Trinity Church (Fulnek)

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Trinity Parish Church
Parish Fulnek
Dean's office Wagstadt
diocese Ostrau-Troppau
Ecclesiastical province Moravia
local community Fulnek
district Neu-Titschein
country Moravia
Country Czech Republic
Status from 2006

The Roman Catholic Trinity Parish Church ( Czech : Farní kostel Nejsvětější Trojice ) in Fulnek ( Czech Republic ) is one of the most artistically important Baroque buildings in Northeast Moravia .


History of the first parish church

The parish church with the rectory seen from the north

The first parish church in this place, St.  Philip and St. James , stood on the site of today's St. Joseph's Chapel, to the left of the nave . The exact date of construction is unknown. Mentioned for the first time it was on 26. February 1293 in a deed of Mr Oldřich of Lichtenburk , member of the race of Ronow detained and owner of Fulnek area, is the fact that he at the Vogt Štědroň in Eilowitz for ten Mark sold the local Vogthaus .

In 1389 a monastery was founded by Augustinian canons in the vicinity of the church and at the inauguration the name of the church was changed to Dreifaltigkeitskirche .

Mariahilfbild and its legend

The miraculous image of the Virgin Mary of Fulnek

Above the tabernacle of the high altar in the parish church there is an image of Mariahilf in the type of the Innsbruck image of grace. The Mother of God in this picture is also called the Virgin Mary of Fulnek . Once there was a small plaque under it with this inscription:

In 1648, October 1st, the honorable bachelor Paulus Mudrack, 19 years old, innocent white, was heard in the forest of the house (Thiergarten). And then in the year 1649, on March 3rd, Andreas Mudrack, after having obtained holy sacraments from the Christian Catholic Church, has been separated from this world. His age 22 years 5 months. To whom in memory the sad parents when Georg and Anna Mudrack, d. Raise the epitaph. May God bestow eternal rest and bliss amen to all souls of the faithful.

The epitaph mentioned was the auxiliary image of Mary that the Mudrack couple donated to the church in 1678. This picture first hung in the old parish church in St. Joseph's Chapel near the baptismal font. It was later removed from there and placed between two church windows. But it didn't last long there either: in 1731 it was hung again and replaced by a picture of Peter Fourier, who was then newly beatified . The picture of the Virgin Mary was used as a small altarpiece and remained there without special attention until 1746, on December 23rd, when it was hung again. Eventually it got its place in the cloister because you couldn't find another place for it straight away. After a few weeks the picture even split into three pieces. Finally, a clergyman, Jakob Erbsmann, senior in the local monastery, took him on and had it attached to the monastery wall behind the church after repairs. Gradually, almost every day, believers came to the picture, adorned it with flowers and worshiped the Mother of God with prayers and singing.

The faithful chroniclers of that time reported a miracle; belief in it led to the building of the church that exists today. According to the descriptions from this time, the following happened:

On the Saturday before the Holy Trinity, on May 31, 1749, around five o'clock in the afternoon, the servant at the time, Johann Georg Losert, prayed in front of the picture. Then he noticed something white in the right eye of the Mother of God. At first he thought that something had splattered the picture because the new sacristy was being added to the old church. But since Holy Mass was already being rung, he went to church. So at the end of the liturgy he went back to the picture and examined it closely. He noticed that three drops of water flowed down from the right eye of the Mother of God, the middle down to the head of the baby Jesus. Something wet could also be seen in the left eye. At that time, it was shortly before seven o'clock in the evening, about twelve people were already standing by the picture and seeing everything. The sacristan Joseph Hopp called the then dean Joseph Barwig. He climbed up to the picture and tried to dry off the drops with a cloth - he only succeeded after a while. In addition to the dean, a clergyman from the Augustinian monastery named Alexander, laymen the sacristan Joseph Hopp, his sister Apollonia, the master servant Georg Johann Losert and about twelve other believers were present. Dean Barwig instructed them to keep the event secret for the time being.

The event became so well known in the city that the majority of citizens gathered at the picture that same evening. In a short time there was devotion to the picture. Pilgrims came, not only from the parish and the neighboring parishes, but also from the wider area. Some testified that after praying to the Mother of God von Fulnek, her requests for spiritual and physical needs were answered. The praying and singing went on until late at night.

On June 2nd, at one o'clock in the afternoon, the dean Joseph Barwig met with other clergymen, with the master builder Nikolaus Thalherr , with Mathäus Hopp, the sacristan's brother, and with Georg Richter to examine everything thoroughly To find explanation. After careful study and consideration of all the circumstances of the apparition, they concluded that the tears on the face of the Virgin Mary could not be natural and that it was a miracle .

