Gornje Selo

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Gornje Selo (Šolta)
Gornje Selo (Croatia)
Paris plan pointer b jms.svg
Coordinates: 43 ° 21 ′ 11 ″  N , 16 ° 20 ′ 29 ″  E
Basic data
State : Croatian flag Croatia
County : Split-Dalmatia County flag Split-Dalmatia
Island : Šolta
Height : 150  m. i. J.
Residents : 237 (2001)
Telephone code : (+385) 021
Postal code : 21430 Grohote
License plate : ST
Structure and administration
(as of 2017)
Community type : Village
Mayor : Nikola Cecić-Karuzić (candidate Grupe Birača)
Postal address : Podkuća 8
Website :
View from the castle hill

Gornje Selo , the "Upper Village", is a place and a cadastral municipality on the island or municipality of Šolta in the Croatian Split-Dalmatia County in the Adriatic opposite Split west of Brač . The place has 237 inhabitants.

Geography & Demography

Dilapidated stone-roofed stables

The village is connected to the mainland ( Split ) by car ferries or catamaran ferries that dock in Rogač, eight kilometers away . There are also catamaran ferries in Stomorska, three kilometers away . Gornje Selo is located in the eastern part of the island on the state road D111. Gornje Selo can be recognized from afar by his castle hill, which was converted into a water reservoir under Tito during the communist era . The "upper village" 150  m above sea level. A. is located near the highest mountain on the island, Vela Straža 237  m above sea level. A. , from where there is a panoramic view of Hvar and Vis . Southwest of the village is the Gornje polje field. The cadastral municipality includes the area around the village, the south coast from the Senjska bay, Grabova, the bays at the eastern tip Soltas Stračinska, Vela Travna, Livka and the north coast bays Lestimirova and Tanki ratac.

Population development 1857–2011
1857 1869 1880 1890 1900 1910 1921 1931 1948 1953 1961 1971 1981 1991 2001 2011
356 517 491 592 715 725 809 641 629 578 437 349 252 252 217 237


The too "small" church
Olive oil press

The village used to be famous for its lime distillery. The great forest fire of 2007 in the eastern part of the island, in which 70 hectares of pine forests and bushes burned, exposed a whole network of barrows, former olive groves and vineyards as well as the remains of lime kilns (earth pits). The island has been a supplier of lime since ancient times, as the forests provided sufficient fuel. Since the Middle Ages, the islanders of Šolta were obliged to supply Split with lime. Around Gornje Sele alone, with 120 families, there were 270 pits, and around 600 across the island. To protect the forests from further deforestation, the first coal- fired furnace was built near Maslinica in 1885 . Before the Second World War, 50 to 150 lime kilns were built annually, which delivered between 200 and 600 wagons of the best lime. In 1916, a large kiln for industrial lime production was built in Stomorska Bay, which can still be seen. Lime is no longer produced on the island today.

At present, the residents of Gornje Selo mostly live as fishermen or sailors. The bays of Gornje Selo on the southern side of the island, which can only be reached by land via poorly developed paths, are completely natural and undeveloped. The locals use them as fishing ports. There are still a few small one-room fishermen's huts, all around a bit of agriculture. At the beginning of the village is the most modern oil mill on the island. For a long time Gornje Selo was considered the village with the richest farmers because they had wide and flat fields.

Gornje Selo is still a very quiet village with almost no tourism. A British investor is planning a major tourist project on 38 hectares with a five-star hotel and marina with an investment amount of 120 million euros for the Livka Bay. There is heated debate as to whether projects of this magnitude will benefit the island. On Šolta there are neither enough craft shops and workers, nor is the typical architecture of the island taken into account. The entire added value flows abroad.


The water reservoir
View towards the southeast
War memorial

There are a number of prehistoric barrows around the village. There was an Illyrian fortress on Vela Straža . Components of a Roman villa rustica were used in the construction of the bus stop. The first written mention of the place dates from 1445 as a villa superior . Even at the time of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy , the place is listed in the administration with the Italian name Villa Superior until 1918 . For a long time Gornje Selo was simply referred to as Gornje polje (upper field) on the island and the inhabitants were called Goripojci , Goripojke , Goripojani or Goripojanke .

