Peter Pilz

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Peter Pilz (2005)

Peter Pilz (born January 22, 1954 in Kapfenberg , Styria ) is an Austrian author , journalist and former left-wing populist politician ( NOW , previously list Peter Pilz or Die Grünen ).

From June 2018 to October 2019 he was a member of the National Council , to which he previously belonged from 1986 to 1991 and from 1999 to November 2017. In the election on September 29, 2019, he missed re-entry into parliament with his list NOW. From 1991 to 1999 he was a member of the Vienna State Parliament and a member of the Vienna City Council . From July 2017 to August 2018 he was party chairman of the Pilz list , after which he acted as deputy chairman and as a member of the board of the party academy of his list.

Life and work

Peter Pilz studied economics and political science at the University of Vienna from 1973 to 1979 . In 1983 he was promoted to Dr. rer. soc. oec. PhD . After doing his community service , he initially worked as a freelance author and social scientist. After initial activities in academic teaching, he decided on a political career.

Peter Pilz has been married to his wife Gudrun since the mid-1980s.

He is also active in the band Prinz Pezi and the State Secretaries and founded the band Lasso Brothers with Titus Vadon , formerly the drummer of Russkaja , under the names Old Pezihand and Trapper Gert .

In summer 2019, the online medium zackzack was launched with funds from the party academy of the NOW list. Pilz has been its publisher since the end of 2019.

Political activity

During his student days, Peter Pilz was a member of the Trotskyist group Revolutionary Marxists and is a founding member of the Austrian Greens . After the National Council election in 1986 , Pilz entered the Austrian parliament for the Green Alternative . From 1986 to 1991 he was a. a. Member of the Austrian National Defense Council .

In 1988, Pilz gained great public attention as a revelator in the parliamentary committee of inquiry into the Lucona affair and the Noricum scandal .

In 1991 he resigned his mandate from the National Council and moved into the Vienna Landtag as the top candidate of the Greens , where he was club chairman of the Green parliamentary group in the Vienna City Hall until 1997. From 1992 to 1994 he was also the national spokesman for the Green Party. During the 1999 election campaign, Pilz launched a preferential vote initiative that earned him around ten thousand votes. Due to the good result of the Greens in the 1999 National Council election - 7.1% - Pilz moved back into parliament.

Since April 1998 Pilz has been involved in the uncovering and processing of the Austrian "construction cartel". In connection with this affair he was sued by the Teerag-Asdag construction company for a hundred million schillings. Pilz won the case. The managers of the companies are legally convicted.

From November 2006 to July 2007, was mushroom chairman of the parliamentary committee of inquiry regarding the procurement of fighter aircraft, commonly known as Euro Fighter - investigative committee called.

In December 2010, Pilz announced that it wanted to found a “Freiheit” association and a “Freiheit GmbH” to support initiatives such as WikiLeaks .

After his failure in the list election for fourth place, Peter Pilz initially announced his retirement from the National Council at the end of June 2017. On July 17, he resigned from the Greens parliamentary club. On July 25, Peter Pilz announced the list Peter Pilz for parliamentary elections in 2017 to compete, and published in the course of the book home Austria: A call for self-defense. The Peter Pilz list made it into the National Council with 4.4 percent and eight seats. The Greens suffered massive losses and, with 3.8%, just missed the 4 percent hurdle for re-entry into the National Council. Albert Steinhauser said: "If we had chosen Peter Pilz in fourth place, then the Greens would definitely be in the National Council by now."

Temporary withdrawal from the National Council

In November 2017, the daily newspaper Die Presse and the weekly magazine Profil published allegations of an unnamed employee in the parliamentary club of the Greens from 2015 against Peter Pilz for alleged sexual harassment . As a result, Pilz was confronted by the weekly newspaper Falter with the further allegation that he groped an employee of the European People's Party during the European Forum Alpbach in 2013 .

Pilz thereupon declared in a press conference that he was renouncing the National Council mandate, which he later confirmed again. The allegations of the former employee were "free invention" and only arose after she had been refused a career jump. He could not remember the incident in Alpbach, but he would not accept his seat on the National Council because of this allegation. Two days later, he told ORF: "I've never sexually molested a woman in my entire life." Employees on his list suspected intrigues of political competitors. Pilz announced that he would take legal action against the allegations and would continue to support the list he had established. As a result of the publications, other women came forward who had felt sexually harassed by Pilz in the past.

