Martin Zschächner

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Martin Zschächner (* 1982 ) is a German public prosecutor in Gera ( Thuringia ).

He became known nationwide in April 2019 because, after a satire campaign, he had investigated the artist group Zentrum für Politische Schönheit for 16 months for the formation of a criminal or terrorist organization . During the same period he donated money to the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party. After these facts became known, his neutrality was questioned in a number of his investigative and criminal proceedings. As a result of the criticism of his behavior as a lawyer, he was temporarily transferred from his previous position as a public prosecutor for political criminal matters and dismissed as spokesman for the Gera public prosecutor's office. A decision has not yet been made on several administrative complaints and a criminal complaint against him for perversion of the law .

Training and career stations

Zschächner comes from Thuringia, attended the Schillergymnasium Gera (today: Zabel-Gymnasium ) and passed his Abitur there in 2000. He was one of the best students in his year. According to former classmates, he was provoking with right wing positions. He is said to have said at the 2010 class reunion: Foreigners only come to Germany to parasitize ; he would like to lock up all leftists.

He studied law at the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg . There, too, according to a former fellow student and today's judge, he was considered “far right”. He had called the "Emperor spreader" and praised the Sedan Day of the German Empire to celebrate. Because of his right-wing attitudes, there were conflicts with professors and he was expelled from the lecture hall. According to his former fellow student and today's lawyer Kim Manuel Künstner, Zschächner's fellow students called him “just the 'Law Nazi '”. It is incomprehensible how he got into the civil service with his political attitude.

After completing his studies, Zschächner joined the justice service in Baden-Württemberg . From November 2009 to December 2013 he was under probation as a civil servant at the Stuttgart Higher Regional Court , initially as a judge at the Stuttgart District Court . From 2014 he was a public prosecutor at the Stuttgart Public Prosecutor's Office. In 2016 he was seconded to the Gera public prosecutor. From 2017 he was employed as a public prosecutor by the Thuringian Ministry for Migration, Justice and Consumer Protection .

According to a former colleague from Stuttgart, he is a good lawyer, but also an "exalted personality" with "character deficiencies": He wanted to attract attention with unusual clothing and xenophobic statements and was looking for the "controversy".

In Gera he took over the state security department , i.e. political criminal proceedings and cases of extremism . His loyalty to the constitution was not checked either before or after his appointment, as there are no regular inquiries about this in most federal states.

Investigations against action artists

On November 22, 2017, action artists led by Philipp Ruch from the Center for Political Beauty (ZPS) in Bornhagen erected a replica of the Berlin Holocaust memorial next to the home of the Thuringian AfD state chairman Björn Höcke to protest against Höcke's statements. In addition, they publicly claimed a long-term observation of Höcke and invited people to observe it. Höcke therefore publicly referred to the artist group on November 28, 2017 as a criminal and terrorist organization. On November 29th, Zschächner initiated an investigation according to § 129 StGB against Ruch and the ZPS. On December 1, 2017, the ZPS announced that Höckes alleged surveillance was invented. All investigative and criminal proceedings were later discontinued or decided in favor of the artist.

