Leather-leaved rose

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Leather-leaved rose
Rosa caesia herbarium (04) .jpg

Leather-leaved rose ( Rosa caesia )

Family : Rose family (Rosaceae)
Subfamily : Rosoideae
Genre : Roses ( pink )
Subgenus : pink
Section : Dog roses ( Caninae )
Type : Leather-leaved rose
Scientific name
Rosa caesia

The Lederblättrige Rose ( Rosa caesia ) or leather leaf Rose , Leather Rose , Gray Green Rose or Blue Green Rose called, is a plant of the genus roses ( Rosa ) within the family of the rose family (Rosaceae). It is widespread in Europe.


Appearance and leaf

The leather-leaved rose grows as a deciduous, densely branched shrub that can reach heights of up to 1.5 meters. The bark of the branches is green and often bluish with frost. The spines are hooked and curved.

The alternate leaves are arranged in a petiole and a leaf blade. The petiole is tomentose, but not hairy glandular. The stiff leaf blade is pinnate unpaired with five or seven leaflets. The leaf spindle is downy to tomentose. The leaflets are elongated to broadly ovate with a length of 2 to 4 centimeters with a wedge-shaped base. The rather stiff leaflets are usually simply serrated and glandular, shimmering blue-green in spring, the hair on the upper side decreases during the summer, on the underside it at least remains on the nerves.

Flower and fruit

The flowering period extends from June to July. The flowers are singly or in groups. The relatively large bracts cover the 2 to 15 millimeters, relatively short, bare and unreinforced flower stalks and more or less envelop the flower buds.

The hermaphroditic flowers are radial symmetry and five-fold with a double flower envelope . The five sepals are large, pinnate, usually gray-haired, erect after the anthesis , persistent and usually forming a long tuft. The five petals are bright pink to red and become lighter as they fade. The free, woolly hairy stylus are short and the stylus channel has a diameter of 1.2 to 2.5 millimeters.

The very short fruit stalks have no glands. The rose hip, which is red when ripe, is spherical to ovoid with a length of up to 2.5 centimeters. The rose hip is crowned by the protruding, durable sepals.

Chromosome set

The basic chromosome number is x = 7; Different degrees of ploidy were found and 2n = 14, 35 and 42 were determined.

Possible confusion with similar species

In the leather-leaved rose, as in the felt rose species ( e.g. apple rose ), the leaves are hairy on both sides, but in this species later balding. But in the felt rose species the spines on the stem axes are slightly curved to straight and the fruits are prickly.


The leather-leaved rose is a nanophanerophyte . The leather-leaved rose is a species of light wood and a deep root .

From an ecological point of view, these are pollen flowers, so there is plenty of pollen on offer to attract pollinators. The pollination is done by insects (pollinators are typical kurzrüsselige bees , hoverflies (Syrphidae), beetles , flies ) or self-pollination . The leather-leaved rose is self-compatible, so self-fertilization successfully leads to seed set.

The diaspores , it is the rose hips, are eaten and the seeds are excreted undigested (digestive spread).

Occurrence and endangerment

There are localities of the leather-leaved rose from Spain via France , Belgium and the Netherlands to Germany , Austria and Switzerland to Italy including Sicily , from England , Denmark , Sweden , Norway and Finland via the European part of Russia and the Baltic states to Ukraine and Caucasus , from Poland and Hungary via the former Czechoslovakia , the former Yugoslavia , Bulgaria and Romania to Greece . The leather-leaved rose is a pre-alpine northern European floral element . The main distribution to Oberdorfer is pre-alpine, i.e. in the montane-subalpine deciduous and coniferous forest area of the southern, central and eastern European high mountains . It is widespread in Europe from Spain to Central Europe to Northern Europe and to the northern Caucasus . It colonizes the mountainous countries of northern , central and eastern Europe and the British Isles .

In Germany, the leather-leaved rose is found scattered in Schleswig-Holstein and on the Elbe , rarely in the center and south, somewhat more frequently only in the eastern Eifel , on the Vogelsberg , in the Nördlinger Ries and its surroundings.

In the 1996 red list of endangered plant species in Germany, the leather-leaved rose is considered not endangered. In the German federal states, it is potentially endangered in Hesse and Rhineland-Palatinate ; endangered in Baden-Württemberg , Brandenburg and Saxony ; not endangered in Bavaria , Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia ; in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania , Lower Saxony and Schleswig-Holstein it is endangered and in Hamburg it is threatened with extinction.

In the red list of endangered plant species in Switzerland, the leather-leaved rose is considered not endangered. But in the eastern Jura and the Central Plateau it is rated as severely endangered. In Switzerland, the leather-leaved rose is fully protected in Schaffhausen and Vaud.

In Austria, the leather-leaved rose occurs scattered in the montane altitude and is only absent in Burgenland and Vienna.

The leather-leaved rose thrives best on lime-rich , stony loam soils . It settles in sunny forests, field hedges and piles of stones. It occurs in plant communities of the Berberidion association, often in the Corylo-Rosetum vosagiacae.

