List of Islamic Art Centers

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This list of Islamic art centers contains important centers of Islamic art , which for a long time have had significant impulses in other parts of the Islamic world. They are characterized by the fact that works of art were produced on a large scale in these cities or that workshops at the Herrscherhof and their court artists exerted a formative influence on larger regions or on a historical section of art development. The architectural decor of important buildings in the current city or in its history belongs to Islamic art and shows characteristics typical of an era of Islamic art. The special importance of the urban center, its art production and its charisma must be proven in research.

so-called Alhambra vase , Málaga, Nasrid , 14th / 15th century Century

Maghreb (incl. Al-Andalus )

Mashrek and Arabian Peninsula

Mosque lamp, Egypt or Syria , Mamluk , 14th century

Asia Minor

Tile field, İznik , Ottoman ,
16th century

Iran and Central Asia

Binding, Iran , Safavid ,
16th century

Indian subcontinent

Black powder jade horn, India , Mughal , 17th century