Zschächner, on the other hand, had the investigation continued for 16 months. This became known by chance on March 26, 2019 as a result of a parliamentary question from Steffen Dittes ( Die Linke ). On April 2, 2019, Zschächner justified his proceedings to the press as follows: The group had "announced eavesdropping and spying measures against MP Höcke in an organized manner" and thereby accused themselves of a criminal offense. Höcke could have been bugged, possibly also filmed with telephoto lenses and data could have been intercepted. He did not give any indications for this and a completion date of the investigation. He again refused to deliver the investigation file to the ZPS lawyers, as the investigation was ongoing. However, the file was later made public. Then Zschächner had initiated the procedure ex officio, not on the basis of a complaint. On three of 83 pages he justified this: The ZPS had founded a “civil society protection of the constitution” and showed its intention to carry out “secret service activities under their own direction” and “total optical surveillance” of Höcke. That already shows the erection of the concrete steles on Höcke's neighboring property. He was referring to a video in which the ZPS had called for Höckes to be observed and threatened to reveal details from his private life if he did not kneel in front of the memorial. He interpreted this as a serious "recruiting of hackers and sound technicians" to form an organization that wanted to commit secret service and police acts and thus a criminal presumption of office according to § 132 StGB. The freedom of art is only a cover to achieve “purely political goals with methods of violence and threats”. He saw this as a "massive interference with the parliamentary structure of the free-democratic basic order ". He went beyond two criminal charges against the ZPS. The first was submitted by a man from Stuttgart on November 25, 2017, the second by a person from Münster on April 3, 2019. He had already reported the ZPS to the Mühlhausen public prosecutor and turned to Zschächner after the prosecution had stopped and the case became known. According to the file, he had not ordered any police surveillance measures and had not questioned any witnesses or those affected. According to information from the judiciary, he did not request any surveillance of telephones or people, did not check the ZPS's finances and did not use informants. However, he wanted to collect donations for the ZPS and have a donation account seized for this purpose: It is to be expected that the ZPS will use the funds "obtained" through appeals for donations on the Internet for criminal purposes. The investigation file did not contain any hard evidence for the assumed criminal intent of the ZPS, but the video of the ZPS from December 1, 2017, which showed Höckes' alleged surveillance as a satirical reaction, and the reasons for the discontinuation of the Mühlhausen public prosecutor's office. The basis on which Zschächner opened the investigation and why he had continued it for so long without any recognizable evidence was not revealed.

On April 3, 2019, Zschächner responded to indications of the satirical nature of the ZPS campaign against Höcke with the question: “Is it all just jokes and madness? You have to look at it. ”On April 5, he gave the responsible criminal police for the first time a specific investigation. The head of the authorities, Steffen Flieger, withdrew this after the intervention of Justice Minister Dieter Lauinger . Also on April 5, the weekly newspaper Die Zeit reported that Zschächner had transferred a donation of 30 euros to the AfD in 2018. The question arises: “How neutral is a prosecutor who wants to monitor and observe artists critical of the AfD if he supports this party at the same time?” He did not respond to multiple inquiries about this.

The action artists only found out about the ongoing investigation at the beginning of April. They protested: This wrongly criminalized the ZPS and portrayed an art campaign as a threat to public safety. This is an attack on the constitutionally guaranteed artistic freedom. They saw no cause in their publications, demanded that the proceedings be terminated immediately and referred to the other proceedings relating to their art actions that had already been terminated. Zschächner is much more willing to provide information to press representatives than to the ZPS defense lawyers. One might ask why he did not examine Höcke's writings just as thoroughly, in which he denied German guilt for the Second World War .

The ZPS wanted to prevent Zschächner from expressing himself as a press spokesman for the preliminary investigation without announcing that he was the responsible public prosecutor. It also examined a criminal complaint for the "prosecution of innocent people". Several members of the Die Linke party , including Katharina König-Preuss and Martina Renner , publicly criticized Zschächner's proceedings as politically motivated and one-sidedly aimed at criminalizing left-wing activists. The Minister of Justice, on the other hand, defended the investigation as legal: Zschächner had only initiated the investigation because the ZPS had "accused itself of committing criminal offenses". The state government will not issue any instructions to the state's judiciary. He expects the Gera public prosecutor to complete the proceedings independently. Lauinger later added that he had only declared Zschächner's behavior to be legal. The criticism of the procedure according to § 129 and its duration despite the lack of evidence is understandable for him too. After inspection of the files, ten lawyers agreed that the proceedings should be discontinued.

On April 8, 2019, Lauinger, Thuringia's attorney general, Andreas Becker, and the senior public prosecutor in Gera Steffen Flieger agreed in a conversation that the evidence in the investigation file was not sufficient for an indictment against the ZPS. They therefore closed the case. In addition, Zschächner was transferred within his authority, released from his previous area of ​​responsibility and dismissed as press spokesman. According to the Ministry of Justice, Zschächner was transferred “at his own request” “until the allegations against him in the media were clarified”. He remains a public prosecutor; The public prosecutor's office in Gera will decide where he will be deployed. Its head and the attorney general emphasized that Zschächner had been entrusted with other tasks “out of welfare aspects” and at his own suggestion.

