List of German judgments on video surveillance

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The list of German judgments on video surveillance contains an overview of judgments by German courts on the subject of video surveillance .

dish Field of law date File number Comments / quotations source
Administrative court of Gelsenkirchen Police law 2018-10-23 14 K 3543/18 The making of picture or sound recordings by the police at meetings is - regardless of whether they are only overview recordings - an inadmissible interference with the freedom of assembly, even if the pictures are only to be used for public relations purposes. Full text
Federal Labor Court Employment Law 2018-08-23 2 AZR 133/18 Legal action against termination based on stored data from video surveillance < BAG press release >
District Court Munich I Civil Law: Condominium Law 2011-11-11 1 S 12752/11 The video surveillance of the underground car park of a WEG violates the general privacy rights of apartment owners. Even if there have been thefts beforehand, the majority of the owners cannot decide on video surveillance. Full text
summary (Haufe)
summary (Czarnetzki)
VG Berlin Right of assembly 2010-07-05 1 K 905/09 The fact that the police film a meeting without cause violates Article 8 of the Basic Law because of its intimidating effect . Full text
VG Wiesbaden Administrative law 2010-01-20 6 K 1063 / 09.WI The judicial public is not sufficiently guaranteed if there is a well-founded fear that those interested in attending court hearings will be prevented or deterred from attending public meetings due to the video surveillance and personal control in the building. Full text
AG Munich civil right 2009-10-16 423 C 34037/08 The video surveillance by a camera installed in the building entrance area (here: stairwell on the ground floor) of a rental property represents - regardless of whether the recordings are saved - a significant interference with the tenant's right to privacy and self-determination as well as his right of ownership of the rented apartment. Full text
OVG Münster Administrative law 2009-05-08 16 A 3375/07 The non-event-related storage of the data collected by the monitoring of the library of the Municipal Science Institute of the University of Münster with a video system is not permitted. Full text
KG Berlin civil right 2008-08-04 8 U 83/08 Even if vandalism has occurred in an elevator in a rental building, the owner of the house does not have the right to install a video camera in the elevator. Full text
VG Münster Administrative law 2007-10-19 1 K 367/06 The non-event-related storage of the data collected by the monitoring of the library of the Municipal Science Institute of the University of Münster with a video system is not permitted. Full text
BAG Employment Law 2008-08-26 1 ABR 16/07 Video surveillance of the interior is only permitted for a period of four weeks after the theft has occurred. The outside area may be permanently monitored if people are only there for a short time. Full text
AG Hamburg civil right 2008-04-22 4 C 134/08 Video surveillance of the common areas in a catering establishment is not permitted. Full text
OLG Cologne civil right 2005-07-05 24 U 12/05 The permanent, unrestricted and secret video surveillance of a communal laundry room is in principle not permitted despite previous damage to washing machines. NJW 2005, 2997,
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BAG Employment Law 2004-06-29 1 ABR 21/03 Permanent video surveillance of employees without specific suspicion is disproportionate. Press release Press
AG Spandau Tenancy law 2004-01-06 5 C 557/03 If homeowners install a surveillance camera in front of their house entrance, it must not capture the neighboring house. Full text
AG middle civil right 2003-12-18 16 C 427/02 It is only allowed to film the events in a narrow strip along the wall of the house. Article full text (PDF; 821 kB)
LG Zweibrücken Criminal procedural law 2003-11-03 Qs 10/03; Qs 11/03 Video recordings made clandestinely to prove theft can be used as evidence in criminal proceedings if the entrepreneur was not able to investigate the matter by less drastic means. NJW 2004, 85,
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AG Gummersbach 2003-08-21 10 a Gs 239/03 1. The data obtained through the use of an electronic toll collection system are subject to confiscation for the purpose of criminal prosecution under the conditions of §§ 100g , 100h StPO .
2. The data processing and utilization ban stipulated in the Autobahn Toll Act is to be interpreted restrictively in the light of Sections 100g , 100h StPO; a comprehensive prohibition of exploitation, including the general powers to intervene in criminal proceedings, cannot be derived from the Autobahn Toll Act.
NJW 2003, 240
BAG Employment Law 2003-03-27 2 AZR 51/02 Extraordinary termination on suspicion of embezzlement - permissibility of covert video surveillance Full text
LAG Berlin Employment Law 2003-03-05 10 TaBV 2089/02 The verdict of an arbitration board for the introduction of video surveillance in a Berlin mail distribution center of the Deutsche Post AG is ineffective. Full text
AG Frankfurt am Main Neighbor law 2002-09-02 65 UR II 149/02 All apartment owners must agree to the installation of a video surveillance system for the exclusive use of a special owner, as surveillance with a video camera in the entrance area encroaches on the privacy rights of the other owners. NJW-RR 2003, 158
NZM 2003, 68

