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| 9th century | 10th century | 11th century |
| 910 | 920s | 930s | 940s | 950 | 960s | 970s |
◄◄ | | 941 | 942 | 943 | 944 | 945 | 946 | 947 | 948 | 949 | | ►►

Heads of State · Nekrolog

Olga with her son Svyatoslav in the Chronicle of Johannes Skylitzes
After the death of her husband Igor, Olga becomes Princess of Kiev
for her son Svyatoslav .
945 in other calendars
Armenian calendar 393/394 (turn of the year July)
Ethiopian calendar 937/938
Buddhist calendar 1488/89 (southern Buddhism); 1487/88 (alternative calculation according to Buddhas Parinirvana )
Chinese calendar 60th (61st) cycle

Year of the wood snake乙巳 ( at the beginning of the year wood dragon 甲辰)

Chula Sakarat (Siam, Myanmar) / Dai calendar (Vietnam) 307/308 (turn of the year April)
Iranian calendar 323/324
Islamic calendar 333/334 (turn of the year 12/13 August)
Jewish calendar 4705/06 (September 10/11)
Coptic calendar 661/662
Malayalam calendar 120/121
Roman calendar ab urbe condita MDCXCVIII (1698)

Diocletian's era : 661/662 (New Year November)

Seleucid era Babylon: 1255/56 (turn of the year April)

Syria: 1256/57 (New Year October)

Spanish era 983
Vikram Sambat (Nepalese Calendar) 1001/02 (turn of the year April)


Politics and world events

East asia

Central Asia

The Buyid Empire from 934 to 1055

The Persian Bujids occupied Baghdad and took over the patronage of the caliphs for over a hundred years . The Abbasids are politically disempowered and only the spiritual leader of the Sunni Muslims . In the north, Saif ad-Daula from the House of the Hamdanids succeeds in establishing his independence as the emir of Aleppo .

Eastern and Central Europe

Olga's Second Vengeance 945

Western Europe

  • July: During his campaign against the Normans in Normandy , who support the underage Duke Richard I , Ludwig IV , King of Western France , is captured by his opponents. These deliver him to his domestic political opponent Hugo the Great , who demands the surrender of Ludwig's royal seat of Laon as the price for the king's release , where Richard I is presumably held prisoner.


  • Abū Yazīd Machlad ibn Kaidād continues his revolt against the Fatimids in Ifrīqiya , but slowly loses popular support when he gives up his ascetic way of life. He has to give up the siege of Mahdia , the capital of Caliph al-Qa'im , in September after some Arab and Berber tribes have fallen away from him.

First documentary mentions

Historical maps and views

Arab conquests until 945


Exact date of birth unknown

Born around 945


Date of death secured

Exact date of death unknown

Died around 945

Web links

Commons : 945  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files