Johannes Vonderach

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Johannes Vonderach (born May 6, 1916 in Unterschächen , Canton Uri , Switzerland ; † February 10, 1994 in Altdorf UR ) was Roman Catholic Bishop of Chur from 1962 to 1990.

Grave slab of Johannes Vonderach at the Cathedral of St. Maria Himmelfahrt (Chur)


Vonderach attended the Collegium Altdorf and the Collegium Helveticum and studied history, theology and law in Venegono near Milan , in Chur , at the University of Friborg (Switzerland) and at the University of Bern . On July 7, 1940 he received in Chur the priesthood and in 1944 in Freiburg for a doctor of theology doctorate . In 1946 he became chancellor of the diocese of Chur, in 1952 vicar general and cathedral custodian and on October 31, 1957 coadjutor with the right to succeed Bishop Christian Caminada .

On December 8, 1957 he received in the Cathedral of Chur by Gustavo Cardinal Testa , the episcopal ordination . Initially auxiliary bishop (as titular bishop of Aradi ), he took over the office of his predecessor on January 18, 1962, was solemnly installed on January 22, 1962 and held it until May 22, 1990. Bishop Vonderach was chairman of the Swiss from 1967 to 1970 Bishops' Conference (SBK). In 1968 he founded the Chur Theological University and was the initiator of Synod 72 . On March 25, 1988, the Chur diocese chancellor Wolfgang Haas became his coadjutor with the right of succession, which started a long-term conflict in the diocese of Chur.

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predecessor Office successor
Christian Caminada Bishop of Chur
Wolfgang Haas
Louis Haller Croix de l Ordre du Saint-Sepulcre.svg Grand Prior of the Swiss Lieutenancy of the Order of the Knights of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem
Bruno Bernhard Heim