DSB 2003, 14 (red.Vahle)

VGH Munich Trade law 2002-07-31 22 B 02.965 GewA 2002, 471
KG Berlin Neighbor law 2002-06-26 24 W 309/01 If video surveillance is introduced in the entrance area of ​​an apartment complex, with the recording being transmitted to the in-house cable network without technical restrictions, this violates the principles of proper administration. RDV 2002, 237
NZM 2002, 702
NJW 2002, 2798
WuM 2002, 507
ZMR 2002, 846
MDR 2002, 1364
DuD 2002, 633
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BayObLG Shoplifting 2002-01-24 2 St RR 8/02 A department store may monitor its customers with video cameras if the customer is informed at the entrance. NJW 2002, 2893
LAG Lower Saxony Employment Law 2001-12-19 6 Sa 1376/01 juris (ArbN 3 / 02.26)
LAG Kiel Employment Law 2001-12-04 1 Sa 392 b / 01 juris
Karlsruhe Higher Regional Court Neighbor law 2001-11-08 12 U 180/01 Covert video surveillance to identify house residents as damaging a vehicle VersR 2002, 590
VG Göttingen 2001-10-17 3 B 3157/01 juris
VG Karlsruhe Police law 2001-10-10 11 K 191/01 Video surveillance of public places in Baden-Württemberg permitted NVwZ 2002, 117
NZM 2002, 135
VBlBW 2002, 131
DuD 2002, 430 (note Achelpöhler / Niehaus p. 731)
VR 2002, 281
DSB 2002, 21 (red.Vahle)
DVP 2002, 345 (note Vahle)
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LAG Hamm Employment Law 2001-07-24 11 Sa 1524/00 The boss is not allowed to secretly monitor his employees with a video camera. Any notice of termination issued as a result is ineffective. RDV 2001, 288
DuD 2002, 108
DSB 2001, 21 (
red.Vahle ) EzA-SD 01 No. 21, 5
NZA-RR 2002, 464
ArbRB 2001, 68 (red.Lunk)
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OLG Hamm Procedural law 2001-07-17 3 Ss 478/01 StraFo 2001, 415
NStZ-RR 2002, 14
StV 2002, 187
AG Dülmen Criminal law 2001-07-12 3 C 271/01 NJW-RR 2002, 91
DSB 2002, 17 (red.Vahle)
LG Potsdam Enforcement law 2001-06-19 20 Vollz 40/01 Research & Development 032, 104
Düsseldorf Higher Regional Court civil right 2001-06-01 14 U 255/00 NJW-RR 2001, 1607
DAR 2001, 503
OLGR Düsseldorf 2002, 61
AG Stuttgart Criminal law 2001-04-18 8 Cs 32 Js 616887/00 Prohibition of exploitation after illegal video surveillance unpublished (orig. file LDS-SH)
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ArbG Frankfurt am Main Employment Law 2001-01-31 7 Ca 3997/00 juris (SuP 2001, 539)
OLG Hamm Enforcement law 2001-01-30 1 full number (Wz) 131/2000 DuD 2002, 631
BGH Procedural law 2001-01-24 3 StR 324/00 StV 2001, 216,
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VG Leipzig Police law 2000-12-04 3 K 1737/00 NVwZ 2001, 1317
NJW 2001, 389 (note Walter)
DVP 2002, 388 (note Haurand)
LG Berlin Tenancy law 2000-10-31 65 S 279/00 Tenants can request the dismantling of video surveillance cameras in the entrance area of ​​the house because this could violate their personal rights. ZMR 2001, 112
NZM 2001, 207
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OVG Münster Police law 2000-10-30 5 A 291/00 DÖV 2001, 476
DSB 2001, 24 (red.Vahle)
Krim 2001, 672 (red.Vahle),
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ArbG Frankfurt am Main Employment Law 2000-09-26 18 ca 4036/00 Employees who are monitored by video without permission may, under certain circumstances, demand compensation from their boss. RDV 2001, 190