On April 11, Geras Chief Public Prosecutor Ralf Mohrmann justified the attitude in detail: ZPS founder Philipp Ruch had already publicly announced in early December 2017 that the alleged surveillance action against Höcke was just a "staging". Since then, no “outward seriousness” of the call to spy on Höcke has been recognizable. The discontinued Mühlhausen proceedings have also produced "no evidence of any monitoring measures being carried out" by Höcke. The establishment of a “civil society protection of the constitution” also did not meet the requirements of presumption of office. That is why the covert observation of the performance artists was dispensed with. Whatever the ZPS did as part of its anti-Höcke campaign, Höcke had to accept from the investigators' point of view. The "announced evil" of the alleged wiretapping and spying is reasonable for him as a "polarizing person". Mohrmann thus criticized Zschächner's approach without mentioning it by name.

After the proceedings were discontinued and Zschächner was transferred, the ZPS received access to the files. It required full clarification as to how Zschächner, with his well-known right-wing attitude, was able to get into the office of prosecutor and be given the responsibility to prosecute politically motivated crime. Dittes asked: “Why is such a procedure opened at all, then not investigated further and then kept open for 16 months? [...] Simply in order to be able to still have the investigative powers at hand? ”He suspected that it was“ also set in motion on political acclamation ”. All of this can be ruled out in the future. Since no case is known where in the Federal Republic of Germany an investigation was carried out against a group of artists in accordance with Section 129, Zschächner's motifs were questionable. Thereupon it was asked in earlier trials whether he had violated his statutory duty of neutrality as a public prosecutor.

Proceedings at the expense of the young community of Jena

Zschächner repeatedly took action against Pastor Lothar König , who headed the Protestant Young Community City Center (JG) in Jena . When König was accused of running into a police officer during a demonstration, Zschächner ordered a house search and had an exculpatory video confiscated. He also wanted to revoke the driver's license from King. The district court of Gera prevented this as being disproportionate.

After a complaint that König had insulted two men as "Nazis", Zschächner brought charges against him and lodged a complaint that the Jena District Court did not want to open a main hearing. König was therefore sentenced to a fine in the first instance, but acquitted in the second instance. Even before the reasons for the judgment were announced, Zschächner applied for a revision. When the written judgment was available, he withdrew the appeal.

In September 2017, participants in an AfD demonstration in Jena sang in the direction of JG counter-demonstrators: "We're building a subway, a subway - from the JG to Auschwitz ". After several ads placed Zschächner as the competent public prosecutor the investigation one: The song does not comprise any criminal offense and no sedition , but was of the freedom of expression covered. It was part of an election campaign in which the JG took part. Because she had described the AfD as “ fascist ” beforehand , she had to accept “crude statements that might just allude to these attributions”. The word "Auschwitz" in the lyrics should be understood as "a symbolic description of a devastating defeat", "not significantly different" from the word " Waterloo ". The mere use of the place name does not mean any approval, trivialization, approval or denial of the events in the Auschwitz extermination camp. Wishing an opponent a comparable fate does not mean approval of Nazi rule , but rather "presupposes that the injustice confronted the opponent is understood as evil and is therefore at least fundamentally rejected."

Further procedures

In August 2017, a visitor to an AfD election campaign booth was photographed together with AfD representatives and raised his middle finger in protest so as not to appear on an advertising photo of the party. After a criminal complaint, Zschächner accused the man: he accepted that all later viewers would feel offended by the gesture. After the Jena District Court acquitted the man, Zschächner applied for an appeal in April 2019. The case is ongoing.

