Kipo and the world of wonder monsters

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Television series
German title Kipo and the world of wonder monsters
Original title Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts
Country of production United States
original language English
year 2020
DreamWorks Animation , Studio Me
length 24 minutes
Episodes 20 in 2 seasons ( list )
idea Radford Sechrist
production Park Sang Ah, Kim Han Byeol
music Daniel Rojas
Initial release January 14, 2020 on Netflix

First publication in German
January 14, 2020 on Netflix

Kipo and the world of wonders Monster (Original title: Kipo and the Age of Wonder Beasts ) is an American animated - television series of Radford Sechrist, based on its web comic Kipo . The first season appeared on Netflix on January 14, 2020 . The second season was released on June 12, 2020.


In a post-apocalyptic future, people live mostly underground in buildings. Mutated animals live on the surface.

Kipo Oak, a girl from a den, first came to the surface when her den was destroyed. Together with her new friends, she looks for the way back and then, when she discovers that the population must have managed to escape, the way to location B, a new building. They are also on the run from animals that they hunt on behalf of Scarl the Great, a mandrill who wants to subdue people. After they have reached location B, Skarl storms it with his court and kidnaps most of the people, including Kipo's father. He wants to build the golden city of Aurum and crown himself king over all mutants. To stop him, Kipo, who carries mutated genes in her own right, must learn to control her transformation into a mega-jaguar. She also learns that her mother has mutated into a mega monkey and meets Dr. Emilia, who wants to end the existence of mutants for the benefit of the people and not only want to fight Skarl, but also Kipo and her mother. While Kipo, after defeating Skarl and foiling his plan, vows to find out how to turn her mother back, Dr. Emilia, the people from Kipo's den, join her to regain control on the surface.


main characters

  • Kipo Oak is a thirteen-year-old girl from a burrow that her father Lio trained there in astronomy, among other things. Her mother allegedly died of an illness. On the surface she picks up a mutated pig with four eyes and six legs that she calls Mandu. On her thirteenth birthday (March 26th) she noticed that changes were taking place in her body and that she was partly a mutant. Without her being able to control when it happens, fur sometimes grows on her arm and it turns into the paw of a mega jaguar. In the second season she learns that as a science project, her parents enriched their DNA with that of a mega-jaguar before she was born, so that she would eventually transform into one.
  • Wolfi , so named by Kipo, is a girl who lives on the surface. She was raised by intelligent wolves and feels part of their family. When she completed her training with wolf pups, however, she found that she should be their prey, and she escaped disappointed. Since then she has been a loner and distrusts everyone. She wears a hooded cloak made of wolf skin and a staff with a red death spike (sting of a mega-scorpion) on the tip as a weapon.
  • Benson is a boy on the surface who struggles there with Dave as a team. When Kipo thinks he has feelings for her, he reveals that he is gay. In location B, he falls in love with the boy Troy.
  • Dave is a mutated insect that sheds its age and regenerates in a constant cycle: from a baby through puberty to a muscular beetle with wings that is followed by an old man.

Mutated animal species

Some mutated animal species are characterized by their gigantic size and an excess of certain body parts, such as the mega rabbit with six pairs of ears or the mega monkey with six arms. Giant flamingos have two necks and heads, the mega-pigeon called the beak-beak has two pairs of eyes and two beaks on one head. Mega scorpions are red and have three tails whose stings can also put other mega mutants out of action immediately.

Other animal species have acquired human language and understanding, camps in certain areas, and the idiosyncrasies of human subcultures.

