Société de Linguistique Romane

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The Société de Linguistique Romane is a linguistic specialist society in the field of Romance studies .


The Société de Linguistique Romane was founded in Paris in 1924 by the French philologists Adolphe Terracher , professor at the University of Strasbourg , and Oscar Bloch , Alsatian dialectologist and teacher at the Lycée Buffon , and the magazine Revue de linguistique romane was launched at the same time . With its conferences and publications, the new society served Romanists in different languages ​​from around twenty countries as an international umbrella organization. In 1928 the first International Congress for Romance Linguistics took place in Dijon under the direction of Adolphe Terracher . The Second International Congress for Romance Linguistics in 1930 was organized by the Swiss Romance scholars Karl Jaberg and Jakob Jud as a “travel congress ” through various Romance-speaking regions of Switzerland, from Sion to Savièse , Sedrun and Disentis to Chur . In addition to the aforementioned, Ernst Tappolet , Jules Jeanjaquet , Ernest Muret , Robert von Planta and Chasper Pult also gave lectures on the Romance language situation in Switzerland.

During the Second World War and a few years afterwards, the company's activities were suspended and did not resume until 1953, again under the leadership of the prewar President Mario Roques , with the Seventh Congress on Romance Linguistics in Barcelona . Since then, further congresses of this series have taken place under the leadership of the Société de Linguistique Romane up to the 28th International Congress for Romance Linguistics and Philology in Rome in 2016 and the 29th World Congress in Copenhagen . The preparation and management of these international congresses is usually the main task of the Presidium and Society Council, which is usually in office for three years.

The Société de Linguistique Romane publishes the Revue de linguistique romane and Bibliothèque de linguistique romane series.

Since 1956 the Society has awarded the Prix ​​Dauzat for work on Gallo-Roman linguistics , donated in memory of the Romanist Albert Dauzat . Prize winners included Jean Séguy , Simone Escoffier , Ernest Schüle , Jean-Pierre Chambon , Marie-Thérèse Counet , Eva Büchi , André Thibault and Yan Greub .

At the beginning of the 21st century, more than 900 specialists from 34 countries and around 400 libraries were among the members of the society.

International congresses for Romance linguistics and philology


Other people related to the organization

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ 1er Congrès International de Linguistique et Philologie romanes, à Dijon, from 28 to 30 May 1928.
  2. Publication of the files of the Second International Congress for Romance Linguistics from 9. – 11. June 1930 in: Revue de Linguistique romane, VII, 1931.
  3. Roberto Antonelli, Martin Glessgen , Paul Videsott (eds.): Atti del XXVIII Congresso internazionale di linguistica e filologia romanza (Roma, 18-23 July 2016). Société de Linguistique Romane; Éditions de linguistique et de philologie ELiPi; Bibliothèque de Linguistique Romane. Strasbourg 2018.
  4. CILPR 2019 - Copenhague