DSB 2001, 18 (red.Vahle)
DVP 2002, 86 (note Vahle)
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Munich Higher Regional Court Procedural law 2000-05-23 1 Ws 310/00 StV 2000, 352
AG Schöneberg Tenancy law 2000-05-10 12 C 69/00 ZMR 2000, 542
NZM 2000, 983
GE 2001, 184 (note nn)
BVerfG Procedural law 2000-03-09 2 BvR 1087/91 Full text (decision not to accept the BGH of May 14, 1991)
AG Schöneberg Tenancy law 2000-03-08 7 C 471/99 ZMR 2000, 684
GE 2001, 211
BayObLG Criminal law 2000-02-23 5 pcs RR 30/00 Stinky fingers - transmitted via surveillance video - can offend a person NJW 2000, 1584
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VG hall Procedural law 2000-01-17 3 B 121/99 The mere video surveillance of a public place - in contrast to video recording - does not interfere with the constitutionally protected general personal right ( Article 2, Paragraph 1 of the Basic Law). Guiding principle
LKV 2000, 164
BAG Employment Law 2000 2 AZR 51/02 Covert video surveillance when there is justified suspicion Guiding principle
LAG Stuttgart Employment Law 1999-05-06 12 Sa 115/97 BB 1999, 1439
AuR 1999, 491
DVP 1999, 479 (note Vahle)
DSB 1999, 14 (red.Vahle)
LG Darmstadt Tenancy law 1999-03-17 8 O 42/99 NZM 2000, 360
LAG Cologne 1999-02-16 11 Sa 795/98 juris
OLG Schleswig Neighbor law 1998-10-16 1 U 194/97 Video recordings with a security camera can be illegal if they interfere too much with the privacy of others. Full text
Karlsruhe Higher Regional Court Neighbor law 1998-08-12 6 U 64/97 WuM 2000, 128
OLGR Karlsruhe 1999, 83
LG Braunschweig Neighbor law 1998-03-18 12 S 23/97 NJW 1998, 2457
DVP 1999, 258 (Vahle's note)
BGH Procedural law 1998-01-29 1 StR 511/97 The police are allowed to film the entrance area in front of a suspect's house with a video camera for long periods of time without interruption. BGHSt 44, 13
StV 98, 169
NStZ 1998, 629 (note Amelung p. 631, Asbrock p. 632)
NJW 1998, 1237 (note Gehrlein / Schübel 1999, 104)
JA 1998, 539
JZ 1998, 794 (note. Rogall p. 796)
DVP 1998, 263 (note nn)
Krim 1998, 350
DuD 1998, 410
RDV 1998, 212
full text
Düsseldorf Higher Regional Court Insurance law 1997-11-28 4 U 141/96 RuS 1998, 160
ZfSch 1998, 187
LG Itzehoe Neighbor law 1997-09-11 7 (9) O 51/96 SchlHA 1997, 262
LG Hamburg Insurance law 1997-04-29 309 S 276/96 juris (NJWE-VHR 1997, 214)
AG Wedding Tenancy law 1997-04-09 17 C 193/96 WuM 1998, 342
LG Stuttgart Procedural law 1997-02-26 19 KLs 43/96 unpublished (to BGHSt 44, 13)
LG casting 1996-11-15 1 p. 297/95 A secret video that the husband made to record the marital misconduct of his wife may be used as evidence in divorce and custody proceedings. Full text
LAG Cologne Employment Law 1996-08-30 12 Sa 639/96 BB 1997, 476
RDV 1997, 183
DuD 1998, 104
BGH Neighbor law 1995-04-25 VI ZR 272/94 The production of portraits of a person, in particular the film recording with a video camera, can also constitute an inadmissible interference with the general personal rights of the person concerned in areas accessible to the public, for example on a public route, even if there is no intention to disseminate it. NJW 1995, 1955
JZ 1995, 1115 (note Helle)
DVP 1996, 85 (note nn)
full text
AG Cologne Tenancy law 1994-12-20 208 C 57/94 NJW-RR 1995, 1226