The pointer values ​​according to Ellenberg are: light number L8 = half-light to full-light plant; Temperature figure T6 = moderate to warmth indicator; Continental number K3 = oceanic to sub-oceanic, showing maritime to temperate maritime climate; Humidity index F3 = dryness indicator; Humidity change = showing no change in humidity; Reaction number R8 = weak base to base / calcium indicator; Nitrogen number N3 = indicating nitrogen poverty, more common on low-nitrogen locations; Salt number S0 = not bearing salt; Heavy metal resistance: not heavy metal resistant.


The first description of Rosa caesia was made in 1812 by James Edward Smith in English Botany , 33, 2367. board synonyms for Rosa caesia Sm. Are: Rosa acharii subsp. caesia (Sm.) Almq. , Rosa bellevallis Déségl. , Rosa bovernieriana Déségl. Woods , Rosa bractescens , Rosa celerata Baker , Rosa cerasifera Timb.-Lagr. , Rosa complens Almq. , Rosa coriifolia Fr. , Rosa cryptopoda Baker , Rosa dybowskii Heinr.Braun , Rosa friesii Cottet non Scheutz , Rosa kerneri Heinr.Braun , Rosa laxa P.Lambert non Retz. , Rosa leopoliensis Błocki , Rosa monticola Rapin , Rosa ostensa Gren. , Rosa pilosula (Christ) Dalla Torre & Sarnth. , Rosa pruinosa Baker , Rosa pseudopsis Gremli , Rosa pycnacantha (Borbás) Heinr.Braun , Rosa saxetana Heinr.Braun , Rosa subcoriifolia W.Barclay , Rosa tristis Déségl. , Rosa vagiana Crép. , Rosa watsonii Baker , Rosa afzeliana subsp. coriifolia (Fr.) R.Keller & Gams nom. illeg., Rosa canina subsp. coriifolia (Fr.) Leffler , Rosa coriifolia subsp. cinerea (Rapin) Gremli , Rosa dumalis subsp. coriifolia (Fr.) P. Fourn. , Rosa glauca subsp. coriifolia (Fr.) EPPerrier .

Rosa caesia belongs to the subsection Caninae from the section Caninae in the subgenus Rosa within the genus Rosa .


The leather-leaved rose is used as an ornamental plant.

Common names in other languages

Common names in other languages ​​are: French Rosier à feuilles coriaces and Italian Rosa bluastra.


  • Andreas Roloff , Andreas Bärtels: Flora of the woods. Purpose, properties, use. 4th edition, Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart 2014, ISBN 978-3-8001-8246-6 .
  • Oskar Sebald, Siegmund Seybold, Georg Philippi (Hrsg.): The fern and flowering plants of Baden-Württemberg. Volume 3: Special part (Spermatophyta, subclass Rosidae): Droseraceae to Fabaceae. Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart 1992, ISBN 3-8001-3314-8 .

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e Rosa caesia Sm. S. str., leather-leaved rose. In: FloraWeb.de.
  2. a b c d Lederblatt-Rose - data sheet at Botanik im Bild / Flora von Österreich , 2003.
  3. a b c Entry in World of Roses .
  4. a b c d e f S. Klotz, I. Kühn, W. Durka (Ed.), 2002: Lederblättrige Rose . In: BiolFlor, the database of biological-ecological characteristics of the flora of Germany.
  5. a b c d e f g h i j Thomas Meyer: Data sheet with identification key and photos at Flora-de: Flora von Deutschland (old name of the website: Flowers in Swabia ).
  6. a b c d e Andreas Roloff, Andreas Bärtels: Flora of the woods. Purpose, properties, use. 4th edition, Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart 2014, ISBN 978-3-8001-8246-6 .
  7. a b Gerhard Nitter: data sheet with photos.
  8. a b c d Rosa caesia Sm. In: Info Flora , the national data and information center for Swiss flora . Retrieved November 10, 2015.
  9. Rosa caesia at Tropicos.org. In: IPCN Chromosome Reports . Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis
  10. a b c d e Profile and distribution map for Bavaria . In: Botanical Information Hub of Bavaria .
  11. a b c d Oskar Sebald, Siegmund Seybold, Georg Philippi (ed.): The fern and flowering plants of Baden-Württemberg. Volume 3: Special part (Spermatophyta, subclass Rosidae): Droseraceae to Fabaceae. Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart 1992, ISBN 3-8001-3314-8 .
  12. Data sheet from Schede di botanica - Flora Italia .
  13. a b Arto Kurtto, 2009: Rosaceae (pro parte majore). Datasheet at Euro + Med Plantbase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity .
  14. ^ A b Michael Hassler, Bernd Schmitt: Plant world of Germany .
  15. ^ Erich Oberdorfer : Plant-sociological excursion flora for Germany and neighboring areas . With the collaboration of Angelika Schwabe and Theo Müller. 8th, heavily revised and expanded edition. Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart (Hohenheim) 2001, ISBN 3-8001-3131-5 , pp.  570 .
  16. Rosa caesia at Tropicos.org. Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, accessed on November 23, 2014.

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