Friedrich Karl von Schlieben

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Friedrich Karl von Schlieben (* 1716 in Birkenfeld in the Gerdauen district ; † January 19, 1791 in Königsberg ) was a Prussian lieutenant general , chief of infantry regiment No. 22 , Knight of the Black Eagle Order , and governor of Krossen and Landdrost of Rees and Isselburg .



Friedrich Karl was the son of the royal Prussian chamber president captain a. D., Count Ernst Sigismund von Schlieben (March 1677 - July 17, 1741) and his wife Eleonore Sophie Freiin von Asbach (February 1693). His father was also the governor of Rastenburg and heir to Birkenfeld.

Military career

Schlieben started a scientific career and went to the University of Königsberg in 1732 . But King Friedrich Wilhelm I was looking for soldiers and so he became an ensign in the newly established grenadier company of the "Glaubitz" regiment No. 4 . With the company he was garrisoned in Prussian Holland . When the great maneuver took place in Brandenburg in 1740, he became adjutant general of the then Colonel von der Gröben , who had become chief of regiment No. 4. He also held this post in the battle of Chotusitz , where he was injured in the head by a grazing shot. In 1742 he returned to his regiment and in 1742 became a prime lieutenant . When Major General von Polenz took over the regiment, he also became its adjutant general.

After the siege of Prague he came to winter quarters in Glatz . When the fortress was blocked in winter, he participated in several successful failures. In 1745 General Lehwaldt became chief of the garrison in Glatz. He fought with him in the battle near Habelschwerdt and helped to drive the Austrians out of the County of Glatz . In the same year he fought at Hohenfriedberg , Katholisch Hennersdorf , Kesselsdorf . General Polenz fell near Kesselsdorf. Shortly afterwards he came to the "Schwerin" Regiment No. 13 as staff captain . 1749 he received the first grenadier company, from 1752 to 1756 he was in the cities on the Rhine on advertising .

With the beginning of the Seven Years' War , the grenadier company was assigned to the grenadier battalion under Colonel Fink. The battalion was formed by the grenadier companies of the regiments "Itzenplitz" No. 13 and "Meyernick" No. 26 . During the siege at Pirna , the battalion stood at Schandau . After the surrender of the Saxon army he joined the army in Bohemia and after retreating to the rearguard on the Saxon border. Later we went to winter quarters at Oedern. With the beginning of the campaign of 1757 Moritz von Anhalt-Dessau commanded Colonel Finck to his corps and Schlieben was given command of the grenadier battalion. During the battle of Prague he led the battalion very successfully, was wounded in the arm by a grape bullet and had to be brought to Dresden . For his courage during the battle, he received the order Pour le Mérite from the king . After his recovery he fought in the Battle of Kolin and the Siege of Dresden. The then commandant Lieutenant General von Finck gave Schlieben the command of a battalion of 800 recovered people.

In autumn 1757 he returned to his grenadier battalion, which in the meantime was led by Major von Bornstedt (Regiment Alt-Dessau). It guarded the bridge at Marienberg and then moved to the winter quarters in Chemnitz .

In 1758 he was with Prince Heinrich's army . With his battalion he was involved in the advance of the Prussian army to Hof . It then formed the vanguard of the king's army on an advance into Lusatia . Then Schlieben was promoted to major and came to the "Itzenplitz" regiment No. 13. At the end of the year he moved with the regiment to Hirschberg in the winter quarters.

On October 4, 1759 he was in command of the second battalion in action near Hoyerswerda . The regiment was able to capture 260 Croatians and General Behla.

When the Prussian siege of Dresden came in 1760, he was in the king's army. On August 15, 1760 Schlieben was at the Battle of Liegnitz . In the Battle of Torgau on November 3, 1760, he was under the command of General von Hülsen . This sent him to a post near Oedern, where 200 infantrymen, 50 dragoons and 20 hussars were subordinate to him.

In 1761 he was back in the royal army, with which he came to winter quarters in Breslau. In the fighting in 1762, the battalion formed the right wing of the brigade. After the conquest of Schweidnitz , the battalion moved into its winter quarters in Görlitz . He stayed there until the peace treaty of 1763 and then returned to his quarters in Berlin.

In 1765 he became lieutenant colonel, in 1766 colonel and commander of the regiment. When the barracks for Infantry Regiment No. 13 were built in Berlin in 1768, he received supervision there on September 29, 1768.

On September 23, 1773 he received the Drostei of Isselburg, Hetter and Rees near Kleve from the king. In 1776 he received the infantry regiment "Ploetz" No. 22 in Stargard. On January 18, 1777, he was appointed major general.

When it came to the War of the Bavarian Succession , he received a grenadier battalion, which was composed of the grenadier companies of the regiments "Möllendorf" No. 39 and "Prince Leopold" No. 43 and the grenadier battalion "Grolman". He belonged to the army of Prince Heinrich in the corps of General von Möllendorf. There the general made it his vanguard. It marched from Saxony to Bohemia and was in winter quarters with Corps Anhalt-Bernburg in Zittau. Until the end of the war he was stationed in the city of Löbau . On May 15, 1785 he became lieutenant general and in 1787 received the Order of the Black Eagle from King Friedrich Wilhelm II . When war with Russia threatened in 1790, the regiments moved into winter quarters in East Prussia on September 20, 1790, which they reached at the end of September. He died unmarried in 1791 in Königsberg in Prussia.
