Peter Zeitlinger

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Peter Zeitlinger (born June 6, 1960 in Prague ) is an Austrian cameraman and filmmaker. He gained international attention in 2007 with the Oscar- nominated film Encounters at the End of the World , which was shot in Antarctica in a two-man team with Werner Herzog .

life and work

Zeitlinger studied camera and editing at the film academy in Vienna and ethics at the philosophy faculty with Johann Mader. He learned screenwriting from Robert Mac Kee and Syd Field . He worked with Vittorio Storaro , Sven Nykvist and Vilmos Zsigmond and completed internships with David Watkin .

After completing his studies, Zeitlinger worked in Vienna from 1989 to 1994 as a cameraman and film editor with Götz Spielmann , Ulrich Seidl and Erhard Riedlsperger . The movie Tunnelkind (director: Erhard Riedlsperger), for which he co-wrote the script and in which he directed the camera, has strong biographical features.

In Berlin from 1995 to 2001 he worked with the television director Werner Masten and became Werner Herzog's chief cameraman . Since 2004 he has also worked for US productions. At the 2009 Venice Film Festival , two films that Zeitlinger photographed were nominated for the Golden Lion at the same time . The 3D film Cave of Forgotten Dreams became the most successful non-fictional film of 2011 in the USA.

Peter Zeitlinger has been a professor at the University of Television and Film Munich and a member of the German Film Academy since 2011 . He is a member of the American Society of Cinematographers (ASC).

He lives in Premariacco in Friuli, Italy .


Filmography (selection)


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. -vito-27.html