The environmental activist and project manager Martha Bißmann took over his mandate .

On January 14, 2018, Peter Kolba , club chairman of the Peter Pilz list in the National Council, announced that Pilz would return as a member of the National Council. The time and who will waive his mandate in his favor was initially left open. After Peter Kolba resigned his mandate and Maria Stern resigned , Pilz returned to the National Council. This return was sharply criticized by some parties such as the SPÖ , the FPÖ and the NEOS .

Pilz has "no place in the House," said NEOS party leader Matthias Strolz . The sexual harassment allegations against women are "not even rudimentarily cleared up", said SPÖ women manager Andrea Brunner . On May 22, 2018, the investigations against Pilz for sexual harassment were discontinued by the Innsbruck public prosecutor's office due to the fact that the women concerned had not been given the right to prosecute or that the statute of limitations was not granted .

Political positions

In 1997, Pilz criticized the government and the judiciary for allowing suspects to leave the country under police protection in 1989 after the murder of three Kurdish-Iranian opposition members in order to avoid political tensions. The president of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad , who was in office from 2005 to 2013, is also said to have been involved in the murder .

In the context of the protests in Turkey in 2013 , Pilz said with regard to demonstrating Turkish Erdoğan supporters in Vienna that when Turkish immigrants were granted Austrian citizenship , their political attitudes should be examined. In February 2017, Pilz stated that Turkish state agents would spy on Turkish exiles, including in Europe, into their private lives and thereby contribute to arrests in Turkey .

In contrast to his political party at the time, the Greens, Pilz often advocated a more restrictive integration policy and failed when he called for the party to be more left-wing populist .


  • The tank makers. The Austrian arms industry and its exports. Publishing house for social criticism , Vienna 1982, ISBN 3-900351-10-4 .
  • Economic significance of the introduction of new media in Austria. Dissertation. Vienna 1983.
  • Land overboard. Not a novel. Publishing house for social criticism, Vienna 1989, ISBN 3-85115-114-3 .
  • Escort to Tehran. The Austrian rule of law and the Kurdish murders. Ibera-und-Molden, Vienna 1997, ISBN 3-900436-57-6 .
  • The cartel. Czernin, Vienna 1999, ISBN 3-7076-0004-1 .
  • The fourth republic. The way to reform majority. Czernin, Vienna 2000, ISBN 3-7076-0021-1 .
  • With God against everyone. America's struggle for world domination. DVA, Munich 2003, ISBN 3-421-05758-3 .
  • The Republic of the Cavaliers. Czernin, Vienna 2006, ISBN 978-3-7076-0220-3 .
  • Home of Austria. A call to self-defense. Ueberreuter, Vienna 2017, ISBN 978-3-8000-7691-8 .