  • Mod frogs are inspired by the British mod subculture . They wear black suits, ties, chelsea boots and mustaches. At the same time, they behave like the mafia and engage in organized crime. A returning mod frog is called Jamack, their leader is Mrs. Sartori.
  • Lumberjack cats (Original: Timbercats ) are inspired by hipsters who dress like lumberjacks. They live in a forest, wear flannel shirts, beanies and swing axes. They play folk music on wooden instruments. Their leader is Yumyan Hammerpaw and holds the mega-flea Pierre.
  • Umlaut snakes (in the original Umlaut Snäkes with a heavy metal umlaut ) are hard rockers and play this music on electric guitars, but prefer silence if they don't rock themselves. They dress like the rocker subculture in spiked leather jackets.
  • Newton wolves , named after Isaac Newton , are learned intellectuals who wear turtlenecks. You live in the observatory and have taught yourself astronomy. Her hero is the astronomer Carl Sagan , whose last book Billions and Billions alludes to the names of their two leaders, who are both called Billions. They present their knowledge of the universe in rap.
  • The rats run an amusement park called "Rat Land", which is set up as a safety zone where mutants and humans can stay peacefully and have fun.
  • Tad Mulholland is a creature that forms from a colony of water bears and can change its shape. The water bears live in the water from a water dispenser. When someone drinks from this they evoke the perfect dream as Mulholland feeds on the brain energy produced.
  • Fitness raccoons live in the trash canyon and name themselves after things they find in the trash. You perform various types of fitness such as aerobics and yoga and wear gymnastics clothing, i.e. leotards, leggings and sweatbands on your arms and forehead.
  • The monkey court is based on the European nobility of the 18th century and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart . They wear red frocks, blue bow ties and white powdered wigs. Their leader, the Mandrill Scarl the Great (in the original Scarlemagne , both based on Charlemagne ), plays the piano and can control lower primates (meaning humans) with his pheromones. He has trained some people for dance balls in his palace (a shopping mall) for his amusement, but he dreams of enslaving all people. The other animal camps mentioned are afraid of him and work for him. He used to be an unmutated monkey named Hugo in the science building, where he became intelligent through the experiments of Kipo's parents. There he also learned to play the piano and developed his interest in European kings. Before he took them over, the other monkeys in the mall had dressed as emos .
  • Other camps briefly shown are dubstep bees, which communicate with electronic music; Glamrock hamster inspired by Ziggy Stardust ; the only female scooter skunks on pink scooters; Hummingbird bombers in bomber jackets based on fighter pilots from World War II.

In the second season, the new characters are mainly other individual animals instead of large groups:

  • The Goat Cheese Sisters are three blind, wise goats who produce their own cheese in a cauldron and read information and prophecies in it through a saying. When Kipo was just a baby, Lio fled from her parents' old burrow to the goats, who told him there were more burrows.
  • Theotter is a traveling group of otters with singer Puck. In costumes that represent Kipo and her friends, they sing songs about their adventures, but, in order to appeal to the people-hating audience, portray them in such a way that Kipo had viciously attacked the mutants.
  • Cappuccino is a shrimp lady who runs a restaurant called Brunchington Beach which serves brunch for mutants but doesn't want humans. Their restaurant is used to pay with information, but Dave has kicked the bill, which is why they are mad at him; Jamak ordered her to do kitchen duty for the same reason. She changes her attitude towards people when Kipo saves her from the monkeys.
  • Schimmelknuffel (originally Fun Gus for Latin fungus for mushroom and English fun for fun) is the mold that formed in and around the old science building of Kipo's parents. He has the personality of a little boy who wants to play a lot and, because he has not had a visit for years, refuses to let Kipo and her friends go.
  • Geli and Jibralta are two bats who, because humans and mutants destroy the earth, want to leave it and fly to the stars, where they suspect extraterrestrial life . They hold sound players like Benson's cassette player and Dr. Emilia's ultrasonic sensor for alien technology and mutants who can transform, like Dave and Kipo, for aliens.