In September 2017, Zschächner closed a case of sedition against an AfD employee. He had posted on Twitter : "Afros" are not "like us", but "primitive people" who have been "forced into a civilization". German women who sleep with Arabs are "suicides". The "takeover by Islam " begins . Germany is dying. ”According to Zschächner, the first statement was“ neither insulting nor maliciously disdainful ”, but“ a judgmental statement on the history of human culture and civilization ”. The third sentence is a "harmless statement that refers to the undeniably existing population development in Germany". What the accused mean by celebrating the “Greater German Reich” is not clear.

Zschächner also stopped a case against an AfD politician who insulted Katja Kipping (Die Linke) according to her statements and wanted to “roast on a spit”: a threat was not sufficiently proven, the statement was comparable to the “revolutionary rhetoric” of the French national anthem . At the beginning of 2018, Zschächner pleaded for a 39-year-old Holocaust denier and disseminator of hate speech to be suspended because the man had confessed. The Gera District Court followed suit.

In February 2018, Zschächner had the group " Linksjugend Solid " in Erfurt investigated because they had shared a photo with the flag of a Kurdish organization that was banned in Germany on social media. He ordered a house search of a man whom the criminal police mistook for the group's chairman. His address was in the imprint of the website of the Erfurt City Youth Association, which a detective had confused with the page of "solid". Zschächner and the magistrate who approved the search had not noticed this error or had not corrected it. As a result, heavily armed police officers searched the wrong family's house, basement and car for around three hours from 6 a.m. in March 2018. Although the man repeatedly emphasized that he had nothing to do with “solid”, he was supposed to illegally unlock their office and the office of a member of the state parliament in Erfurt. Zschächner and the magistrate then allowed the police to search these rooms as well. At the end of April 2019, the Gera Regional Court closed the case against the family man and stated that the files had not supported the suspicion against him "at any point in time".

In the summer of 2018, Zschächner had investigations against a suspected right-wing extremist from the Gera district, who had posted in a Facebook comment against students at the University of Cologne: "I'll just say, 'Fuck you' [...] and throw you bad guys, evil symbols . […], 88 '[…], HH' ". Zschächner explained that “fuck yourselves” could also be meant differently than gender-related, and was therefore not necessarily defamatory or insulting. His detailed explanation of the verb " Ficken " was read out in the NDR satire program Extra 3 . On the other hand, Zschächner punished statements like “Hey, you Heinz” and “What are you hanging in here like an immersion heater?” As an insult.

A Thuringian citizen has sent Zschächner at least ten emails with screenshots of anti-Semitic and racist posts by Thuringians on social media that he considered inciting the people. The public prosecutor's office in Gera never replied to him. In his view, this encouraged right-wing extremists to threaten him and others directly.

In February 2019 Zschächner accused the Greizer Councilor David Köckert to due to severe extortion and defamation. The former NPD representative and co-founder of the right-wing extremist association Thügida is also suspected of having organized the mistreatment of a witness who incriminated him. In addition, the Gera public prosecutor's office had neo-Nazis' homes in the Thügida area searched in three federal states and seized weapons. In contrast to criticism of Zschächner's suspected political motives, the Ostthüringer Zeitung referred to this case.

Supervision complaints and criminal charges

In December 2017, the Jena attorney Kristin Pietrzyk filed a complaint against the discontinuation of the "U-Bahn-Lied" case and an administrative complaint against Zschächner: Although the complainants presented him with photographs of the alleged perpetrators and named witnesses, he did not try to identify the accused and no witnesses heard. Pietrzyk emphasized that Zschächner's statements about the “U-Bahn song” were not appropriate to the scope of the Holocaust . A public prosecutor is not entitled to such an “actually political justification”. The search of the house in Erfurt requested by Zschächner also shows his lack of neutrality: "There is always an incredibly high level of pressure to persecute alleged minor offenses by the left ... I do not perceive a similar interest in prosecuting crimes by right-wing extremists." For the legal scholar Thomas Fischer , Zschächner's interpretation the word “Auschwitz” as a synonym for a “decisive defeat” an unbearable rabulism: “In Auschwitz people were murdered for racist reasons, there was no fight for victory or defeat. Anyone who equates the mass murder of Auschwitz with defeat in a military battle is disqualified in every respect. "

