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岩 倉 市
Iwakura (Japan)
Red pog.svg
Geographical location in Japan
Region : Chūbu
Prefecture : Aichi
Coordinates : 35 ° 17 '  N , 136 ° 52'  E Coordinates: 35 ° 16 '46 "  N , 136 ° 52' 17"  E
Basic data
Surface: 10.49 km²
Residents : 47,839
(June 1, 2019)
Population density : 4560 inhabitants per km²
Community key : 23228-9
Flag / coat of arms:
Flag / coat of arms of Iwakura
Tree : Camphor tree
Flower : azalea
town hall
Address : Iwakura City Hall
1 - 66 Sakae-machi
Iwakura -shi
Aichi  482-8686
Website URL: http://www.city.iwakura.aichi.jp
Location of Iwakura in Aichi Prefecture
Location of Iwakura in the prefecture

Iwakura ( Japanese 岩 倉 市 , -shi ) is a city in Aichi Prefecture in Japan . It is located north of Nagoya .


Iwakura was granted city rights on December 1, 1971.


Cherry blossoms on the Gojō River

Iwakura is known for the Cherry Blossom Festival ( 桜 祭 り sakura matsuri ) along the Gojo River, which is considered to be one of the largest sakura festivals in Aichi.


Neighboring cities and communities

Sons and daughters

Web links

Commons : Iwakura  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files