Ladislaus Nagy from Alsó-Szopor

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Ladislaus Freiherr Nagy de Alsö-Szopor (born June 23, 1803 in Vukovar , † September 23, 1872 in Graz ) was an Imperial Austro-Hungarian general staff officer who rose to the rank of Feldzeugmeister .


Coming from the Hungarian aristocratic family Nagy from Ödenburg , he was born as the son of Joseph Nagy (1777–1839) and Franziska. Bessenyei († 1832) born in Syrmia .

Military career

Nagy came on May 17, 1816, the military academy of Wiener Neustadt , and was as a lieutenant retired 11th Rifle Battalion. In 1824 he served in the headquarters of the Imperial and Royal Army in Naples and from February 1828 in the military-geographical description of the country in Dalmatia and Croatia . Transferred to Infantry Regiment No. 53 in 1828, he was appointed first lieutenant on April 15, 1831 . In 1832 he acted as adjutant to Major General von Clam-Martiniz in the negotiations in Berlin . After he was promoted to captain on April 17, 1834 , he was transferred to the quartermaster general's staff in May 1835 . As a general staff captain he was in the occupation corps of Major General Puchner in Romagna in 1837 to provide valuable reports on Livorno , Florence and Ancona. He was promoted to major on April 1, 1839 and in 1841 and 1842 headed the military reception in Tuscany from Lucca . In 1839 and 1840 he was Chief of Staff of the II. Later from 1845 to 1849 of the I Army Corps in Italy. In 1848 he took part in the street fights in Milan (March 18) and Melegnano , the battle of Santa Lucia , the battle of Curtatone (May 29) and at Goito (May 30 and 31) under cavalry general Count Wratislaw , the capture of Vicenza and the battle of Custozza (July 25th). On February 8, 1847, he was promoted to lieutenant colonel and on August 18, 1848 to colonel . For the campaign of 1848, Colonel Nagy received the Knight's Cross of the Leopold Order. After the opening of the campaign of 1849 he fought in the battles at Borgo S. Siro, Gambolo and Sforzesca. At the end of April 1849, Nagy was assigned to the FML Baron Wimpfen's expeditionary force in Romagna because of his precise knowledge of central Italy and attended the handover of Bologna (May 16) and Ancona (June 19). For this campaign he received the Order of the Iron Crown, 2nd class. Beginning in July 1849 to the headquarters of Monza appointed, he should Cernierung of Venice force. In the autumn of 1849 Nagy came to Vienna as Chief of Staff , in which position he remained after his promotion to major general.

On April 23, 1852 he was appointed director of the new war school , but despite general satisfaction, he was removed on November 5, 1854, to take over his position as Adlatus of the Quartermaster General Baron Hess, assigned on February 10, 1853 . In 1855 the Emperor approved the Feldzeugmeister's proposal to appoint Nagy as his deputy. Two years later promoted to field marshal lieutenant, he became head of the 2nd division at the Army High Command . In the war year 1859 he acted as the deputy of the civil and military governor (FML Baron Mamula ) of Dalmatia and had the order to put the permanent places in a state of defense. On August 4, 1859, after three months of active service, he returned to his previous post in the War Ministry . He was also appointed Colonel-Owner of Infantry Regiment No. 70.

On February 26, 1861, he was entrusted with the management of the Quartermaster General, where he remained until November 24, 1864. In March 1870 he advocated increasing the army reserve and the establishment of 6 new Landwehr battalions. At the age of 61 he resigned from the leadership of the General Staff and took over the fortress command of Theresienstadt . A little later, he went into well-deserved retirement and was dismissed ad honores as a Feldzeugmeister character.