On July 2, 1749, the Feast of the Visitation of the Virgin Mary , a litany with musical accompaniment was solemnly sung at the picture for the first time. From then on, all Mary days were celebrated with music. Students sang and prayed litanies there daily. On the feast of the Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel , Holy Mass was read for the first time near the picture. On this occasion a frame was procured for the picture and a lamp was attached next to it, which has been on since then. Before the feast of the birth of the Virgin Mary , a small wooden chapel was built around the image so that the worshipers could have a shelter. The suggestion was made to build a brick chapel.

As early as December 10th, 1749, the cliff began to be removed, which was a major obstacle for the construction and delayed the work. The Fulnek magistrate and the entire township took on the work. On January 12, 1750, the Mariahilf picture was transferred to the St. Anna Chapel with great admiration . There it was placed on the altar behind glass. Legend has it that during all this, the Mother of God shed tears.

The sexton Josef Hopp carefully noted down all events that occurred around the picture. His entries were continued until January 20, 1753. To date there are 106 cases in which people from different communities report that the Virgin Mary obtained God's help in various needs after praying at the Fulnek image.

But when the slope was removed with great effort and money, the plan for the construction was completely changed. It was decided not to build a chapel but a large new church.


Parish church with the south side of the square at the end of the 19th century

Volunteers came to dig the slope, so that with the paid workers there were 50 to 60 people a day. The work went so well that on April 25, 1750, the space for the foundation was free. On May 5th the first stone was laid and one day later the bricklayers started to work. The foundation stone of the church was laid with great solemnity on October 19, 1750 at the place where the image of Mary used to be. A gilded trowel and a gilded mason's hammer were made for the solemn act. The dean struck the first blow, followed by the rest of the clergy, the magistrate and wealthy citizens. In the end, everyone from the common people - whoever wished - was allowed to hit the stone at a time. The foundation stone with the year 1750 can still be seen under the pulpit today. In 1760 the building was finished according to the parish chronicle and the painting started.

In 1760 the church was consecrated by Count Johannes von Scherfenberg, the auxiliary bishop of Olomouc .

The plans for the church come from the builder Nikolaus Thalherr, who is based in Fulnek and who is also responsible for the churches in Bautsch and Sternberg . The current church was built on the site of the original parish church of St. Philip and James near the Augustinian monastery. The monastery itself was dissolved by Emperor Joseph II in 1784 .


Trinity Parish Church

Interior of the parish church at the beginning of the 20th century

The church has a single nave and is connected to the west with a Gothic cloister, which was part of the lower floor of the rectory. The north-south longitudinal axis of the nave is aimed directly at the Schlossberg, the transverse axis is parallel to the imaginary south side of the square. The high altar is oriented to the north, with a gentle incline to the west, the presbytery of the parish church has the geographical coordinates 49 ° 42 ′ 41.60 ″ N Br., 17 ° 54 ′ 15.27 ″ Ö. L. On the east side an oval St. Joseph's Chapel was expanded. A mighty brick choir dominates the north side of the nave .


The structure of the interior of the church shows the principle of creating space through composition. The individual elements are separated from each other in the vault by expressive double girders and on the outer walls by pilasters , which carry sections of the entablature on which the girders sit. A continuous entablature runs around under the dome , under which one can find oratorios with outwardly curved parapets.

The church and the chapel are furnished with uniform baroque furniture. The Olomouc painter Joseph Ignatz Sadler created unique wall paintings with rich symbolism, made in 1760 , thematically linked to the consecration of the church . In the shell vault above the high altar, the celebration of faith is depicted, other fields show scenes that are linked to the glorification of the three divine persons - in the front part the victorious risen Christ, adored by a multitude of saints, in the middle part the work of creation of God Father (in the dome the creation of the angels ) and in the back the Pentecost scene outpouring the Holy Spirit . Gussets in the middle show allegories of the four parts of the world. The high altar is the work of the Kremsier sculptor Franz Andreas Hiernle ; on other decorations of the church he worked with the sculptor Wenzel Böhm.

The majority of the pictures in the church were painted by Ignatz Viktorin Raab , but the altar painting is the work of Felix Ivo Leicher . St. Augustine holds a feather on it, which leaves a fiery trail, which symbolizes the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. The tabernacle door in the high altar is adorned with a depiction of a pelican who feeds his youngsters with his own blood during the time of hunger - a parable for Christ who saturates us with his own blood in the sacrament of the altar.

