Ivanoe Bonomi

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Ivanoe Bonomi

Ivanoe Bonomi (born October 18, 1873 in Mantua , † April 20, 1951 in Rome ) was an Italian politician and President of the Council of Ministers (Prime Minister).


Bonomi first studied natural sciences (graduation in 1896) and then law (1900). He enrolled in the Socialist Party of Italy ( PSI ) in 1893 .

Bonomi, who was initially responsible for agricultural issues, also wrote for the party newspaper Avanti! and Critica Sociale . He was expelled from the PSI in 1912 for his support for the war in Libya . He then founded the Socialist Reform Party of Italy ( PSRI ) with others . In 1916 he became Minister for Public Works, in 1920 Minister of War and in 1921 Minister of Finance. From July 4, 1921 to February 26, 1922, Bonomi was Prime Minister.

When the fascists came to power, Bonomi temporarily withdrew from politics. After Rome was liberated from German occupation, he replaced Pietro Badoglio as head of government on June 18, 1944, while at the same time he was head of the foreign ministry. His government resigned on June 19, 1945. In the republic founded in 1946, Bonomi was President of the Senate from 1948 until his death in 1951 . He is buried in the Volta Mantovana cemetery.

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