Egmont Foregger

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Egmont Foregger (born September 21, 1922 in Salzburg ; † May 17, 2007 in Bruck an der Mur ) was an Austrian lawyer, civil servant and politician (non-party).


Egmont Foregger came from the old Austrian family Foregger Ritter von Greiffenthurn . He graduated from the Academic Gymnasium in Salzburg and worked for more than 35 years as a civil servant in the Ministry of Justice, particularly in the criminal legislature. From 1974 on he also headed the relevant section. Foregger - the first and until 2013 only criminal lawyer among the Justice Ministers of the Second Republic - played a key role in Broda's great reform of criminal law in 1975.

Foregger has written numerous publications on criminal law. He is one of the authors of the new edition of the large "Vienna Commentary on the Criminal Code".

Egmont Foregger died in 2007 after a serious illness.


Foregger was from January 1987 to December 1990 as a non-party head of department in the Vranitzky II cabinet. Federal Minister of Justice . During his tenure, charges were brought in politically explosive proceedings, such as the " Lucona case " and the " Noricum case ". But other explosive events accompanied his term of office, such as the murders of Kurds and the Sinowatz and the Androsch tax process. The fact that he did not allow the aforementioned proceedings against leading SPÖ politicians to be discontinued by ministerial instructions - as was done several times by his predecessors Harald Ofner and Christian Broda - earned him respect in public, but it also led to the SPÖ the formation of a government after the National Council election in 1990 vetoed another term of office Foregger.

During his time as Minister of Justice, Foregger presented a revised juvenile criminal law , which, with the out -of- court settlement of offenses, had a model effect across Europe. Discrimination against illegitimate children in inheritance and family law was eliminated, and the prohibition of violence anchored in the upbringing of children. In 1991 he was even traded as a joint federal presidential candidate for the ÖVP and the FPÖ.

During his tenure, however, the conditional release of the murderer Jack Unterweger fell , who then murdered other women.


  • Criminal Code (StGB) , Manz'sche Wien 13th edition 1997, ISBN 3-214-12806-X , together with Eugen Serini, Helene Bachner-Foregger
  • The Austrian Code of Criminal Procedure. (Code of Criminal Procedure 1975) including the most important subsidiary laws , Manz'sche Wien 7th edition 1997, ISBN 3-214-02323-3 , together with Gerhard Kodek, Ernst Eugen Fabrizy
  • Prison Act (StVG) and other provisions relating to the penal system , Manz'sche Wien 4th edition 2001, ISBN 3-214-02723-9 , together with Elisabeth Schausberger


Individual evidence

  1. Calendar: May 17th, 2008 Der Standard
  2. So gossiped. The mirror 52/1990
  3. ^ "Egmont Foregger died" , Die Presse (May 18, 2007)
  4. a b c List of all decorations awarded by the Federal President for services to the Republic of Austria from 1952 (PDF file; 6.59 MB)

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