The mysterious phone

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Original title The mysterious phone
Country of production Germany
Publishing year 1916
length 71 minutes
Director Harry Piel
script Harry Piel

The mysterious telephone (also: The mysterious telephone ) is a German crime film from 1916.


The detective Kelly Brown defeats the crooks who want to cheat a rich heiress.


The shooting took place in Berlin and the surrounding area. The film was produced by Apollo Film GmbH. The distribution company was Standard Filmverleih Deutschland. It has a length of five files at 1301 meters, which corresponds to about 71 minutes. It was censored in December 1916. The Berlin police not only issued a ban on young people, but also banned a performance for the duration of the war (No. 40020). The Munich police do not allow an announcement as a detective film (No. 24024, 24025, 24026, 24027, 24028). The Berlin Reich Film Censorship confirmed the youth ban on May 3, 1921 (No. 2101). The premiere took place on December 8, 1916 in Düsseldorf in the Schadow-Lichtspiele or in February 1917 in the Marble House in Berlin. A horse chase was allegedly divided into five pictures on a canvas.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ↑ Film length calculator , frame rate : 16 2/3
  2. The mysterious phone in the Internet Movie Database (English)
  3. The mysterious telephone at
  4. The mysterious telephone at The German Early Cinema Database