More people

  • Lio and Song Oak are Kipo's parents and scientists. You used to work in a building under the direction of Dr. Emilia, where experiments were carried out on the last non-mutated animals. In this way they managed to give the monkey Hugo intelligence, which they initially kept secret from their superiors. As a further scientific project, they enriched egg cells with the DNA of various mutated animals; Song became pregnant by one who, after the birth of Kipo, turned out to be the one with mega-Jaguar DNA. As a side effect of the pregnancy, Song was also mutated and mutated into a mega monkey, which Kipo encountered several times on her adventures. While Song destroyed the building through her transformation, Lio fled with the baby Kipo.
  • Hoag is the leader in Kipos and Lios Bau and organized the relocation to site B after its destruction. Asher and Dalia , twin sisters and Kipo's best friends, and Troy with his father Roberto are also residents of the building . Troy shares music and pancakes interests with Benson and invites him out on a date. When the adults are kidnapped from location B, Asher, Dalia and Troy find shelter with the lumberjack cats.
  • Dr. Emilia was the scientific director of Songs and Lios Bau, which researched how to turn the last unmutated animals into mega-mutants to find out how the mega-mutants can be turned back. She hates mutants and wants to end her existence so humans can take over the surface again. She detests the mutation of the hybrid people Song and Kipo. In the present, she leads the human resistance with her assistants Zane and Greta against Skarl. She wants to use Kipo as a mega jaguar against Skarl, but also against Kipo's mother, in which both should perish. After the residents of Kipo's den fled Skarl, she convinced most adults (except Troy's father) to join her so they could live on the surface.

Episode list

season 1

( total )
( St. )
German title Original title Director script
1 1 Alone in the upper world Burrow girl Radford Sechrist Bill Wolkoff
On the surface, the underground girl Kipo encounters the mutant pig Mandu and the loner Wolfi. While being chased by mod frogs, they find a baby insect.
2 2 Friends Blast Berries Radford Sechrist Bill Wolkoff
Benson and Insect Dave rescue the girls from the Mod Frogs, when they learn that Kipo is wanted by Scarlemagne. They take Kipo to her den, which has been destroyed, but then she discovers that her people have escaped.
3 3 Real cats wear plaid Real Cats Wear Plaid Chase Conley Bill Wolkoff
The group is captured by lumberjack cats whose scratching post was destroyed by a mega mutant. By bringing back her leader, who is trapped in a tree, Kipo manages to get the cats to ally with them.
4th 4th The mega monkey Cactustown Chris Copeland Joanna Lewis & Kristine Songco
The group enters the area of ​​the umlaut snakes, which Kipo draws to their side by playing the guitar. They lead them to the shelter of the mega monkey, which Kipo can briefly calm down. But then the collar activates and the monkey runs away.
5 5 The telescope The Astronomers in Turtleneck Chris Copeland & Bridget Underwood Christopher Amick & Ben Mekler
Benson got the idea to go to the Newton Wolves Observatory to use the telescope to find Kipo's people. Wolfi teaches the group beforehand to behave like a pack. At the observatory, Kipo discovers that Skarl is using the telescope to find her people, so her group destroys the telescope. Kipo sees a secret message from her father on a billboard.
6th 6th Rat land Ratland Chase Conley Bill Wolkoff
It's Kipo's birthday and, because Wolfi doesn't know hers, she declares herself birthday sisters. So the group splits up to find presents. Benson invites Kipo to Ratland, where he tells her he's gay. When attacked by Skarl's people, she grows a jaguar paw. Wolfi and Dave find a map for Kipo's family's new building, which they withhold from her.
7th 7th Mulholland Mulholland Chase Conley Taylor Chapulín Orcí
The group drinks water from a drinking fountain that is home to a colony of water bear named Tad Mulholland. This evokes the perfect dream in each of them. Kipo dreams of her mother, who tells her that she is a partial mutant. Wolfi is the first to wake up and free the others from their dreams. She decides to give the card to Kipo.
8th 8th Beak-beak Twin beaks Chris Copeland Joanna Lewis & Kristine Songco
The group ends up in the rubbish canyon, where the fitness raccoons live, and helps them fight the pigeon Schnabel-Schnabel. Through 3D glasses, Kipo sees a mark in the grass where her people's new building is. When the cheering Kipo's arm changes in front of Wolfi, she runs away.
9 9 Half and half Mute-Eat-Mute-World Chase Conley Christopher Amick & Ben Mekler
Kipo is kidnapped and chased by several groups of mutants because Skarl has offered her a reward. While Benson tries to get Wolfi back, mutants threaten her too. Kipo can save them and the mod frog Jamack lets the group escape.
10 10 The walk to the dogs Beyond the Valley of the Dogs Kalvin Lee & Young Ki Yoon Bill Wolkoff
Passing mega dogs, the group arrives at the new building of Kipo's people, where their new friends meet their old ones: Asher, Dalia and Troy, with whom Benson falls in love. Skarl raids the building and kidnaps Kipo's father Lio.
All episodes were released worldwide on Netflix on January 14, 2020.

