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As Phytomediziner or plant doctor used to describe people dedicated to research, development and application of Phytomedicine deal. The German Phytomedical Society (DPG) is the German professional organization for phytomedicines. Internationally, the phytomedicines are united in the International Association for the Plant Protection Sciences .

Otto Appel , who is considered to be the Nestor of the German Plant Protection Service, already at the beginning of the 20th century called for the training and professional organization of herbalists to be promoted in line with that of human and veterinary medicine. In the following list, particularly well-known phytomedicists are listed.

Well-known phytomedicists (selection)

Individual evidence

  1. Sherif Hassan on the website of the German National Library
  2. Anna-Katrin Mahlein on the website of the German National Library