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municipality Gumtow
Coordinates: 52 ° 57 '23 "  N , 12 ° 8' 29"  E
Height : 40 m above sea level NHN
Incorporation : June 30, 2002
Postal code : 16866
Area code : 033977

Vehlin is a district of the municipality of Gumtow in the Prignitz district in Brandenburg .


The place is 8 kilometers southwest of Gumtow and 23 kilometers southeast of Perleberg . The area is characterized by an open agricultural landscape and only in the south-west of the district are smaller forest areas.

The neighboring towns are Kunow , Beckenthin and Döllen in the north, Schönhagen and Görike in the east, Söllenthin and Netzow in the south, and Klein Leppin and Schrepkow in the west.


Village church

The stone church dates from the 14th century. In 1804, for the village Vehlin, which at that time could also be found under the spelling Vellin, in a state description of the Kyritzische Kreis in the Prignitz of the Mark Brandenburg, it is noted that the place has a Lehnschulze , nine full and four half farmers , ten Kossäts , eleven Büdner , 24 residents and a Rademacher belonged. There was also a windmill, 50 acres of wood, 63 fireplaces, 335 people, 12 ½ hooves and a mother church. As owners, the " von Saldern " were given. Ecclesiastically and postally, the village was assigned to the nearby Kyritz .

Unofficial seal
Vehlin's unofficial seal

In 1895 Otto Lilienthal traveled to Vehlin to research the flight technique of the storks, which at that time were strongly represented in the village.

On June 30, 2002 Vehlin merged with 15 other communities to form the community of Gumtow. At that time the place had 83 inhabitants.


  • Historical Gazetteer Brandenburg - Part 1 - Prignitz - N-Z . Modifications made by Lieselott Enders . In: Klaus Neitmann (Ed.): Publications of the Brandenburgisches Landeshauptarchiv (State Archive Potsdam) - Volume 3 . Founded by Friedrich Beck . Publishing house Klaus-D. Becker, Potsdam 2012, ISBN 978-3-88372-033-3 , pp. 911 ff .

Web links

Commons : Vehlin  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Community Gumtow - districts according to § 45 municipal constitution - inhabited districts - living spaces. In: Ministry of the Interior and Local Affairs of the State of Brandenburg, accessed on December 27, 2015 .
  2. a b Map services of the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation ( information )
  3. Friedrich Wilhelm August Bratring: Statistical-topographical description of the entire Mark Brandenburg: For statisticians, businessmen, especially for camera operators . First volume. The general introduction to the Kurmark, containing the Altmark and Prignitz. Friedrich Maurer, Berlin 1804, Part Four. Special country description. Second part. The Prignitz. Fifth chapter. The Kyritzic Circle, p. 478 ( full text in Google Book Search [accessed January 1, 2016]).
  4. Vehlin. In: Retrieved October 16, 2016 .
  5. ^ Community associations - Gumtow. In: Ministry of the Interior and Local Affairs of the State of Brandenburg, accessed on April 16, 2016 .