District Court Obernburg

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The district court of Obernburg was a Bavarian district court of the older order, founded on October 1, 1814 and existing until 1879, with its seat in Obernburg am Main in today's district of Miltenberg . In the Kingdom of Bavaria , the regional courts were judicial and administrative authorities, which were replaced in administrative matters by the district offices in 1862 and in legal matters by the local courts in 1879 .


The Obernburg Regional Court was founded on October 1st, 1814. It replaced the Disrtrictsmairie Obernburg of the department of Aschaffenburg in the Grand Duchy of Frankfurt, which in turn had emerged from the city and district bailiffs of Obernburg and Großostheim of the Upper Archdiocese of the Electorate of Mainz. On February 20, 1817, the district court of Obernburg came to the Untermainkreis , which was founded on that day , a forerunner of the later administrative district of Lower Franconia .

See also


  • Wilhelm Volkert (Hrsg.): Handbook of the Bavarian offices, communities and courts 1799–1980 . CH Beck, Munich 1983, ISBN 3-406-09669-7 .
  • Josef Weiß (editor): District Court District Obernburg . In: The district of Miltenberg around 1860. Medical officers report from the district courts of Stadtprozelten, Miltenberg, Amorbach, Klingenberg and Obernburg. Edited by Klaus Reder, Claudia Selheim and Josef Weiß. Würzburg 1999, pp. 213–269 (Publications on Folklore and Cultural History. Edited by Heidrun Alzheimer-Haller and Klaus Reder, Vol. 69). [not evaluated]