Friedrich Rudorff

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Friedrich Rüdorff (born November 3, 1832 in Werl , † November 29, 1902 in Charlottenburg ) was a German chemist and university professor.


Friedrich Rüdorff studied chemistry in Göttingen and Charlottenburg. From 1865 he taught physics and chemistry at the Berlin Building Academy . In 1883 he was appointed professor of chemistry at the Technical University of Berlin-Charlottenburg and entrusted with the management of the inorganic laboratory. From 1886 to 1887 he was rector of the technical university.

He worked scientifically in the field of lowering the freezing point . The Blagden-Rüdorff law is named after him and Charles Blagden . He was the author of standard chemical works, which were published in revised editions even after his death.


  • Ground plan of mineralogy and geology: For teaching at higher educational institutions . 9th edition, 1915
  • Instructions for chemical analysis: In addition to an appendix, quantitative exercises for teaching at higher educational institutions . 11th edition. 1905, urn : nbn: de: hbz: 061: 2-20271
  • Chemistry floor plan for teaching in higher education institutions . 19th edition. 1913


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