Karl Blecha

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Karl Blecha (2012)

Karl Blecha (born April 16, 1933 in Vienna ), called Charly Blecha , is an Austrian politician of the Social Democratic Party of Austria (SPÖ). Blecha was Minister of the Interior of the Republic of Austria from 1983 to 1989, and in 1989 he resigned from his posts due to his involvement in the Lucona affair and the Noricum affair . From 1999 to 2018 he was President of the Pensioners' Association Austria .

Political career

After graduating from high school in 1952, Karl Blecha studied sociology and psychology at the University of Vienna . He began his political career in the youth organizations of the SPÖ. He was chairman of the young generation (JG) and the Association of Socialist Students in Austria (VSStÖ). From 1963 to 1975 he was director of the Institute for Empirical Social Research (IFES).

From 1970 to 1983 and from February 24 to April 25, 1989, Blecha was a member of the National Council . From 1976 to 1981 he was the central secretary of the SPÖ. In 1983 Blecha became Austrian Minister of the Interior . From 1999 he was the successor to Rudolf Pöder, President of the Austrian Social Democratic Pensioners' Association . On April 16, 2018, he was succeeded by Peter Kostelka as President of the Pensioners' Association of Austria.

Karl Blecha is President of the Society for Austrian-Arab Relations . He is 75% owner of the MITROPA Institute for Economic and Social Research Gesellschaft mbH , which in turn is the owner of the Institute for Empirical Social Research GmbH (IFES) , a social research institute.

Lucona and Noricum affair

Blecha resigned as Minister of the Interior in 1989 due to his involvement in the Lucona affair and the Noricum scandal . For suppressing evidence and forging documents in the Noricum case, Blecha was finally sentenced in 1993 to a nine-month conditional prison sentence (suspended prison sentence).

Further investigations against Blecha

In February 2009 an article appeared in the news magazine Profil, according to which Blecha is supposed to be involved in the Aliyev case . Blecha announced to take all legal means against this (from his point of view) defamation.

In February 2012, Karl Blecha was assumed on the payroll of Peter Hochegger to stand. Karl Blecha makes it clear that he and Peter Schieder belonged to a high-ranking international advisory board. The aim of the consultation was to improve Bulgaria's position in the European Union. The project was managed as an EU project by the Hochegger agency together with the Bulgarian government.

In January 2006, two of Karl Blecha's residences were searched by the police following a request for legal assistance from the German authorities. According to information from the Potsdam public prosecutor's office, it was about suspicion of aiding and abetting fraud, breach of trust, subsidy fraud and joint tax evasion. The investment bank of the State of Brandenburg and shareholders of IFES AG and Commerzbank Potsdam were named as victims . The damage - which is said to have occurred between 1998 and 2002 - is estimated at around ten million euros. Blecha rejects all allegations to this day; the police authorities have not found any documents relevant to the procedure. The proceedings were discontinued in 2006.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Pensioners' Association: Kostelka designated as Blecha's successor . OTS announcement of January 31, 2018, accessed on January 31, 2018.
  2. orf.at: SPÖ retirees: Chairman Blecha says goodbye . Article dated April 16, 2018, accessed April 16, 2018.
  3. news.at: Judicial scandals in the sphere of our politics , published on June 16, 2008. Accessed on January 15, 2013.
  4. Der Standard : Interview with Karl Blecha: “Being able to forget keeps young” , published on August 24, 2010. Accessed on January 15, 2013.
  5. Die Presse: Past Convicted Politicians , published August 2, 2011. Retrieved January 15, 2013.
  6. OÖ Nachrichten : Telegram on Eastern export liability for small and medium-sized enterprises s ... : "[...] The Noricum judgment against ex-Interior Minister Karl Blech [sic!] Is final. Blecha renounces an appeal. In the first instance he was sentenced to three years of conditional imprisonment for forgery and suppression of documents. ”August 6, 1993. Available in the archive of the Upper Austrian News
  7. http://www.profil.at/articles/0910/560/235346/quellen-involvierung-blechas-spoe-mann-stufen
  8. ^ Aliyev accuses Austrian politicians in a new book. In: kurier.at. March 11, 2013, accessed December 22, 2017 .
  9. http://www.pvooe.at/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=22264:klarstellung-von-karl-blecha-zu-der-affaere-hochegger&catid=50:aktuelles
  10. http://www.news.at/articles/0603/10/131189/ex-minister-hausdurchsuch-wirtschafts-causa-karl-blecha
  11. ^ House search in a German economic case near Blecha. In: derStandard.at. January 23, 2006, accessed December 4, 2017 .
  12. List of all decorations awarded by the Federal President for services to the Republic of Austria from 1952 (PDF; 6.9 MB)
  13. List of all decorations awarded by the Federal President for services to the Republic of Austria from 1952 (PDF; 6.9 MB)

Web links

Commons : Karl Blecha  - Collection of images, videos and audio files