season 2

( total )
( St. )
German title Original title Director script
11 1 Aurum Paw of the Jaguar Chase Conley Joanna Lewis & Kristine Songco
Wolfi and Benson bring Kipo's friends to the cats. Kipo and Dave fly to Skarl's palace on a flamingo, releasing the mega-monkey from Skarl's control along the way. When she tries to escape with her father, she cannot save him. Skarls destroys the Ratland to establish his Aurum Empire.
12 2 The goat cheese prophecies The Goat Cheese Prophecy Bridget Underwood Bill Wolkoff
The group seeks out the Goat Cheese Sisters, three wise goats who help Kipo control their powers and make the jaguar paw appear and disappear at will.
13 3 The Ballad of Brunchington Beach The Ballad of Brunchington Beach Matt Ahrens Christopher Amick & Ben Mekler
In order to find the old building of Kipo's parents, the group sets out to the Cappuccino restaurant, where people are not welcome. On the way they meet a theater group made up of otters who they smuggle in in their costumes. After Skarl's henchman appeared and Kipo drove her away, Cappuccino draws her a map to the destination.
14th 4th How to Defeat a Death Spike To Catch a Deathstalker Chase Conley Taylor Chapulin Orci
On the way through the area of ​​the death thorns, Wolfi Kipo leads to her old shelter. Skarl gets gold bars from a bank.
15th 5 The Schimmel Knuffel part 1 Fun Gus Part I Bridget Underwood Joanna Lewis & Kristine Songco
The group arrives at the science building where Kipo's parents worked, who is now infested with orange mold. Dave and Mandu notice that it is moving, but the others don't listen. Kipo finds a log of her mother's experiments.
16 6th The Schimmel Knuffel part 2 Fun Gus Part II Matt Ahrens Leore Berris, Joanna Lewis & Kristine Songco
The group is held by the white horse who wants to play with them. They can escape thanks to Tad Mulholland's help. Skarl regains control of the mega-monkey that Kipo realizes is her mutated mother.
17th 7th Bensooooon! Benson and the Beast Michael Chang Taylor Chapulin Orci
The group meets Dr. Know Emilia from the human resistance, in whose neighborhood Kipo is to be trained to transform into a jaguar. She succeeds when she has to save Benson from bats. Then she learns that she should not save her mother, but fight.
18th 8th The way of the mandrill Symphony for the Mandrill Bridget Underwood Christopher Amick & Ben Mekler
Skarl kidnapped Kipo and brought him to his palace. She learns how her father abandoned him. Your friends set out to free them.
19th 9 The coronation All that glitters Matt Ahrens Joanna Lewis & Kristine Songco
Kipo tries to get through to Skarl's former self, Hugo. Your friends oppose Dr. Emilia and imprison her people. Skarl appears at his coronation with the mega-monkey and gives the mutants the choice of accepting him as ruler or being doused with gold.
20th 10 The gold of freedom Heroes on Fire Michael Chang Bill Wolkoff
The mega monkey helps people escape. When Skarl floods the stadium with molten gold, Kipo's friends fight his lackeys. As a mega jaguar, she and her mother can stop the gold before it reaches the mutants. Skarl is captured by the lumberjack cats. Dr. Emilia convinces the adults to join her.
All episodes were released worldwide on June 12, 2020 on Netflix.


