020: The Gift - Director: Eberhard Petschinka - WDR


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Decision of the state government of November 26, 2002 on the foundation of a flood medal 2002, Niedersächsisches Ministerialblatt No. 53 of February 5, 2003 Article I paragraph 1