Neudorf (Gerswalde)

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Friedenfelde Neudorf, Stiern and Neutanger on the Urmes table sheet 2848 Gerswalde from 1826

Neudorf is part of the municipality of Gerswalde in the Uckermark district (Brandenburg). The place was laid out in 1742 as a Vorwerk by the Gerswalde manor. In 1756 Neudorf was already a knight's seat itself. It was later Gutsbezirk in 1928 with the Gutsbezirk Friedenfelde to the municipality Friedenfelde were combined. At no time was Neudorf an independent municipality.


Neudorf is just under four kilometers from Gerswalde as the crow flies. It can be reached via the L242 leading south from Gerswalde and the K7349 which branches off between Berkenlatten and Böckenberg to the west in the direction of Friedenfelde and Neudorf. The center is about 60  m above sea level. NHN . The Stierngraben has its starting point near Neudorf. The Stiernsee is just under a kilometer from Neudorf.


Neudorf was in 1742 by Otto XII. by Arnim from the Gerswalde manor as a Vorwerk, allegedly on the desert Feldmark Neu (en) dorf. The name Neudorf is self-explanatory.

In the land book of 1375 no Neudorf is mentioned. The historical local lexicon also gives no indication of a possibly desolate medieval village called Neudorf, which could have been a precursor settlement. With some probability the area belonged to the field mark of the deserted village of Langenhagen , whose location is marked by the desert church Langenhagen . Langenhagen was an extraordinarily large village with 84 hooves with a very large field marrow. Neudorf is thus a completely new foundation from the first half of the 18th century.

Otto XII. von Arnim (1682–1748) on Gerswalde succeeded in reuniting the three knight seats in Gerswalde, the so-called "White House" (main castle), the "Red House" (outer bailey) and the "Kemper Hof" in one hand. Otto was married twice; first marriage with Sophie von Eickstedt, second marriage in 1727 with Anne Louise von Arnim from the Fredenwalde family. From the two marriages he had seven sons. In his will, he divided his large property into seven "caverns" (parts), which were also roughly equal in value. In 1752 the Gerswalde estate was divided. His sons each received a “Kavel” of the large estate by drawing lots. Only the eldest son Christof Otto received the main estate Gerswalde without drawing lots. Otto von Arnim's Gerswalde legacy was distributed as follows:

  • Christof Otto (1706–1769), Gerswalde
  • Ludolf Valentin von Arnim (1707–1758) received Blankensee , Gruse and Werder .
  • Bogislav Berndt (1712–1783) received the Petznick , Dolgen and the village of Jakobshagen
  • Valentin Dietlof (1716–1802) received the Vorwerke Fergitz and Zollchow, and the village of Zollchow
  • Otto (1729–1783) the Lemmersdorf estate and the Prenzlauer mill leaseholds
  • Magnus Wilhelm (1733–1810) received the Vorwerke Böckenberg and Berkenlatten.
  • Joachim Erdmann (1741–1804) received the Vorwerke Neudorf, Kölpin and the village of Kaakstedt .

All the buildings were rebuilt in 1742, the Arrendator or tenant house, the farm buildings, the family house, a tobacco and grain barn and the sheep farm. The area is part of the field mark of the village of Bischofshagen, which fell into desolation in the 15th century. In 1743 the Vorwerk was leased to an administrator Otto. A shepherd servant is mentioned in 1751, an indication that sheep were kept on the farm.

In 1747 Otto von Arnim signed a contract with the carpenter Weichbrodt on Gerswalde for the construction of a house in the “Vorwerk Langenhagen”. The name (or the Vorwerk) does not appear later. According to the historical local dictionary, it is said to have been the Vorwerk Neudorf. In 1714, the boundaries of the Bischofshagen field marks and the neighboring village of Langenhangen, which had also fallen into desolation early on, were no longer known, as the surviving draft of a fiefdom for von Arnim on Gerswalde shows. For example, the original wording called Bischoffshagen or Böckenberg is crossed out again. Or called the field to Langenhagen or Böckenberg ; Böckenberg is copied here. Another passage is called: Bischoffshagen or Bercken Latten . After these reformulations and improvements in the draft of the fiefdom letter, it is more likely that Vorwerk Langenhagen is more likely to mean Böckenberg. All the buildings in Neudorf had already been rebuilt in 1742, and in 1743 a lease contract was signed with an administrator named Otto for the Vorwerk in Neudorf .

Joachim Erdmann was still a minor at the time of the division of the estate (1752). He became the Royal Prussian Chamberlain, Diplomat, Director of the Royal Opera in Berlin and Canon in Brandenburg an der Havel. He let tenants manage his inherited estates in the Uckermark. 1756/57 Neudorf is a knight Vorwerk with land to eight Wispel described sowing.

In 1763 Joachim Erdmann bought the neighboring Friedenfelde from the wife of Major General Friedrich Wilhelm von Syburg Martha Sophie von Holzendorf for 14,500 thalers, which had a castle-like manor house built in 1743, including 500 acres of land. He now made Friedenfelde his (occasional) residence when he was in the Uckermark. In 1775 he had a brick factory built, the settlement was named after him Erdmannswalde . Accordingly, the forge belonging to Neudorf and located on what was then Berlin-Prenzlauer Landstrasse and built in 1769 was called Achimswalde . However, these place names named after him only came into use well after they were founded.

In 1769 the Vorwerk had 486 acres of fields in three fields (one acre of 300 square rods ). 36 cows, 20 head cattle and 450 sheep were kept. This included the fishing rights in the Großer Stiernsee. The wood from 785 acres of beech and oak forests was sold as far as Berlin, Spandau, Potsdam and Hamburg. There was also a brickworks near the heath (Erdmannswalde).

In 1774/75 Neuhof was a farm and sheep farm. 11 Büdner lived here; there were already seven fireplaces , six of them in family houses. Neudorf had a total of 41 inhabitants. In 1801 there were only two houses left, but the number of inhabitants had increased to 66. 850 acres of wood still belonged to the Neudorf manor.

In 1860 the Neudorf manor district (with Achimswalde, Erdmannswalde and Stiern) comprised 2579 acres, of which 21 were homesteads, 2158 acres and 400 acres were meadows. The small town had three houses and six farm buildings, and 66 residents. 29 head of cattle and 1,106 sheep were kept on the estate.

In 1879 Neuhof belonged to the brothers Friedmund, Siegmund and Achim von Arnim, the sons of the poet Achim von Arnim , the tenant was Friedmund von Arnim. The estate had a total size of 582.65 hectares, of which 401.33 hectares were arable, 121.16 hectares were meadows, 8.91 hectares were Hutung and 51.25 hectares were water. The property tax entry was 6976 marks.

In 1885 Neudorf was owned by Lucas Sigismund von Arnim Kgl. Chargé d'affaires and co-owner Baron von Arnim-Wiepersdorf near Bärwalde, the total size was 595 ha, of which 410 ha were arable, 124 ha were meadows, 9 ha were pastures and 52 ha were water. The property tax net income is set at 6976 marks, administrator was Julius Pritzkow. Lucas Sigismund (1813–1890), second son of Achim and Bettina von Arnim , embarked on a career in diplomacy. He died unmarried in 1890 and brought his fortune into the "Freiherr von Arnim'schen Family Foundation" for the benefit of his four nephews and their descendants. In 1895 Neudorf had 139 inhabitants.

The handbook of real estate in the German Empire of 1896 lists Neudorf under Blankensee; