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City of Haiger
Coat of arms of Dillbrecht
Coordinates: 50 ° 48 ′ 35 ″  N , 8 ° 12 ′ 13 ″  E
Height : 354 m
Area : 8.07 km²
Residents : 671  (December 31, 2017)
Population density : 83 inhabitants / km²
Incorporation : 1st October 1971
Postal code : 35708
Area code : 02773

Dillbrecht is a district of Haiger in the Lahn-Dill district in central Hesse , the center of which is about nine kilometers away.


Dillbrecht is located in the southern foothills of the Rothaargebirge at the transition to the south-bordering Westerwald on the upper reaches of the Dill river , which is responsible for the name of the place. It is located around 6 km north of Haiger not far east of the Kalteiche mountain (579.3 m above sea level) or the A 45 motorway, which can be reached via the "Haiger / Burbach" junction or the " Dillenburg " junction on the B 277 can be achieved. Dillbrecht is one of the 13 districts of the city of Haiger. The Tiefenrother Höhe lies between Wilgersdorf and Dillbrecht .


Dillbrecht was first mentioned in a document in 1354. At that time, on September 20, Roupel von Dilne, a wealthy Nassau slave to Offdilln , sold his part of the Dillbrecht tithe to a citizen in Herborn.

However, a document, dated October 8, 1341, mentions the allodial property of the squire Hartrad von Haiger "an der Swartzinbach" in the parish of Haiger , which he transfers to Archbishop Baldewin of Trier and which he retransferred as a fiefdom from the castle and town of Montabaur .

In 1444 there were ten houses in Dillbrecht. This number increased to 15 by 1457. In 1561 there was a legal dispute between Dillbrecht and Fellerdilln over some meadows. In 1743 the Dillbrecht church was completed.

In contrast to its neighboring villages Offdilln and Fellerdilln, Dillbrecht was spared major disasters until August 30, 1825. On that day, between 9 p.m. and 10 p.m., a fire broke out in the stable of the widower Johannes Heinrich Steiner. A major fire could only be prevented if the other villagers quickly noticed and intervened. Nevertheless, two houses, two stables and two barns fell victim to the fire. The damage amounted to 1791 guilders. Despite intensive efforts, the cause of the fire could not be clarified. In 1842 76 families with a total of 277 inhabitants lived in Dillbrecht. In 1859, the Dillbrecht community's draft stock book was open to the Dillbrecht field court for 14 days . In 1866 three new district councils were elected. The hunting area was divided into two parts of 1327 and 919 acres in 1867 and leased to interested parties. The hunting grounds were leased again for six years in 1873. On June 16, 1869, Müller Wilhelm Ameis zu Fellerdilln was granted mine ownership by the royal Prussian government in Wiesbaden. Driving on the country lanes outside the village with a heavy load of wood was made a punishable offense of 3 to 5 marks in 1876 and in the same year 248 inhabitants lived in Dillbrecht. In 1882, fixed times of worship were set for all denominations. In 1894 the place had 254 inhabitants.

In 1899 the village's high pressure water pipeline was completed. In 1903 the choral society "Eintracht" Dillbrecht was founded. In 1909 the parish of Dillbrecht was created with the communities of Dillbrecht, Fellerdilln and Offdilln. A year later, in 1910, the Weidenau-Dillenburg railway line was built and the town received its own railway station. The 2.6 kilometer long Rudersdorf Tunnel was built near Dillbrecht . Four tunnel construction workers had a fatal accident in a dynamite explosion in 1912. The rail tunnel was completed in 1915. Nine years later, in 1922, the local group Fellerdilln-Dillbrecht for war casualties and survivors was founded. On February 21, 1923, electric lights were on for the first time.

In 1950 all members of the volunteer fire brigade resigned in protest against the lack of equipment . The new school building was built between 1956 and 1958. In 1972 the old schoolhouse, built in 1837, was demolished. The rail tunnel was upgraded in 1962 for electric rail operation. The sports club Dillbrecht celebrated its 50th anniversary in 1969. in 1971 the new cemetery was completed. Five years later, in 1976, the community center of the free evangelical community was inaugurated. The SSV Dillbrecht sports center was built in 1977.

Territorial reform

In the course of the regional reform in Hesse , the municipality of Dillbrecht was incorporated into the city of Haiger on October 1, 1971 on a voluntary basis . A local district was not established for Dillbrecht.


The name "Dillbrecht" is probably derived from the river Dill, which "breaks" through the district of Dillbrecht when coming from Offdilln . Another interpretation says that the Schwarzbach flowing at the lower edge of the village is responsible for the name because it flows into the Dill, so to speak "breaks" into it.

