Rahlstedt constituency

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The constituency 14 Rahlstedt is a constituency for the election of the Hamburg citizenship and was in 2008 and 2011 a constituency for the election of the district assembly in the Wandsbek district . According to Hamburg's electoral law, it is a multi-mandate constituency in which four members of the parliament are elected by direct election or according to constituency lists.

Constituency 14: Rahlstedt
Map: Location of the constituency of Rahlstedt in Hamburg.
Country Germany
state Hamburg
district Wandsbek
Constituency number 14th
Residents 86,413
Eligible voters 66,825
voter turnout 54.2%
Election date February 15, 2015

The boundaries of the constituency are identical to those of Rahlstedt . The constituency is in the east of Hamburg on the state border with Schleswig-Holstein . Neighboring constituencies are Alstertal-Walddörfer in the north, Bramfeld-Farmsen-Berne in the west and Wandsbek in the south-west.

Structural data

The constituency of Rahlstedt has a good 86,000 inhabitants. With almost 67,000 eligible voters, it is one of the middle constituencies. The voter turnout in the last Mayor elections in 2015 was 54.2 percent, slightly below the total turnout in Hamburg of 56.5 percent.

The population density in the constituency is 3252 inhabitants / km² and is thus above the average of Hamburg with 2294 inhabitants / km². The under 18-year-olds make up 17.4 percent of the total population (Hamburg 15.7 percent), the over 65-year-olds 22.5 percent (18.8 percent). At 9.0 percent, the proportion of foreigners in the constituency is below the Hamburg average of 14.8 percent. The proportion of foreign students is 9.4 percent compared to an average of 15.6 percent in Hamburg.

In terms of social structure , the constituency does not differ significantly. 16.3 percent of all apartments are social housing (Hamburg 13.2 percent). Each resident has a living space of 37.1 square meters (Hamburg 36.5 square meters), the apartments are above average with 77.3 square meters (71.8 square meters). The share of employees subject to social security contributions was 48.4 percent in 2006, which is the Hamburg average of 47.3 percent. The unemployment rate in September 2006 was 7.3 percent and thus slightly below the rate of 7.8 percent in the whole of Hamburg. A large proportion of the unemployed receive benefits according to the Social Security Code II (Hartz IV), in the area of ​​the constituency it was 5.1 percent of the population in June of the same year, in Hamburg an average of 5.7 percent. 11.7 percent of the total population in the constituency received Hartz IV benefits in September 2006. This corresponds to the average of 11.9 percent in Hamburg.

The crime rate is below the Hamburg average. The total number of criminal offenses per 1000 inhabitants is 83 (Hamburg 137 per 1000 inhabitants), the number of violent offenses four (Hamburg five) and the number of thefts 41 per 1000 inhabitants (Hamburg 63).


Citizenship election 2015

For the Hamburg state election, 2015 occurred in the constituency Rahlstedt nine parties with their own constituency lists. A total of 40 candidates applied for a mandate (sequence as on the voting slip).

66,825 people were eligible to vote. Each voter had five votes for the state list and five votes for the constituency lists. These votes could be distributed arbitrarily to the candidates and overall lists of the parties. The turnout was 54.2 percent. 3.4 percent of the voting slips submitted for the state list and 3.0 percent of the voting slips for the constituency lists were invalid. 173,147 valid votes were cast for the state list and a total of 172,995 for the constituency lists.

Elected MPs:

Result of the 2015 state election in constituency 14 Rahlstedt
Political party Country list of
party votes
in percent
Constituency list
in percent
Country list of
party votes
list list votes
Country list
personality voices
Constituency list
SPD 51.5 48.0 89.185 36,571 52,614 38,058
CDU 18.8 22.5 32,498 17,742 14,756 38,968
The left 5.4 6.6 9,390 5,784 3,606 11,491
FDP 6.7 5.1 11,662 6,446 3,849 8,900
Green 6.9 7.9 11,965 7,676 4,289 13,665
AfD 7.5 6.9 12,991 9,728 3,263 11,930
Pirates 1.0 1.4 1,743 1.313 430 2,343
NPD 0.6 0.7 980 655 325 1,202
Human economy N / A 0.8 N / A N / A N / A 1,448

The state lists of the parties without their own constituency lists accounted for 1.6 percent of the valid votes cast.

State election 2011

For the Hamburg state election, 2011 occurred in the constituency Rahlstedt seven parties with their own constituency lists and a total of 40 candidates.

65,288 people were eligible to vote. The turnout was 55.1 percent. 2.1 percent of the voting slips cast for the state list and 3.6 percent of the voting slips for the constituency lists were invalid. 171,221 valid votes were cast for the state list and 170,911 for the constituency lists.