Web links

Commons : Peter Pilz  - Album with pictures, videos and audio files

Individual references, footnotes

  1. Peter Pilz goes into political pension and becomes a journalist. Retrieved October 23, 2019 .
  2. peter.temel: "Time to say goodbye": Pilz now wants to become a journalist. Retrieved October 23, 2019 .
  3. Peter Pilz has to become a journalist after selection. Retrieved October 23, 2019 .
  4. ORF at / Agencies red: Pilz is disappointed and becomes a journalist. September 29, 2019. Retrieved October 23, 2019 .
  5. Peter Unfried: Austria's Greens founder Peter Pilz: One who learned from the right . In: The daily newspaper: taz . October 13, 2017, ISSN  0931-9085 ( [accessed on May 25, 2019]).
  6. Now: List mushroom in parliament with a new name . In: . November 19, 2018 ( [accessed November 19, 2018]).
  7. ^ Peter Pilz on the website of the Austrian Parliament
  8. Catalog list Austrian National Library
  9. biography. Website of the Austrian Parliament
  10. Tom Schaffer: Interview with Peter Pilz: “The Austrian system promotes corruption”. In: February 26, 2009.
  11. Is that your revenge now, Mr. Pilz? In: Kronen Zeitung . June 29, 2017. Retrieved November 3, 2017 .
  12. ^ Diary / November 2002 ( Memento from June 14, 2011 in the Internet Archive ). Peter Pilz's website.
  13. Diary / December 2003 ( Memento from June 14, 2011 in the Internet Archive ). Peter Pilz's website.
  14. ^ National Council - XXIII. GP Investigation Committee 1 / A-USA: Fighter Aircraft Procurement. Austrian Parliament, accessed on July 25, 2017.
  15. Diary / December 2010: Tuesday, December 7, 2010: Network freedom instead of block network. Peter Pilz's website, December 7, 2010, archived from the original on January 3, 2013 ; Retrieved July 25, 2017 .
  16. After failure of the list election: Peter Pilz announces withdrawal from the National Council. In: . June 25, 2017. Retrieved July 25, 2017 . Peter Pilz is no longer a member of the National Council after 31 years. In: June 25, 2017. Retrieved July 25, 2017.
  17. Pilz leaves the Green Club: "I'm fed up with parties". In: . July 14, 2017. Retrieved July 25, 2017 .
  18. Pilz presents his book "Heimat Österreich". In: September 1, 2017, accessed November 3, 2017 .
  19. Speculation about upcoming resignations. In: ORF-Online . October 17, 2017. Retrieved October 17, 2017 .
  20. Anna Thalhammer: allegation of sexual harassment against Peter Pilz. In: The press. November 3, 2017. Retrieved November 4, 2017 .
  21. Mushroom in need of explanation. In: profile . November 3, 2017. Retrieved November 4, 2017 .
  22. Anna Thalhammer: The resignation of an "old, powerful man". In: The press. November 4, 2017. Retrieved November 4, 2017 .
  23. Florian Klenk: Peter Pilz resigns. In: The Moth . November 4, 2017. Retrieved November 4, 2017 .
  24. a b c Waiver of mandate from the National Council. In: November 4, 2017. Retrieved November 4, 2017 .
  25. What will happen to the mushroom list? In: November 9, 2017. Retrieved November 17, 2017.
  26. ORF : "Never sexually molested a woman". November 6, 2017.
  27. Michael Völker, Nina Weißensteiner: The case of Peter Pilz and its consequences. In: The Standard. November 5, 2017. Retrieved November 7, 2017 .
  28. Allegations of sexual harassment: Peter Pilz resigns. In: The Standard. November 3, 2017. Retrieved November 4, 2017 .
  29. ^ Anna Thalhammer: Causa Pilz: More women register. In: The press. November 7, 2017. Retrieved November 9, 2017 .
  30. ↑ Preferred votes for the 2017 National Council election (PDF) State of Styria , accessed on November 4, 2017 .
  31. ^ Pilz returns to the National Council. In: Retrieved January 15, 2018 .
  32. Kolba announces resignation from mandate. In: Retrieved October 9, 2019 .
  33. Criticism of Pilz's return is growing. In: January 15, 2018, accessed January 16, 2018 .
  34. Investigation against Pilz stopped . In: . May 22, 2018 ( [accessed May 22, 2018]).
  35. Investigation against Peter Pilz stopped . May 22, 2018 ( [accessed May 22, 2018]).
  36. No committee of inquiry into Kurdish murders. In: Upper Austrian news . April 17, 1997, p. 2.
  37. ↑ The murders of the Kurds in Vienna continue to pose a mystery. In: Salzburger Nachrichten . August 3, 2005, archived from the original on September 9, 2012 ; Retrieved July 25, 2017 .
  38. Pilz also upsets with “Turk Sager”. In: June 20, 2013. Retrieved July 25, 2017.
  39. ^ Conny Bischofberger: "Krone" interview. Why are you messing with Erdogan, Mr. Pilz? In: Kronen Zeitung. February 19, 2017. Retrieved July 25, 2017.
  40. Peter Pilz: "I want as few refugees as possible". In: November 20, 2015. Retrieved November 17, 2017.
  41. Karin Strobl: The Green Crash - The Attempt at Recapitulation . In: Thomas Hofer , Barbara Tóth (Eds.): Wahl 2017. Loser, Leaks & Leadership . ÄrzteVerlag, Vienna 2017, ISBN 978-3-9503276-4-9 , p. 123 .