Walter Peter (politician, 1926)

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Walter Peter (born March 29, 1926 in Bregenz ; † February 5, 1994 ibid) was an Austrian politician ( SPÖ ) and chairman of the board of the Vorarlberger Illwerke . From 1954 to 1972 Peter was a member of the Vorarlberg state parliament for the socialists , where he acted as their club chairman from 1969 to 1972, and from 1970/71 as a member of the Vorarlberg state government for a short time as a regional councilor .

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Walter Peter was born on March 29, 1926 as the son of the electrician and member of the state parliament Josef Peter and his wife Maria in the Vorarlberg state capital Bregenz. He attended elementary school as well as the lower level of the grammar school in Bregenz until 1941. From autumn 1941 he became an office worker and technical draftsman at the agricultural district authority in Bregenz. In April 1943 he was first drafted into the Reich Labor Service and then from November 1943 into military service in the German Wehrmacht . In the course of the war he was taken prisoner of war in Yugoslavia , from which he returned in 1946. From autumn 1946 he continued his education at the Bregenz grammar school and joined the Socialist Party of Austria in November 1946. In 1948 Walter Peter passed the external Matura . He then began studying law at the Universities of Vienna and Innsbruck . At the latter, he was in November 1951 Doctor of Law doctorate .

After completing the judicial year 1952 in Feldkirch , Walter Peter joined the state employment office as an administrative lawyer on January 1, 1953. After the state elections on October 17, 1954 , Walter Peter entered the Vorarlberg state parliament for the first time as a member of the Bregenz electoral district . In 1962 he started his career at Vorarlberger Illwerke , the state-owned power plant owner. After the state elections in 1964 , Peter was elected by the XX. Vorarlberger Landtag elected its first vice-president. In 1967 his professional advancement followed with the promotion to head of the department of water and traffic law at the Illwerke. As a result of the state election in 1969 , Walter Peter was in the XXI. Vorarlberger Landtag second vice-president and club chairman of the socialist Landtag club.

On June 24, 1970, he succeeded his party colleague Hermann Stecher in his function as regional councilor for social administration, welfare and health care as well as the regional hospitals Gaisbühel , Valduna and the Feldkirch regional hospital . On December 15, 1971, however, he resigned as regional councilor and handed the office over to his successor Ernst Winder . Only a few months later, on April 20, 1972, he also resigned as a member of the state parliament, since on April 1, 1972 he had taken over the position of director and chairman of the board of the Vorarlberger Illwerke. He stayed that way until his retirement in January 1991. On February 5, 1994, Walter Peter died at the age of 67 in his hometown of Bregenz, where he was still a member of the city ​​council in the 1970s and 80s .

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