Economic history

The townscape is shaped by the old cultural landscape. The Hauberg economy , which has shaped the landscape in the region for centuries, is still done by hand. The heating material for the winter is procured here, and the garden furniture industry also uses oak. The forests around the place consist mainly of oak, spruce, birch and beech. The area of ​​the Dillbrecht district of around 800 ha is used as arable land, garden land, grassland, forest, as a built-up area and for public roads. As a result of the land consolidation in 1971, the number of 3435 parcels that once existed was reduced by a ratio of around 3: 1. The legal basis of the Haubergs work goes back to the "Haubergordnung for the Dillkreis and the Oberwesterwaldkreis of June 4, 1887". It says: "Hauberge within the meaning of this law are the properties in the districts of Dillbrecht, Fellerdilln , Ober - and Niederroßbach, Bergebersbach , Eibelshausen , Almonds , Offdilln , Rittershausen , Steinbrücken , Straßebersbach, Weidelbach and Korb, which currently belong to Haubergs associations."

Dillbrecht is one of the few villages in the upper Dilltal where the agricultural areas are still intensively cultivated. However, the number of farms previously run by the whole family as a sideline has declined in recent years.

Territorial history and administration

The following list gives an overview of the territories in which Dillbrecht was located and the administrative units to which it was subordinate:


Population development

Dillbrecht: Population from 1834 to 2016
year     Residents
Data source: Historical municipality register for Hesse: The population of the municipalities from 1834 to 1967. Wiesbaden: Hessisches Statistisches Landesamt, 1968.
Further sources:; after 1970: City of Haiger

Religious affiliation

 Source: Historical local dictionary

• 1885: 242 Protestant (= 99.59%), no Catholic and 1 Jewish (= 0.41%) residents
• 1961: 496 Protestant (= 88.41%) and 50 Catholic (= 8.91%) residents
• 2005: 499 Protestant (= 69.11%), 85 Catholic (= 11.77%) and 161 other (= 22.30%) residents

Former mines

List of mines in Haiger

Culture and sights


  • Old village well
  • The memorial for those who fell in the First World War was erected on the Katzenheide in 1932. 2000 guests took part in the inauguration ceremony.

Dillbrecht village church

Ev. Church in Dillbrecht

The Protestant church in Dillbrecht was built in 1743 in the center of the village. The previously existing local church burned down during the Thirty Years War .

The bell in the tower of the church dates from 1747, but had to be reworked several times because the clay ceiling of the church could not bear the weight of the bell at the beginning. The clock mechanism consisting of ropes and weights was replaced by an electric clock during restoration work in 1970/71. The rectory was built in 1900 and a new building was added in 1981.

Ecclesiastically, Dillbrecht was assigned to the second parish of Haiger from the Middle Ages to the beginning of the 19th century. From 1818 to 1909 Dillbrecht belonged to the parish of Oberroßbach . It was not until 1909 that Dillbrecht, together with the neighboring villages of Offdilln and Fellerdilln, became the independent parish of Dillbrecht.

In 1993 Dillbrecht celebrated the 250th anniversary of its Protestant church. Wall paintings from the construction period are still preserved in the church.

Rudersdorf Tunnel

The Rudersdorf tunnel on the Dill route is the most complex engineering structure in the course of this connection between Siegen and Dillenburg . It was therefore not completed until 1915.

Natural monuments

See the list of natural monuments in Haiger-Dillbrecht .

Economy and Infrastructure

A construction train passes through the Dillbrecht stop. On the left of the picture you can see the former reception building, which is no longer used today.

Established businesses

  • Becker container GmbH
  • Metallbau Boller and Jung


  • Dillbrecht primary school center


Dillbrecht has a stop on the Dill route .


Web links

Commons : Dillbrecht  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Area by district. In: Internet presence. City of Haiger, archived from the original on April 7, 2016 ; accessed in March 2018 .
  2. Population statistics . (PDF) In: Internet presence. City of Haiger, archived from the original on March 25, 2018 ; accessed in March 2018 .
  3. Hessisches Hauptstaatsarchiv : Lehnsarchive (121): Deeds 9: First letter H: 9.4 ( HHStAW inventory 121 No. U von Haiger 1341 October 8 ) Kurzregest : Hartrad von Haiger (de Heygere), squire, transfers to Archbishop Baldewin von Trier for 40 marks Pfennige (3 Heller for 1 Pfennig calculated) his allodial goods "an der Swartzinbach" in the parish of Haiger and takes them back from him as a fief of the castle and town of Montabaur (Monthabur). Siegler was the exhibitor and Eberhard the Younger and Manegold von Haiger, as well as Heidenreich von Haiger, brother of the exhibitor. Three of the four four seals (exhibitor and the three co-seals) are still attached to the parchment.
  4. Haubergsordnung
  5. a b c Dillbrecht, Lahn-Dill district. Historical local dictionary for Hessen. (As of October 16, 2018). In: Landesgeschichtliches Informationssystem Hessen (LAGIS).
  6. ^ Michael Rademacher: German administrative history from the unification of the empire in 1871 to the reunification in 1990. State of Hesse. (Online material for the dissertation, Osnabrück 2006).
  7. HHStAW inventory 360/187: affiliation of Haiger  In: archive information system Hesse (Arcinsys Hessen).
  8. a b Population figures 2005. In: webauftritt. City of Haiger, archived from the original ; accessed in February 2019 .