Phase 3

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Television broadcast
Logo wanted.jpg
Country of production Germany
length 30 minutes
3 times a week
First broadcast September 17th, 2010 on BR-alpha

Phase 3 is a television - series of ARD-alpha . It consists of programs on several topics:

  • video.kunst.zeit with audiovisual productions,
  • retro.Talk with conversations from the public archives as well
  • Fire evening during which literary works are told to a video of a fireplace.

Phase 3, like Space Night , is designed so that individual programs are repeated regularly. The inventory of phase 3 episodes has been continuously expanded since 2010.

Currently (as of April 2017) only the evening of fire is broadcast, namely in the night from Monday to Tuesday and the two following nights, always at midnight before The Joy of Painting .

Themed series

Phase 3 | video.kunst.zeitwas broadcast in the night from Friday to Saturday from 12:30 a.m., mostly several episodes in a row. It was created as the first column of Phase 3 in the tradition of Space Night and was broadcast for the first time in 2010. The series is a platform for the current, international, especially European audiovisual scene. Works from the intersection of video art , design , visual music and experimental film are shown . As the selection of participating artists shows, the boundary between high culture and pop culture is being ignored.

The list of participants includes artists from different art fields:


The Phase 3 | retro.Talkshows conversations from the last 50 years from the archives of the public broadcasters. The broadcast lasts an hour and shows two historical interviews. So far, interviews with Konrad Lorenz , Bernhard Grzimek and Joseph Beuys have been shown . Retro-Talk's media partners are WDR , rbb , hr , BR Greenwood Productions , SWR and ARD Programmtausch . Sources for the series are the programs:

Fire evening

In the case Phase 3 | Feuerabend, the soundtrack of different broadcasts is reused by placing videos of a campfire under it. These are cut so that the fire seems to burn down in the half hour of the broadcast, which takes longer with a fire of the size shown.

The source material from which the soundtrack comes is the broadcasts:

In the original version, all of these programs have in common that the speaking people are shown in front of a backdrop, so that the images are not required to understand what has been said. In addition, they are only a quarter of an hour long ( Köhlmeier , Spengler), so that the sound of two episodes can be heard during the fire evening broadcast. These are mounted together in such a way that they look like one program - the opening and closing credits of the original programs are missing .


  1. Search for "Phase 3 |" in TV shows at , accessed on September 22, 2015.
  2. Artists & Institutions A to Z | Phase 3 | ARD-alpha | Television | on April 29, 2013, accessed on September 22, 2015.
  3. Phase 3 | retro.Talk: Partners & Sources | Phase 3 | ARD-alpha | Television | from January 25, 2013, accessed on September 22, 2015.