Elected MPs:

Ekkehard Wysocki succeeded Elke Badde, who resigned from the citizenship in March 2011 after being appointed State Councilor for the Authority for Health and Consumer Protection .

Result of the state election 2011 in constituency 14 Rahlstedt
Political party Country list
in percent
Constituency list of
party votes
in percent
Country list of
party votes
list list votes
Country list
personality voices
Constituency list
CDU 26.0 27.2 44,433 24,687 19,746 46,452
SPD 51.0 49.4 87,385 41,704 45,681 84,483
GREEN / GAL 6.8 8.4 11,643 6,917 4,726 14,350
The left 5.0 5.9 8,476 4,913 3,563 10.165
FDP 6.9 5.7 11,784 6,921 4,861 9,791
Pirates 1.3 1.9 2,278 1,695 583 3,270
NPD 1.2 1.4 2.007 1,473 534 2,400

The state lists of the parties without their own constituency lists accounted for 1.8 percent of the valid votes cast.

Election of the district assembly 2011

For the election of the Wandsbek district assembly, seven parties with their own constituency lists and a total of 50 candidates competed in the Rahlstedt constituency (order as on the ballot).

Citizens of the member states of the European Union were also entitled to vote for the district assembly . The number of those entitled to vote was 67,458 people, therefore, greater than in the general election. Each voter had five votes for the state list and five votes for the constituency lists. These five votes could be distributed arbitrarily to the candidates and overall lists of the parties. The turnout was 53.8 percent. 4.4 percent of the votes cast for the district lists and 4.7 percent of the votes cast for the constituency lists were invalid. A total of 171,721 valid votes were cast for the district lists and 170,064 valid votes for the constituency lists.

Result of the election for the district assembly Wandsbek 2011 in the constituency 14 Rahlstedt
Political party District list of
party votes
in percent
Constituency list
in percent
District list of
party votes
list list votes
District list
personality voices
Constituency list
SPD 49.2 48.0 84,510 54,548 29,962 81,612
CDU 26.7 27.7 45,857 30,420 15,437 47,061
GREEN / GAL 9.0 9.3 15,396 9,710 5,686 15,875
The left 5.6 6.7 9,549 5,547 4,002 11,394
FDP 6.2 6.1 10,652 6,880 3,772 10,325
NPD 1.5 1.5 2,511 1,554 957 2,603
Human economy N / A 0.7 N / A N / A N / A 1,194

Parties without a constituency list received 1.9 percent of the valid votes.

2008 general election

For the Hamburg state election, 2008 occurred in the constituency Rahlstedt seven parties with their own constituency lists and a total of 33 candidates.

64,801 people were eligible to vote. Each voter had one vote for the state list and five votes for the constituency lists. These five votes could be distributed arbitrarily to the candidates and overall lists of the parties. The turnout for the state lists was 62.6 percent and for the constituency lists 62.9 percent. 0.9 percent of the voting slips submitted for the state list and 3 percent of the voting slips for the constituency lists were invalid. 40,199 valid votes were cast for the state list and a total of 194,640 for the constituency lists.

Elected MPs:

Result of the 2008 state election in constituency 14 Rahlstedt
Political party Country list
in percent
Constituency list of
party votes
in percent
Country list Constituency list of
party votes
list list votes
Constituency list
personality votes
CDU 48.6 45.0 19,554 87,547 58,716 28,831
SPD 32.2 33.2 12,929 64,697 33,685 31,012
GAL 6.2 8.6 2,505 16,682 8,137 8,545
FDP 4.8 5.5 1,920 10,651 6,340 4,311
The left 5.5 6.4 2,201 12,405 6,010 6,395
center 0.1 0.3 47 600 233 367
HeimatHamburg 0.5 1.1 213 2,058 1,599 459

The state lists of the parties without their own constituency lists accounted for 2.0 percent of the valid votes cast.

Election of the district assembly 2008

Seven parties with their own constituency lists and a total of 43 candidates ran for the election of the Wandsbek district assembly in the Rahlstedt constituency.

Citizens of the member states of the European Union were also entitled to vote for the district assembly . The number of people entitled to vote was therefore higher than in the state elections, at 67,057. Each voter had one vote for the state list and five votes for the constituency lists. These five votes could be distributed arbitrarily to the candidates and overall lists of the parties. The turnout for the constituency lists was 60.8 percent. 3.7 percent of the votes cast for the constituency lists were invalid. A total of 193,574 valid votes were cast.

