Marco Nola

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Marco Nola (born August 3, 1971 in Bremen ) is a German composer , musician , conductor , actor , director , producer and author .


Marco Nola was born in Bremen as the son of film and television director Jürgen Nola and his wife Erika Nola (née Beckmann). As a child actor he achieved fame throughout Germany in the early 1980s. a. in the leading role in the ZDF children's series “Moritzgeschichten” and as a performer in Rudi's daytime show . In addition, from 1983 to 1984 he played the son in the radio series Papa, Charly said… with Gert Haucke as a partner and speaker in radio programs from Radio Bremen , Hessischer Rundfunk , Sender Freies Berlin , WDR u. a.

In 1977 he received his first music lessons , and in 1988 he began studying the piano with the concert pianist Patrizia Boschin . In 1990 singing lessons were added, from 1991 composition lessons with Johannes Brinkmann . In 1993 he began to study composition at the Hochschule für Künste Bremen with the instruments piano and flute , first with David Kosviner and from 1994 with Younghi Pagh-Paan .

In 1988 he composed the first film music for the Hessischer Rundfunk (HR) for the series "10 Commandments". Numerous compositions for film and television as well as theater music for various theaters followed. He received special attention with his composition for orchestra and choir for the silent film Faust - a German folk tale by FW Murnau , premiered by the Bremen Philharmonic State Orchestra in 2001, at the “Erbhof Festival Thedinghausen” with further performances in Germany in 2002 (Bremen, Gera, Schwäbisch Gmünd). In the same year he founded his own recording studio in Bremen, Seven Rays Music. Here he has been producing music CDs, audio guides for the Kunsthalle Bremen , radio play productions and audio books with actors such as Will Quadflieg , Günter Lamprecht , Peter Striebeck , Anna Thalbach , Matthias Brandt and Uwe Friedrichsen since 2001 . In 2015 he was responsible for the stereo mastering and surround mastering of the production "Knorkatourette" by the Berlin band Knorkator . In the same year, his commissioned composition "Sextett" for the chamber concert series of the Oldenburg State Theater was premiered in the local small house. In 2016 he dedicated himself to the revision of his "Faust" composition, which will be performed again in 2017 at the Stadttheater Bremerhaven .

Since 1999 he has directed the Bremen “Choir Plan b”. With this he staged the program “When music is food for love” in 2011/2012 with the participation of actors from Theater Bremen and the ensemble “Northern Lights”, which he also produced on CD in 2013. In the same year he brought the German premiere of “A Child's Christmas in Wales” to the Bremen Kulturkirche St. Stephani with choir Plan b and an orchestra . In 2014 he directed the “Revue Therapy” “The Betty Wolff Clinic - No Therapy Today” at KASCH in Achim. Since the end of 2015 he has also been working as a director and producer on the German version of the 7-part DVD documentary "Die Alchemistische Reise" (Le Voyage Alchimique), which will be released in 2016. He is also the co-author, composer and director of the science fiction radio play series "The Ray Connor Saga", which will go into production in 2016.

Film music and radio play music (selection)

  • 1988: Film music for the series of the Hessischer Rundfunk (HR) The 10 Commandments
  • 1991: Film music for the 6-part ARD television series Jocotobi
  • 1995: Composition for the ARD television play, comedy A la Minute with Heinz Schenk a . a .; Music compositions for TV spots by the Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA)
  • 1997: Film music for the 24-part game series Insights for the Goethe Institute
  • 1998: Music for the NDR cabaret show by slice
  • 2000: Sound mix of the NDR television production ... and suddenly we were enemies ...
  • 2001: Composition of live orchestral and choral music for the silent film Faust by FW Murnau, premiered by the Philharmonic State Orchestra Bremen
  • 2008: Music composition (and speaking role) for the radio play Mobil for the MDR , director: Gottfried von Eine
  • 2012: Improvisation on a theme from the Moonlight Sonata by Ludwig van Beethoven for the German comedy Man (n) tut was Man (n) kann by Marc Rothemund
  • 2012: Composition of music for the radio play Kipper for Radio Bremen
  • 2013: Composition of music for the documentation The report: Goose War in East Friesland for the NDR
  • 2014: Music conception for the image film Ein Tag Kunst (not only) for children for the Kunsthalle Bremen; Music conception for the image film What do you see? for the Kunsthalle Bremen

Compositions (selection)

  • 1992: Composition for the CD production "Clouds" with the band Connemara and Caroline Mas
  • 1993: Theater music Too Much Ado about Nothing (Heppenheim Theater Festival)
  • 1994: Theater music for Don Gil from the green pants (Heppenheim Theater Festival)
  • 1996: Theater music for Maria Stuart (Dreieichenhain Castle Festival)
  • 1999: Commissioned compositions for ensembles of the new music
  • 2001: Composition of live orchestral and choral music for the silent film "Faust" by FW Murnau, premiered by the Philharmonic State Orchestra Bremen
  • 2011: Theater music for The Imaginary Sick , (Heppenheim Theater Festival)
  • 2015: Composition of a "sextet" (three violas , cello , oboe / English horn , horn ) for the chamber concert series of the Oldenburg State Theater (premiere on May 3, 2015 in the Small House of the State Theater Oldenburg, with further performances in the Long Night of Music in Oldenburg and Long Night of Music in Bremen)

Radio play / audio book productions including musical compositions (selection)


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ZDF Moritz Stories
  2. The sound makes the feeling
  3. Charlie didn't tell him that ... ( Memento from May 28, 2016 in the Internet Archive )
  4. 10 commandments
  5. Audience entranced by the premiere , Weser-Kurier from June 25, 2001
  6. Spectacle in a stylish ambience
  7. Star-clear and unforgettable , the daily newspaper of August 19, 2002
  8. Kitchen garden becomes a big stage
  9. ^ "Faust" on the Münsterplatz
  10. ^ Seven Rays Music
  11. Pure pleasure
  12. Choir of the Week: “Plan b” sings Shakespeare
  13. When music is food for love
  14. A Child's Christmas in Wales
  15. Christmas concert "Before Christmas"
  16. Satire on sensational press
  17. The Ray Connor Saga
  18. Bremen's most successful canvas export. Retrieved May 13, 2020 .
  19. Miró. Retrieved May 13, 2020 (Spanish).