There are three side altars on each side of the nave. On the right, the so-called Epistle page, the front one is dedicated to St. Valentine , the middle one to the Sorrows of Mary and the back one to St. Barbara . On the left side, formerly the Gospel page, the front one is dedicated to St. St. Augustine , the middle one to St. Ubald and the rear of the scourging of Jesus . Components of the middle altars are glass coffins with relics of saints, on the right of St. Valentin and to the left of St. Vitalis . In 2006, in the Church solemnly from the Polish city Krakow a relic of St. Faustyna Kowalska and the image of the Divine Mercy placed on her.

The pulpit can also be found on the right. The main motif of their decoration is an ensemble of the three divine virtues, represented in the form of three female figures: on the lower left with an anchor - hope, in the middle above the pulpit with a cross - faith, and on the lower right with a chalice - love .


The original organ of the parish church, made by the organ builder Johann Georg Schwartz from the city ​​of Liebau , was consecrated in 1766. It had two manuals and 18 stops . Due to the considerable wear and tear of the wood components and worming, it was improved in the 20th century and enlarged by the state-owned organ factory in Jägerndorf based on a design by Ing.Ota Veverka. The renovated three-manual 33- register instrument was accepted and inaugurated on December 10, 1955 by Gustav Pivoňka from Olomouc .


The cloister of the former Augustinian monastery, probably added to the west facade of the church at that time in the 1430s, is the most valuable Gothic sight in the city. It is vaulted by a ribbed vault with high-quality three-dimensional architectural decoration. Under the foothills of the ribs and in the keystones one can find the coats of arms of the builders of the monastery - the wrapped arrow of the Lords of Graw and the star of the Lords of Sternberg and Lukov . The room receives its light through eleven pointed arch windows which lead into an unusually small paradise . Of the original rosette-shaped glass windows with their flame tracery, only a fragment has survived in the upper part of the western central window. The cloister originally linked the church with the living quarters of the monastery. A pointed arch portal led into the nave.

St. Joseph's Chapel

The St. Joseph's Chapel, a room with its own spatial formation, is located roughly at the location of the presbytery of the former Gothic church, if you look at the floor plan. The interior is structured by pilasters with sections of an entablature on which an expressively modeled ledge rests, which supports the dome. Under the ledge are oratorios with outwardly curved parapets. A mighty gallery captures the entrance to the nave . In the vault you can find the representation of the twelve year old Jesus in the temple , surrounded by scenes from the life of the Holy Family. A high arcade connects the interior of the chapel with the nave. After the abolition of Loreto next to the Capuchin Church of St. Joseph, the statue of the Black Madonna was transferred here.


The parish church as seen from the north

The interior composition of the rooms also corresponds to the structure of the church exterior - side facades are smooth, corners between individual masses are rounded, four pillars are placed in turns, and coronation beams run around the entire area around the building. Extensions of the chapel and sacristies rise from the whole mass of the church. The full front creates a monumental backdrop that is reminiscent of high baroque architecture. In the niches in the front there are figures of four evangelists by the sculptor Johann Schubert. The nave has a gable roof, above the central room with the dome is a mansard roof with a ridge turret, the chapel is covered by a low dome. The church gable was prepared in 1901–1903 based on a design by the architect Ferdinand Hrach (1862–1946, pupil of Carl Wilhelm von Doderer ).

On the east side of the parish church there is a late Gothic to early Renaissance tombstone of Georg von Zerotein (Jiří z Žerotína) , dated 1507. The idealized appearance depicts the deceased like a knight, standing on a lion, the symbol of power and strength. The neighboring tombstone from 1556 belongs to the family of Baltazar Švajnic von Pilmsdorf (z Pilmsdorfu) .

A baroque staircase from the beginning of the 18th century with a classicist gate equipped with statues leads from the square to the church.


The rectory building, until 1784 a monastery of Augustinian canons , is adjacent to the western wall of the Trinity Church. It is a two-storey building, the kernel of which - the western part of the ground floor of today's rectory - dates from the first half of the 15th century, but there were considerable structural changes in the 17th century, when the rooms on the first floor were expanded; more followed after the abolition of the monastery at the end of the 18th century and later in the 19th century. The facade is not expressively subdivided, a crown runs around the perimeter. Six windows on the first floor have Renaissance profiled stone walls and exposed window sills. Rooms, mostly with flat ceilings, are located in the outer perimeter of generally wide hallways, vaulted with plaza and vaulted vaults. On the north side of the rectory you can see an Empire parlor with painter and stucco decorations from the beginning of the 19th century. Next to it is the parish office room with late Renaissance stucco decoration on the ceiling and paintings from the Empire period.