In November 2018, the local newspaper Freies Wort reported on Zschächner's questionable decisions, especially the erroneous search of the chairman of the Erfurt City Youth Association that he had requested. In the same month, the Berlin lawyer Johannes Eisenberg also filed a complaint against Zschächner: Zschächner was conducting "politically motivated criminal prosecution or non-criminal prosecution". He was “fanatical”, let himself be “guided by his political preferences [...]” and was not able to abstract from his “passions and his partisanship”. For example, after a court hearing, Zschächner supported police officers in checking the identity of a cameraman who was filming legally on public property. According to the time, this was observed by two other witnesses in addition to Eisenberg.

Eisenberg demanded that Zschächner be withdrawn from the "U-Bahn song" proceedings. The member of the state parliament, Katharina König-Preuss, stated that she had forwarded his complaint to the Thuringian Ministry of Justice. Pietrzyk received no response to her supervisory complaint; The Public Prosecutor's Office did not answer media inquiries. Justice Minister Dieter Lauinger admitted in April 2019 that he had been informed about the complaints for some time. Some of Zschächner's statements about the Auschwitz line in the U-Bahn song would have “alienated him very much”. But he does not know the background, is not responsible for it and is not allowed to interfere. Public prosecutors are legally obliged to take action against all prosecutable crimes. They would only have a margin of appreciation with regard to the methods and, above all, would have to examine a public interest in criminal prosecution. Sebastian Haak ( Thüringische Landeszeitung ) asked in view of the abundance of Zschächner's proceedings “with a strange outcome” why his superiors “did not notice anything - or whether they looked away even though they knew about it”.

From April 2019, the criticism of Zschächner's proceedings against the ZPS increased sharply. Legal scholars pointed out that investigations according to § 129 StGB rarely lead to indictment and conviction, but allow comprehensive surveillance of the suspected group and their contact persons and can lead to permanent stigmatization, loss of public funds and the opportunity to perform. The Federal Agency for Civic Education had unloaded Phillipp Ruch from a lecture he was supposed to give in 2018 on the instructions of the Federal Minister of the Interior. On April 4, 2019, the lawyer and art patron Peter Raue declared that the procedure according to § 129 against the ZPS was a scandalous "madness". This is an artist group like the terrorist groups Red Army Fraction and National Socialist Underground . To the best of his knowledge, no artist group has ever been persecuted. The ZPS won all the trials; the district court of Cologne rated the action in front of Höckes Haus at the beginning of 2018 as covered by freedom of art and expression. The Gera public prosecutor's office doesn't know the verdict or thinks they know everything better. Instead of investigating against hooligans and Nazi groups, it is easier for them to "attack a group where each of the members shows themselves publicly, confesses, and the addresses are known."

On April 7, 2019, Heribert Prantl , editor-in-chief of the Süddeutsche Zeitung , demanded that Zschächner be withdrawn from the proceedings against the ZPS, that he be reassigned to another area of ​​responsibility and that the investigation be terminated immediately. To regard the action artists as a criminal organization presupposes either little legal knowledge or sympathy for the AfD. The latter is probably the case with Zschächner. He was close to the AfD, had donated money for them and was therefore biased. Prantl also referred to Zschächner's termination of the proceedings against an AfD employee in August 2017. One wonders why the authorities and the attorney general have “looked on approvingly for so long” his “strange investigations”. Section 129 is only intended for serious crimes, but apparently serves the Gera public prosecutor's office to monitor artists over the long term. That "smells like perversion of the law for political reasons."