BAG Employment Law 1991-05-15 5 AZR 115/90 BAGE 68, 52
BGH Procedural law 1991-05-14 1 StR 699/90 NJW 1991, 2651
JuS 1992, 161 (note Amelung / Kerckhoff 1993, 196)
NStZ 1992, 44 (note Rogall p. 45 + Schön p. 504)
JR 1992, 316 (note Hippel / Weiß)
BGHR § 160 para 1 StPO video surveillance 1
StV 91, 403 + 499 (note Gusy)
NJW-CoR 1992, 26 (note nn)
wistra 1991, 269
MDR 1991, 885
DÖV 1991, 849
CR 1992, 123
Jura 1992, 520 (note no. Wolter)
RpflStud 1995, 99 (red. Frohn)
SG Munich Ö / A 1990-05-15 S 40 AI 666/89 CR 1991, 417
RDV 1992, 85
OVG Bremen Right of assembly 1990-04-24 1 BA 18/89 NVwZ 1990, 1188
DVBl 1990, 1048
MDR 1990, 950
RDV 1990, 255
StV 1991, 123
Regional Court of Nuremberg-Fürth Procedural law 1990-02-21 13 KLs 222 Js 2962/88 unpublished (to BGH NJW 1991, 2651)
LAG Frankfurt am Main Employment Law 1989-09-28 9 Sa 73/89 juris (on BAGE 68, 52, see below)
BB 1990, 1280 (guiding principle)
VG Berlin Trade law 1989-05-10 4 A 428.86 GewA 1990, 61
LG Zweibrücken Neighbor law 1989-02-20 1 O 738/88 MDR 1990, 549
VG Bremen Right of assembly 1988-12-05 4 A 226/86 NVwZ 1989, 895
Pol 1989, 202
DuR 1989, 332
BVerwG Ö / A 1988-08-31 6 P 35/85 A company television system (video system) used for covert observation of employees at the workplace is also a technical device intended to monitor the behavior or performance of employees within the meaning of Section 75 Paragraph 3 Number 17 BPersVG, even if its use only serves to clear up irregularities and it does not produce reproducible records. BVerwGE 1990, 61
ZBR 1989, 14
DVBl 1989, 200
NJW 1989, 848
RDV 1989, 80
BAG Employment Law 1987-10-07 5 AZR 116/86 1. An employee's right to privacy may be violated if he is subjected to constant, seamless monitoring pressure in that the employer reserves the right to monitor the workplace at any time with hidden video cameras without specific notice.
2. A measure of the aforementioned type can, however, be justified if it is required by overriding legitimate interests of the employer. This requires a substantiated presentation.
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AuR 87, 415
Higher Regional Court Frankfurt am Main Neighbor law 1980-11-06 16 U 146/80 An apartment owner is entitled to an injunction against roommates who photograph her and her visitors in order to present the photos in a legal dispute as evidence for the claim that the owner is engaged in prostitution in her apartment. MDR 1981, 316
AG Landshut Violation of personal rights 2019-11-29 1 C 28/19 Lawsuit against video surveillance of the neighboring property with dome cameras

Configuration of the video surveillance:

Judgment: The default judgment of the Landshut District Court in this matter from April 2nd, 2019 is upheld with the stipulation that the defendants are sentenced to take appropriate measures to ensure that on their property xxx-Str. 18, 840xx Landshut installed dome surveillance cameras - regardless of the orientation of the camera itself - no line of sight to the property of the plaintiff xxx-Str. 16, 840xx Landshut.

Default judgment of April 2nd, 2019: The defendants are sentenced to refrain from monitoring the property of the plaintiff FL (xxx-Str. 16, 840xx Landshut) including its residential and ancillary buildings with video cameras.

Legally effective since January 15th, 2020