Until the beginning of modern times, the village was two kilometers further north than it is today. There were two watchtowers there, the ruins of which can still be seen. The fort has loopholes on all sides. These towers were probably built to protect the population from pirates. Originally there was a cistern that was attached. In Roman times it belonged to a villa rustica . Gornje Selo is the first village from the only former port, Stomorska, into the island's interior. For this reason, the village was probably relocated to its current location. Instead of today's water reservoir there was a fortification.

Near the ruins of the watchtowers there was the Benedictine monastery Madonna under the fir trees from the 13th to 15th centuries , which is only known from documents. In the vicinity, north-east of Gornje Selo, lies the Church of Our Lady of Stomorija. Two hermit grave slabs date from the first half of the 17th century. The church was a popular place of pilgrimage for the Šolterans. Shortly before the Assumption of Mary, pilgrims from all over the island, the last part of Gornje Selo even barefoot, to the Madonna portrait. During a great drought, the image of the Madonna became the Church of St. Ivan in Gornje Selo and prayed for a week and performed rituals to summon the rain.

A cultural center of the village is the Catholic Church dedicated to John the Baptist and built in 1859. It was donated by the knight Marin Bavčevič, who had gotten rich through trading in Tunisia and Turkey. According to another tradition, he became rich in the brief phase of French rule in Dalmatia from 1805 to 1815 ( Illyrian provinces ), as he was a partisan of Napoleon Bonaparte . Bavčevič wanted to honor his old homeland by commissioning the construction of a monumental church. When he came back for the consecration of the church, he was very disappointed that the church had turned out to be much too small in his eyes. It is said that he never returned to Šolta. Instead, he built a large church of Santa Maria in what is now Istanbul (Carigrad). Nevertheless, the three-aisled basilica in Gornje Selo is not exactly small for a village church on Šolta. There is an inscription of the benefactor above the entrance portal. The painter of the frescoes in the church was Bartul Petrič from Starigrad and Split. The altarpiece is by Antonio Zuccaro.

A karst cave in the area of ​​Gornje Selo, the Jama , achieved sad fame . It is said that in the early 1940s people were executed there by Tito partisans who collaborated with the Italian fascists under Benito Mussolini who occupied Šolta.


Web links

Commons : Gornje Selo  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files
  • Općina Šolta: Šolta Općina Šolta. Retrieved on August 13, 2019 (Croatian, official website of the municipality of Šolta).

Individual evidence

  1. Statistical yearbook for 2006 of the Central Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Croatia (PDF; 2.5 MB)
  2. ^ Republika Hrvatska - Državni zavod za statistiku: Naselja i stanovništvo Republike Hrvatske 1857-2001. , Statistical yearbook for 2006 of the Central Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Croatia (PDF; 2.5 MB)
  3. Belamarić, Šolta Island , p. 49.
  4. Zoran Civadelic / Zoran Bursac: Welcome to Gornje Selo! ( Memento of February 9, 2014 in the Internet Archive ), accessed on May 22, 2017.
  5. NN: ( Page no longer available , search in web archives: The Plan for a Big Investment on the Island of Solta ), accessed on August 16, 2012@1@ 2Template: Dead Link / www.thedalmatia.web-stranica.org
  6. Belamarič, Šolta Island , p. 50
  7. Belamarič, Insel Šolta , p. 42 ff.
  8. Many ancient finds from the island are in the Split Archaeological Museum | issued in German .
  9. Stermich (Segretaria di Governo):  AVVISO No. 24979-9466. In:  Gazzetta di Zara / Gazzetta di Zara. Foglio Ufficiale (d'Annuncii / d'Annuzi) della Gazzetta di Zara , February 2, 1841, p. 12 (online at ANNO ). Template: ANNO / Maintenance / gdz, accessed on September 3, 2019 (Italian, price list for cadastral extracts)
  10. Belamarič, Šolta Island , p. 31
  11. Belamarič, Šolta Island , p. 47
  12. Belamaric, Šolta Island , p. 43
  13. Zoran Civadelic / Zoran Bursac: Welcome to Gornje Selo! ( Memento of February 9, 2014 in the Internet Archive ), accessed on May 22, 2017.