On April 10, 2019, Niema Movassat , chairman of the Left Party in the Legal Affairs Committee of the German Bundestag , filed a criminal complaint for perversion of the law and lodged an administrative complaint against Zschächner with the Thuringian Public Prosecutor's Office. It stands to reason that its investigations against the ZPS are directed “in a serious way” especially against persons “who are civil society against right-wing extremism and for tolerance ”. The fact that he initiated the procedure according to § 129 and then did not stop after a few weeks was "objectively unjustifiable and arbitrary". Zschächner was not guided by law, but by irrelevant considerations, apparently especially by his sympathies for the AfD. He led the investigation "primarily out of party political interests". He followed Höcke's demand that the ZPS be viewed as a criminal organization. His statements about potentially inciting slogans against the JG Jena cast doubt on his neutrality: "It is obvious that prosecutor Zschächner always decides in favor of the AfD and its environment in his investigations".

From April 11, 2019, thousands of citizens asked in a petition for a public apology from the Thuringian state government and judiciary for the prosecution of the ZPS and a declaration to refrain from attacks on the fundamental right of artistic freedom in the future. The petition was initiated by Shermin Langhoff , director of the Maxim Gorki Theater in Frankfurt am Main.

As of May 2019, Attorney General Andreas Becker had four previous proceedings by Zschächner checked for errors, including two that he had discontinued: the case of seditious songs at an AfD demonstration in Jena in 2017 and the case of a Reich citizen who is said to have threatened a woman. According to Justice Minister Dieter Lauinger, Becker had already brought charges against some of the proceedings that had been discontinued by Zschächner. The Thuringian Left Party considered 20 of Zschächner's proceedings to be questionable and convened the state parliament's judicial committee. The defense attorney Kristin Pietrzyk said because of the discrepancies she had noticed that "actually all of Zschächner's proceedings should be reviewed". The criminal lawyer Joachim Renzikowski judged Zschächner's various treatment of alleged left- or right-wing crimes: "You can very well say that two different standards are measured here, which are based on the respective underlying political opinion."