Result of the election for the district assembly Wandsbek 2008 in the constituency 14 Rahlstedt
Political party Seats Constituency list of
party votes
in percent
Constituency list of
party votes
list list votes
Constituency list
personality votes
CDU 3 44.5 86.161 59,246 26,915
SPD 3 33.1 64.006 34,307 29,699
GAL 1 9.4 18,190 9,479 8,711
FDP 0 5.1 9,964 6.126 3,838
The left 0 6.4 12,432 6.320 6.112
center 0 0.3 667 301 366
HeimatHamburg 0 1.1 2.154 1,459 695

Citizenship elections 1966–2015

Up to and including 2004, the state elections were pure list elections without constituencies. For this reason, the election results in the Rahlstedt district are shown in the period from 1966 to 2004 (6th-18th electoral period). For the years from 2008 the result of the state list, which is decisive for the majority in the citizenship, is given. Only those parties are listed that were able to collect more than five percent of the valid votes cast in at least one district of the constituency in the period shown. In total, the result of an election can therefore be less than 100 percent. All results are given in percent.

Election results in the constituency of Rahlstedt from 1966 to 2015
Political party 1966 1970 1974 1978 6/1982 12/1982 1986 1987 1991 1993 1997 2001 2004 2008 2011 2015
SPD 54.9 52.3 41.0 49.1 40.0 49.4 40.1 44.3 47.0 39.9 36.7 36.6 30.5 32.2 51.0 51.5
CDU 32.2 35.3 43.8 40.3 46.7 42.1 46.4 43.4 38.5 27.5 34.0 28.7 51.7 48.6 26.0 18.8
AfD 7.5
Green 6.6 6.1 7.7 4.6 5.6 10.3 9.3 4.9 7.8 6.2 6.8 6.9
FDP 7.8 7.7 11.9 5.3 5.4 2.9 4.9 6.8 5.4 4.0 3.0 4.9 3.1 4.8 6.9 6.7
The left 5.5 5.0 5.4
DVU 2.9 6.6 1.2 1.1
Schill / Offensive D 21.2 0.3
INSTEAD OF 6.6 4.4 0.4
REP 1.2 5.5 1.5 0.0

supporting documents

Structural data
  • Rahlstedt constituency . In: Statistical Office for Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein (Hrsg.): Election for Hamburg citizenship 2008, structural data of the constituencies . ( statistik-nord.de [PDF; 68 kB ; accessed on January 1, 2006]).
  • Statistical Office for Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein: State election. In: Election database since 1965. Retrieved January 1, 2008 .
  • Constituency 14 Rahlstedt. State list votes compared to the 2004 state election . In: Statistical Office for Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein (ed.): Final result of the Hamburg state election 2008 . March 6, 2008 ( statistik-nord.de [PDF; 5 kB ]).
  • Constituency 14 Rahlstedt. Party votes . In: Statistical Office for Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein (ed.): Final result of the Hamburg state election 2008 . March 6, 2008 ( statistik-nord.de [PDF; 9 kB ]).
  • Constituency 14 Rahlstedt. Party votes . In: Statistical Office for Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein (Ed.): Final result of the 2008 district assembly election . ( statistik-nord.de [PDF; 40 kB ]).
  • Election to the citizenry and the elections to the district assemblies on February 24, 2008 . In: Justice Authority of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg (ed.): Official Gazette. Part II of the Hamburg Law and Ordinance Gazette. Notices . No. 21 , March 14, 2008, p. 661, 674 ( hamburg.de [PDF; 200 kB ]).
  • Election to the citizenship and the election to the district assemblies on February 24, 2008. In: Judicial Authority of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg (Ed.): Official Anzeiger. Part II of the Hamburg Law and Ordinance Gazette. Notices . No. 22 , March 18, 2008, p. 700–701 ( hamburg.de [PDF; 296 kB ]).
References and comments
  1. a b Annex to § 18 Paragraph 8. In: Law on the election to Hamburg citizenship. July 28, 2007, accessed February 18, 2016 .
  2. a b c d e Party votes are the sum of list votes and personality votes. List votes were cast for a party's constituency list. Personality votes were given for individual candidates. Each voter had five votes that could be freely distributed.
  3. Election to the citizenship and the election to the district assemblies on February 20, 2011. In: Justice Authority of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg (Ed.): Official Anzeiger. Part II of the Hamburg Law and Ordinance Gazette. Notices . No. 22 , March 18, 2011, p. 756, 778-779 ( hamburg.de [PDF; 633 kB ]).
  4. a b § 4. In: Law on the election to the district assemblies. July 5, 2004, accessed February 18, 2016 .
  5. a b Admission of the nominations for the election to the citizenship and the election to the district assemblies on February 24, 2008 . In: Justice Authority of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg (ed.): Official Gazette. Part II of the Hamburg Law and Ordinance Gazette . No. 10 , February 5, 2008, p. 3, 5, 36–38, 99–101 ( hamburg.de [PDF; 1.6 MB ]).