Weilerbach (Odenbach)

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Water code DE : 25468192
location Saar-Nahe-Bergland


River system Rhine
Drain over Odenbach  → Glan  → Nahe  → Rhine  → North Sea
source between Niederkirchen - Morbach and Niederkirchen- Wörsbach
49 ° 34 ′ 6 ″  N , 7 ° 40 ′ 9 ″  E
Source height approx.  339  m above sea level NHN
muzzle in Niederkirchen from the left in the Odenbach Coordinates: 49 ° 34 '40 "  N , 7 ° 41' 44"  E 49 ° 34 '40 "  N , 7 ° 41' 44"  E
Mouth height approx.  252  m above sea level NHN
Height difference approx. 87 m
Bottom slope approx. 37 ‰
length 2.4 km
Catchment area 2.988 km²

The Weilerbach , including Bell Muehlbach called, is a two and a half kilometers long left tributary of Odenbaches in the Rhineland-Palatinate district of Kaiserslautern in the area of the municipality Otterbach Otter Mountain belong to local community Niederkirchen .



The hamlet rises at an altitude of 339  m above sea level. NHN in the corridor In der Lochwiesen between the Niederkirchen districts of Morbach in the north and Wörsbach in the south . Its source is at the northern foot of the Bornberg ( 420  m ) in a meadow that is part of a biotope and is overgrown with thick wood right next to a small pond.

The stream initially flows a good half a kilometer in an east-northeast direction along the southern edge of the biotope and then, accompanied by wood on the banks, runs a good three hundred meters northeast through fields between the Maisäcker corridor on its left and the In der Vorder Halde corridor on the right. It then moves north-northeast through a wide valley along the wooded western slope of the Buchenknopf ( 402.9  m ) and shortly afterwards feeds in the corridor In der Weilerbach the small, approximately one-hectare landscape pond Niederkirchen , on whose banks in the southeast the tents of the Campsite beech button stand. In the northwest of the pond is the house of the Angelsportverein Niederkirchen eV. The creek leaves the pond underground and then reappears on the surface after about 60 m in the corridor In den Herrenwiesen south of Kreisstraße 31 (Mörbacher Straße) near the local sports field . A little further down the stream, the stream used to drive the Bellenmühle .

The brook now runs through a green zone on the southern edge of the leftodenbach settlement area of ​​the community of Niederkirchen, accompanied by thick wood, then crosses state road 382 (valley road) in a north-northeast direction and finally flows underground after a run of about 2.4 km at a height from 252  m about 50 m east of the town hall and a good 20 m south of the confluence of the Steinbach from the left into the Odenbach coming from the south .

Catchment area

The catchment area of ​​the hamlet lies within the district of Niederkirchen and has a size of 3.0 km². In the source area it belongs to the Lichtenberg ridge natural area and in the estuary area to the Moschel heights . Both natural areas are sub-groupings of the North Palatinate Bergland and thus part of the Saar-Nahe Bergland .

The highest elevation of the catchment area is the Bornberg in the south of the source area with a height of 420  m . Other notable hills are the Buchenknopf ( 402.9  m ) southwest of Niederkirchen , northeast of Morbach der Krippes ( 391.2  m ) and west of Niederkirchen the Burgberg ( 378.4  m ), as well as an unnamed hill west of the Bornberg with a height from 417  m . The area of ​​the Weilerbach touches the area of ​​the Lauter tributary Kreimbach in the southwest and the Roßbach , another tributary of the Lauter, competes in the west . In the north its catchment area is bounded by the Odenbach tributary Moorbach and in the south by the Wörsbach , also a tributary of the Odenbach.

The largest part of its catchment area is characterized by sandy - loamy fields. The headwaters of the Weilerbach are partly forested and there are large areas of grassland in its valley. The slopes of the hills are often covered with forest. In the catchment area of ​​the hamlet in the north-west lies the village of Morbach and in its confluence area the local community of Niederkirchen.


The upper reaches of the Weilerbach lies in the Rotliegend of the Permocarbons in the Upper Glan subgroup . The upper part of the sediment layer consists of red, conglomerate arkose of the Oberkirchen Formation , underneath are alternating layers of gray clay , silt and sandstones . There are also tuff and limestone . The area of ​​its lower reaches is shaped by igneous rock of the Nahe subgroup of permocarbons. It get there basaltic andesite and tholeyitisches basalt rock and a gray-black, fine-grained matrix of plagioclase , some pyroxene and phenocrysts of mostly altered olivine ago.

nature and environment

The upper valley of the Weilerbach belongs to the biotope valley of the Weiler-Bach southeast of Niederkirchen (area number: BK-6412-0291-2009). The biotope is about 16.8 hectares in total. The locally significant and structurally rich natural area is characterized by the stream overgrown with natural riparian wood, its species-rich meadows and afforested forests. The Weilerbach is continuously overgrown with bushes and trees that are appropriate to the location, and in its immediate vicinity there is sometimes intensive agricultural use of grassland and arable land. The fish pond on the outskirts of Niederkirchen with rainbow trout , brook trout , Rotaugeen , rudd , perch , carp , the tench , eels and pike-perch occupied, as well as crabs and clams.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Map service of the landscape information system of the Rhineland-Palatinate Nature Conservation Administration (LANIS map) ( notes )
  2. a b GeoExplorer of the Rhineland-Palatinate Water Management Authority ( information )
  3. LANIS 1: 15000
  4. LANIS 1: 10000
  5. After the top. Palatine (1836-1841) receiving as Borgberg designated
  6. The Weilerbach with partial catchment areas on the GeoExplorer of the Rhineland-Palatinate Water Management Authority ( information )
  7. Appendix to the geological overview map: Permocarbon, Rotliegend, Obere Glan subgroup of the State Office for Geology and Mining of Rhineland-Palatinate
  8. Appendix to the geological overview map: Permocarbon, magmatites of the Nahe subgroup of the State Office for Geology and Mining of Rhineland-Palatinate
  9. Osiris: valley of the hamlet brook southeast of Niederkirchen
  10. Landscape planning of the Verbandsgemeinde Otterberg , April 1997
  11. waters of the fishing club Niederkirchen eV