The German synchronization is created for a dialogue book and the dialogue director Stefan Krüger by Hermes synchronous GmbH in Potsdam.

role species Original speaker German speaker
Kipo Oak human Karen Fukuhara Maria Hönig
Wolfi Sydney Mikayla Jennifer White
Benson Coy Stewart Patrick Keller
Lio Oak Sterling K. Brown Dirk Bublies
Song Oak Jee Young Han Silvia Missbach
Dave insect Deon Cole Leonhard Mahlich
Scarl the Great / Hugo mandrill Dan Stevens Gerald Schaale
Harris Mod frog Ian Harding Andree Solvik
Jamack Jake Green Gerrit Hamann
Mrs. Sartori Gray Griffin Peggy Sander
Yumyan Hammerpaw Lumberjack cat Steve Blum Jürgen Kluckert
Molly Lea Delaria Katrin Zimmermann
Bigeye (Shoelace) Justine Huxley Eva Thärichen
Ruffles Matt Lowe Sven Brieger
Cotton Umlaut snake Gray Griffin Diana Borgwardt
Camille Joan Jett Nicole Hannak
Bad Billions Newton wolf GZA Felix Spit
Good Billions John Hodgman Uwe Büschken
Amy rat Avrielle Corti Gundi Eberhard
Brad Ace Gibson Tim Moeseritz
Gerard Monkey of the court Dee Bradley Baker Hans Hohlbein
Lemieux Gray Griffin Heike Beeck
Porcelaine Anna Vocino Isabelle Höpfner
Tad Mulholland Water bear Michael-Leon Wooley Tilo Schmitz
carton Fitness raccoon Taylor Louderman Marina Krogull
sticker Betsy Sodaro Almut Zydra
cotton swab David Neher Rainer Fritzsche
Asher human Rhea Butcher Sonja Spuhl
Dahlia Fryda Wolff Giuliana Jakobeit
Troy Giullian Yao Gioiello Marcel Mann
Roberto Antonio Álvarez Fabian Oscar Vienna
Hoag Jeff Bennett Wolfgang Wagner
Florabel Goat Cheese Sisters Chris Anthony Landsdowne Cornelia Meinhardt
Ida Kay Bess Ilka Teichmüller
Bev Mindy Sterling Nina Herting
puck otter John Lavelle Stefan Gossler
cappuccino Shrimp Karly Rothenberg Heath Domanowski
Schimmel Knuffel Mold Jack Stanton
Geli bat Kat Palardy Carolina Vera
Jibralta Noël Wells Mia Diekow
Dr. Emilia human Amy Landecker Judith von Radetzky
Zane Carlos Alazraqui Dirk Stollenberg
Greta Anna Vocino Sabina Trooger


The series is based on Radford Sechrist's webcomic Kipo , which he developed in 2015. The idea for the story is said to have come to him while walking through Los Feliz , during which he imagined the urban environment with huge plants and mutated creatures. Peter Gal, the chief creative officer of DreamWorks Animation , encouraged him to pitch the concept as a television series. Bill Wolkoff, screenwriter for series such as TRON: The Uprising and Star Wars Rebels , got on as executive producer . The animations were created by the Mir studio in South Korea using hand drawings. The Costa Rican film composer Daniel Rojas composed the music and wrote original songs for the series, often deliberately combining different genres.


The series was presented to the audience with a first teaser at the Festival d'Animation Annecy in June 2019. The trailer was released on January 8, 2020 and the series on January 14th on Netflix . A trailer released on April 28th for the second season announced June 12th as the release date for the second season.


Petrana Radulovic from Polygon compares the series to a toy box ; it is a lively mosaic with a unique world, complex character relationships, and an underlying plot that explores the deep-seated tensions between the surviving humans and the mutants. Another message is that the world and nature continue to run and function without people. Beth Elderkin of io9 says Kipo doesn't tell a groundbreaking story, but the way it tells it shines because it's bright, colorful, and vibrant. She compares this to The Wizard of Oz and the films of Hayao Miyazaki . As the latest children's animation series with wide appeal and a lot of heart, it joins Kipo alongside She-Ra and the Rebel Princesses , Welcome to Gravity Falls and Steven Universe . She also praises the music, but criticizes the fact that the mutants are called "mutes" in the original, which also means mute. For Dave Trumbore of Collider , the creatures are the most imaginative aspect of the series and are complemented by a fantastic cast, of which Dan Stevens stands out. It awards 5 stars and the rating "Excellent".