In contrast, the Thuringian parliamentary groups of the AfD and the CDU accused Justice Minister Dieter Lauinger of exerting political influence on the judiciary. The AfD representative Stefan Möller said that Lauinger thwarted Zschächner's investigation from April 5, 2019 for political reasons. Lauinger, on the other hand, emphasized that Zschächner's superiors had been completely in agreement about the discontinuation of the ZPS proceedings after viewing his investigation files. Steffen Dittes (Die Linke) suspected that Zschächner had discontinued further, as yet unknown proceedings. Those affected should have the right to obtain more information from the judicial authorities.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Acknowledgment of the best students. In: Ostthüringer Zeitung , July 1, 2000
  2. ^ A b c Christian Fuchs, Luisa Hommerich: Center for Political Beauty: Fast Procedure. At: Zeit Online , April 9, 2019
  3. a b c d e Marlene Grunert: A Waterloo from a reason. In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung , April 9, 2019
  4. a b Matthias Meisner : "We just called him the 'Jura-Nazi'": A public prosecutor from Gera and his proximity to the AfD. In: Der Tagesspiegel , April 10, 2019
  5. Deutscher Richterbund (Ed.): Handbuch der Justiz 2012/2013: The carriers and organs of judicial power in the Federal Republic of Germany. Hüthig-Jehle-Rehm publishing group, 2012, ISBN 3-8114-3631-7
  6. Deutscher Richterbund (Ed.): Handbuch der Justiz 2016/2017: The carriers and organs of judicial power in the Federal Republic of Germany. CF Müller, 2016, ISBN 3-8114-4156-6
  7. Pia Lorenz, Markus Sehl: AfD-related public prosecutor in Gera: How the judiciary checks compliance with the constitution. At: Legal Tribune Online , April 12, 2019
  8. ^ A b c Matthias Meisner: Criminal Association? Public prosecutor's office is investigating the "Center for Political Beauty". In: Der Tagesspiegel , April 3, 2019; Drucksache 6/6928 Thuringian Landtag, 6th electoral period, March 26, 2019.
  9. ^ A b c Henry Bernhard: Justice Thuringia: Debate about investigations against artists. At: Deutschlandfunk , April 18, 2019
  10. ^ A b Matthias Meisner: ZPS as a "criminal organization"? The Gera investigation file 173 Js 39497/17. In: Der Tagesspiegel , April 14, 2019
  11. a b Markus Reuter: Zschächner's file: nothing determined, but let the proceedings against the action artists run for 17 months. At: , April 13, 2019
  12. Axel Hemmerling, Ludwig Kendzia: Proceedings against artist group ZPS: What exactly did the Gera public prosecutor determine? At: MDR , April 11, 2019
  13. ^ Arno Frank, Matthias Gebauer, Jean-Pierre Ziegler: Prosecutor Gera vs. Center for Political Beauty: The Non-Investigation File. In: Der Spiegel , April 12, 2019
  14. ^ Matthias Meisner: Controversy over "Center for Political Beauty": Ramelow criticizes investigations against group of artists. In: Der Tagesspiegel , April 4, 2019
  15. ^ A b Fabian Klaus: Minister collects order from controversial Gera public prosecutor to Kripo again. In: Thüringer Allgemeine , May 4, 2019
  16. ^ A b Christian Fuchs, Luisa Hommerich: Center for Political Beauty: The Law Public Prosecutor. At: Zeit Online , April 5, 2019
  17. Markus Reuter: The Center for Political Beauty is being investigated for the formation of a criminal association. At: , April 3, 2019
  18. ^ A b Tino Zippel, Fabian Klaus: Accusation of politically motivated investigations: Gera public prosecutor under criticism. In: Ostthüringer Zeitung , April 6, 2019
  19. Matthias Meisner: Center for Political Beauty: Investigations against action artists stopped. In: Der Tagesspiegel , April 8, 2019
  20. Markus Sehl: Prosecutor withdrawn after allegations: Investigations against "Center for Political Beauty" stopped. At: Legal Tribune Online , April 8, 2019
  21. ^ A b c d Sebastian Haak: About human and state errors: The story of David R. from Erfurt. In: Thüringische Landeszeitung , April 26, 2019
  22. a b Investigations against the Center for Political Beauty: Controversial prosecutor: hard against the left, gently against the right? At: MDR , May 9, 2019
  23. Frederik Schindler: Investigations against "Political Beauty": Artists are not criminals. In: taz , April 8, 2019
  24. a b Heribert Prantl: Prantls Blick: It smells like perversion of the law for political reasons. In: Süddeutsche Zeitung , April 7, 2019
  25. Maximilian Amos: Gera public prosecutor's office does not initiate an investigation: “Fuck yourselves!” Is just one opinion. In: Legal Tribune Online , September 11, 2018; Real madness: "Fuck you!" ARD-Das Erste / Extra 3, September 6, 2018
  26. Is “Fickt dich ” an insult? 11th September 2018
  27. Were a public prosecutor's investigations politically motivated? In: MDR / Exakt , May 8, 2019
  28. ^ Thuringia: Public prosecutor accuses Greiz city councilor David Köckert. At: Welt Online , February 19, 2019
  29. Third raid in the area of ​​Thügida - LKA secures data and weapons. In: Thüringer Allgemeine , February 20, 2019
  30. Per Hinrichs: Dispute about the public prosecutor: "The limit of the bearable is far exceeded". At: Welt Online , April 11, 2019 (for a fee)
  31. ^ A b Antonie Rietzschel: Thuringia's minister of justice on controversial investigations: "I don't have to interfere". In: Süddeutsche Zeitung , April 12, 2019
  32. Markus Reuter: The Center for Political Beauty is being investigated for the formation of a criminal association. At: , April 3, 2019
  33. ^ Sigrid Brinkmann: Jurist Peter Raue: "The investigations against the ZPS are a scandal". At: Deutschlandfunk , April 4, 2019
  34. ↑ Perversion of the law: criminal charges against AfD-affiliated Gera public prosecutor . At: Migazin , April 11, 2019
  35. Katja Thorwarth: Center for political beauty: Petition against the criminalization of critical art. In: Frankfurter Rundschau , April 11, 2019
  36. a b Controversial public prosecutor in Gera: Judicial Committee deals with proceedings against group of artists. At: MDR , May 4, 2019