You don't kiss public prosecutors

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German title You don't kiss public prosecutors
Original title Legal Eagles
Country of production United States
original language English
Publishing year 1986
length 116 minutes
Age rating FSK 12
JMK 10
Director Ivan Reitman
script Ivan Reitman,
Jim Cash ,
Jack Epps Jr.
production Ivan Reitman
music Elmer Bernstein
camera László Kovács
cut William D. Gordean ,
Pembroke J. Herring ,
Sheldon Kahn

You don't kiss public prosecutors (original title: Legal Eagles , spelling at the time: You don't kiss public prosecutors ) is an American crime comedy from 1986 by director Ivan Reitman , who also wrote the script with Jim Cash and Jack Epps Jr. The main roles were played by Robert Redford , Debra Winger and Daryl Hannah .


For her eighth birthday, Chelsea Deardon receives a painting from her father, a successful painter. The following night, the building in which they live and the studio go up in flames; Chelsea is rescued, her father is killed.

The main plot takes place 18 years later:

The New York Attorney Tom Logan accuses dubious methods lawyer Laura Kelly; this defends itself, every defendant has the right to a defense. After the trial, however, Kelly asks Logan for help: Chelsea (now a performance artist) is accused of trying to steal one of her father's paintings from the art dealer Forrester's exhibition. Logan refuses, but is drawn into the case by the women through a trick. Chelsea claims it was the picture she got for her birthday back then. So it is their property! And: there is a diary of her father with which the picture given to her can be identified.

Shortly afterwards, Forrester drops his accusation; he exchanged the painting for a Picasso owned by gallery curator Taft. With this one, Logan and Kelly can see the picture; however, it has no birthday dedication on its back. The next day, a detective visits Cavanaugh Kelly and hands her a misappropriated file from which it emerges that the "burned" paintings all still exist and that the painter himself was murdered. He himself investigated the case at the time, but the matter was put down.

Late in the evening, Chelsea appears in Logan's apartment and seeks protection; a man chasing them. She explains that the picture that Taft showed the two lawyers is not what belongs to her. Logan brings her home and gets a private screening of Chelsea's performance, which confuses him. Chelsea has to admit that the alleged diary doesn't even exist. Logan is just as in doubt as the viewer. When he leaves the house, he is shot at; he remains unharmed.

Logan and Kelly put pressure on Taft. When he disappears in a hurry, they pursue him and end up in front of a warehouse . However, Taft lures them into a trap: when they find and examine a file, a bomb starts ticking. At the last second they can escape from the warehouse; the fireworks are impressive, all evidence destroyed.

Again Chelsea goes to Logan's apartment and seeks help: she says she went to Taft in his apartment and asked for information about the whereabouts of the pictures at gunpoint. Taft snatched the gun from her and hit her. Logan allows her to stay with him for the night. She steals into his bed and he doesn't throw her out. The next morning the police storm the apartment and arrest Chelsea; she is suspected of murdering Taft. The following scandal (the prosecutor in bed with the defendant!) Leads to Logan's release. He forms an office community with Kelly as lawyers. Cavanaugh reveals to them that Taft, Forrester, and a certain Brock were business associates who started an insurance fraud ; this corresponds to the findings from the documents in the warehouse.

At the trial, Logan, as Chelsea's defense attorney, delivers a brilliant opening speech. As a result of a flashback , Chelsea recognizes the man among the well-wishers in Forrester who was near him seconds before the death of her father and also publicly calls him a murderer. On the way home someone tries to knock down the two lawyers. The assassin is run over by a taxi while on the run; Logan finds a Forrester's business card in his wallet.

During the memorial service for Taft in his gallery, Kelly and Logan break into Forrester's room and discover his body. Chelsea is also present and hidden behind a curtain; again she protests her innocence. The attorneys suspect that the current murders have something to do with the insurance fraud of the time. They think Chelsea is all the more credible.

The two women go to Taft's party while Logan visits Detective Cavanaugh at the police station. He comes across a completely uninvolved policeman of the same name. On the upper floor of Taft's gallery, the alleged Cavanaugh, who turns out to be the third allegedly deceased years ago - namely Brock - appears at the same time and forces the women to smash a statue. It is hollow and contains Deardon’s sought-after paintings, rolled up and secured in a suitcase. Brock knocks down Kelly and Chelsea and sets fire to supplies in a gallery storage room. During the resulting panic he tries to disappear with the pictures. Logan has fought his way through the traffic to the gallery and meets Brock in the inferno . While they fight, his clothes catch fire and he falls over a railing to his death. Logan can free the women and escape with them from the burning building.

Outside they open the suitcase. Chelsea tearfully finds her father's dedication on the back of the painting they are looking for.

The murder trial is set, Logan's superior wants to reinstate him in his previous position and make him his successor. But he prefers a professional and personal future with Kelly.


"While the crime story is developed slowly and suffers from elaborate effects, the film convinces with the relaxed, ironic play of the main actors, whose tangled network of relationships sets entertaining accents."

“In his new film, the Czechoslovakian director Ivan Reitman [...] actually does the trick of making a completely dust-free screwball comedy according to a tried and tested recipe: he and she who hiss at each other at the beginning and then at the end Poor lying. [...] So that the viewer does not get bored with this dazzling-looking triangle, Reitman has brought up a lot: a thriller about a gigantic art fraud, art dealers who cheat an innocent beautiful child of their inheritance and do not shrink from murder and manslaughter. And fires en masse. "


The German dubbing was directed by Lutz Riedel based on a dialogue book by Hans-Bernd Ebinger on behalf of Berliner Synchron , Munich.

role actor speaker
Tom Logan Robert Redford Rolf Schult
Laura Kelly Debra Winger Joseline Gassen
Chelsea Deardon Daryl Hannah Simone Brahmann
Cavanaugh Brian Dennehy Michael Chevalier
Victor Taft Terence Stamp Harry Wüstenhagen
Judge Davis Roscoe Lee Browne Joachim Nottke
Carol Freeman Christine Baranski Edeltraut Elsner


Mike Chapman and Holly Knight won the ASCAP Film and Television Music Award for the song Love Touch , sung by Rod Stewart .

The German Film and Media Evaluation FBW in Wiesbaden awarded the film the title valuable.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Age rating for public prosecutors is not kissed . Youth Media Commission (  TV version).
  2. ^ You don't kiss public prosecutors in the lexicon of international filmTemplate: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used
  3. Fireproof dream couple in Der Spiegel , issue 43/1986
  4. [1] , German synchronization.