Benson's coming-out was singled out and praised as a special scene at the reception because it is the first time in an animated series for the whole family that a gay character also utters the words "I'm gay". The scene is not a big, tearful affair, but a quiet moment between two close friends, according to Radulovic. She finds it unobtrusive, but that's why it is remarkable. Charles Pulliam-Moore from io9 finds the ease of the coming-out both surprising and gratifying. It is impressive that Benson's homosexuality is not just there to complicate Kipo's feelings for him. Shamus Kelley of Den of Geek looks at the development of queer representation in children's (animation) series: “Unlike series [like The Legend of Korra ], Kipo did not wait long in its course to confirm a character as queer, and did so not just with rare supporting characters. ”The use of the word" gay "is a trend-setting change, and Benson himself, who is black, is a rare example of a queer black child who can hardly be seen on television and animation. For the second season, Kelley praised the development between him and Troy, who received the same treatment as heterosexual relationships and was shown as completely normal without subtext.

While The Daily Quirk praises for the first season that the series shows three black main characters, but the plot rarely has to do with the fact that they are black, just as for the gay character his sexuality is not the focus, Kevin Johnson interprets from Den of Geek especially for the second season plot elements as metaphors for racial issues and blackness.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Allie Gemmill: 'Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts' Season 2 Release Date & More Revealed in New Teaser . In: Collider . April 28, 2020. Accessed June 12, 2020.
  2. a b Kipo and the world of wonder monsters. In: German dubbing index , accessed on February 27, 2020 .
  3. ^ Ramin Zahed: It's the End of the World and She's Just Fine !: 'Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts' . In: Animation Magazine . January 15, 2020. Accessed February 27, 2020.
  4. Steven Brown: Interview with Daniel Rojas Composer on Kipo and the Age of the Wonderbeasts . In: What's on Netflix . January 24, 2020. Accessed February 27, 2020.
  5. Josh Hilgenberg: KIPO AND THE AGE OF WONDERBEASTS first look from DreamWorks Animation . In: The Beat . June 13, 2019. Accessed February 27, 2020.
  6. Dave Trumbore: New Trailer for 'Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts' Is Absolutely Insane . In: Collider . January 8, 2020. Accessed February 27, 2020.
  7. Petrana Radulovic: Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts turns the apocalypse into a wild toy-box fantasy . In: polygon . January 14, 2020. Accessed March 16, 2020.
  8. Beth Elderkin: Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts Is the Latest Animated Marvel You Absolutely Should Watch . In: io9 . January 8, 2020. Accessed March 16, 2020.
  9. Dave Trumbore: 'Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts' Review: Unlike Any Animated Adventure You've Seen . In: Collider . January 14, 2020. Accessed March 16, 2020.
  10. Petrana Radulovic: Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts treats coming out like just another part of life . In: polygon . January 15, 2020. Accessed March 7, 2020.
  11. ^ Charles Pulliam-Moore: Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts' Casual Queerness Is Fantastic . In: io9 . January 23, 2020. Accessed March 7, 2020.
  12. Shamus Kelley: Kipo and the Age of the Wonderbeasts' Casual Diverse Queerness . In: Den of Geek . June 15, 2020. Retrieved August 13, 2020.
  13. Netflix's Newest Animation Pickup Has A Black And Gay Cast, But Isn't A "Black" Or "Gay" Cartoon . In: Quirkastic . January 21, 2020. Accessed August 13, 2020.
  14. Kevin Johnson: How Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts Codes Blackness . In: Den of Geek . June 24, 2020. Accessed August 13, 2020.