History of the Holy Trinity Church

The oldest written mention of the Fulnek parish church was in 1293. Benedict von Krawarn (Beneš z Kravař) founded an Augustinian monastery in Fulnek near the church in 1389. Nikolaus von Riesenburg (Mikuláš z Rýzmburka), Bishop of Olomouc , approved that the parish church should be assigned to the monastery and that it would become a chapter church.

Buried in the church in 1416 was Lacek I von Kravarn , the first land duke of Moravia, appointed by King Wenceslaus IV. In 1429, Fulnek was set on fire by Johannes von Tobitschau (Jan z Tovačova), the church and the monastery burned down. A fire destroyed the monastery and the adjacent part of the city in 1559. The church looted and burned down in 1657 Sweden.

Pope Clement X gave 1,672 Propsten of Fulnek Augustinian monastery that Infulrecht.

A big fire again scorched the town and the church in 1676. The church was renovated in 1693 after the fire at the expense of the Augustinian monastery. A fire scorched the monastery and its surroundings in 1695. The Virgin Mary cried tears for the first time at the Fulnek miracle picture in 1749. The foundation stone of the new parish church was laid in 1750.

The church of the Auxiliary Bishop of Olomouc, Count von Scherfenberg, was consecrated in 1760. The new two-manual 18-register organ was inaugurated in 1766.

The Augustinian monastery was closed by Joseph II in 1784 ; the last provost, Dominik Ambrosoni, became pastor. The municipal rectory was built in the convent building.

1900–1903 was the total renovation of the church. 1905–1908 the cloister was restored. Electric lighting was installed in the temple in 1919. The entire reconstruction of the church and the rectory was carried out continuously from 1950 to 1983. The improved and enlarged three-manual, 33-register organ was consecrated in 1955. A relic of St. Faustyna Kowalska, transferred from the Polish city of Krakow.


  • František Vácslav Peřinka: Augustiniáni kanovníci ve Fulneku do války třicetileté . In: Sborník historického kroužku. Volume XXXII (1931). Družstvo Vlast, Prague | Praha 1931, pp. 28–34, 112–123, 201–225, 252–263.
  • Vincenc Prasek: Dějiny kraje Holasovského čili Opavského. Vlastivěda Slezská Library, Volume III., Part I.
    Jubilejní fond Vlastivědy Slezské, Opava 1891, p. 103. 196 pages.
  • Fulnecký zpravodaj. Born in 1980, number 2.Městský národní výbor Fulnek, Fulnek 1980.
  • Ladislav Hosák: Historický místopis země Moravskoslezské. Společnost přátel starožitností čsl., Prague 1938. 1144 pages.
    Pp. 688-689. Reprint ISBN 80-200-1225-7 .
  • Gregor Wolny: Church topography of Moravia. 1st part, 2nd volume. Commission of the Ritsch and Grosseschen Buchhandlung, Brno 1857. 484 pages.
  • Miloš Trapl, František Kraváček: Komenského Fulnek. Press photo, Prague 1993. 47 pages.
  • The Kuhländchen. 7th volume. L. V. Enders'ſch, Neu-Titſchein 1926, pp. 35–36. 200 pages.
  • Gregor Wolny: The Margraviate of Moravia. 1st volume. Self-published, Brno 1835. 486 pages.
  • Karel Kuča: Města a městečka v Čechách, na Moravě a ve Slezsku. Part I, 1st edition. Libri, Prague 1996, ISBN 80-85983-13-3 , pp. 857-858. 874 pages.
  • Ottův slovník naučný. 9th volume. J. Otto, Prague 1895, pp. 765-766. 1037 pages. Reprint ISBN 80-7203-137-6 .
  • Hynek Kollmann: P. Bonaventura z Kolína, kapucín, reformátor města Fulneku . In: Sborník historického kroužku. Volume III. Družstvo Vlasť, Prague 1894, pp. 87–105.
  • Demel, Ph. The parish church in Fulnek and the image of Mary on the high altar. 1st edition. Verlag des Verfassers, Fulnek 1869, pp. 3-14. 82 pages.
  • Antoni Barciak, Karel Müller: Regesty dokumentów przechowywanych na Górnym Śląsku. Part I. Centrum Badań Śląskoznawczych i Bohemistycznych Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, Wrocław 2004, ISBN 83-88430-26-2 , p. 92, number 198. 158 pages.
  • St. V. Oppl: Z kroniky staroslavného města Fulneku, působiště J. A. Komenského. Kryl a Scotti, Fulnek na Moravě 1928, pp. 36–47, 96–99, 136–157. 175 pages.
  • The wall newspaper from the parish chronicle (Z farní kroniky) on the inner east wall of the cloister of the Fulnek parish church.

Web links

Commons : Dreifaltigkeitskirche (Fulnek)  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Dějiny kraje Holasovského čili Opavského, Volume III., Part I., Page 103.
  2. a b Regesty dokumentów przechowywanych na Górnym Śląsku page 92, number 198. In Z kroniky staroslavného města Fulneku, působiště J. A. Komenského there is a note on page 138: Why the original parish church, which was mentioned in an old document from 1293 , abolished and a monastery was founded by the Augustinians in its place, we have no tradition of this.
  3. Some sources indicate that the inauguration of the Holy Trinity Church took place in 1389 and that it was not until much later that the Holy Trinity Church was consecrated .
  4. On the wall newspaper from the parish chronicle names Laurentius and Anna Mudrack are written instead of Georg and Anna, as is written in the book The parish church in Fulnek and the image of Mary on the high altar . As for the year of the donation, both sources agree.
  5. According to the wall newspaper from the parish chronicle , he had the picture hung on the outside wall of the St. Joseph's Chapel.
  6. You came into the chapel from the cloister of the monastery, after its abolition it fell to the parish.
  7. a b The parish church in Fulnek and the image of Mary on the high altar, page 7.
  8. a b As far as this date is concerned, the book The parish church in Fulnek and the image of Mary on the high altar and the wall newspaper From the parish chronicle match.
  9. ^ The parish church in Fulnek and the image of the Virgin Mary on the high altar, pages 7-10.
  10. a b According to the wall newspaper from the parish chronicle. In the book The Parish Church in Fulnek and the Image of Mary on the High Altar , April 19, 1762 is indicated on page 10 as the day of inauguration, but there it is described as unsafe; however, the year is supposedly indisputable. According to this book, the initiator was Count Maxmilian von Hamilton , Olomouc bishop. However, the Komenského Fulnek on page 38 dates the expansion to the years 1750–1752 and the inauguration in 1760. Fulnecký zpravodaj, born in 1980, number 2, states that in a commemorative list from 1760, which was placed in the tower, The date of the laying of the foundation stone is October 19, 1750, the completion of the shell construction is 1752, the dome báně is September 29, 1760 and the inauguration is October 22, 1760.
  11. Komenského Fulnek, page 38, and pages of the city of Fulnek.
  12. The wall newspaper Aus der Pfarrchronik states that the altarpiece was  painted by Johann Leichert - but that is a wrong entry. Das Kuhländchen 7 on pages 35–36 also notes the error in the chronicle . Wolny also adopted the incorrect name from the parish register in his work Kirchliche Topographie , where he names the author of the painting Johann . An artist with that name was not known in the area. In addition, you have to see the similarity with other works by Felix Ivo Leicher.
  13. According to parish records.
  14. a b c According to a table on the organ.
  15. Komenského Fulnek, page 36, and pages of the city of Fulnek.
  16. a b According to the city of Fulnek.
  17. a b c d According to the wall newspaper from the parish chronicle.
  18. a b Města a městečka v Čechách, na Moravě a ve Slezsku, page 857.
  19. The article Augustiniáni kanovníci ve Fulneku do války třicetileté gives the name in the form of Balcar Švejnic von Pilmesdorf .
  20. a b Historický místopis země Moravskoslezské, page 688.
  21. a b Fulnecký zpravodaj, born 1980, number 2.
  22. Města a městečka v Čechách, na Moravě a ve Slezsku, page 858. The book Z kroniky staroslavného města Fulneku, působiště J. A. Komenského, page 152, incorrectly gives the Pope's name Clement XII. on. The bishops' insignia use the right of infulness.
  23. Z kroniky staroslavného města Fulneku, působiště J. A. Komenského, page 150. It is also written here that provost Kazimír Volný died in 1778. The wall newspaper from the parish chronicle, however, states that Volný was the last provost and therefore became a pastor .
  24. Města a městečka v Čechách, na Moravě a ve Slezsku, page 858th

Coordinates: 49 ° 42 ′ 42.5 ″  N , 17 ° 54 ′ 15 ″  E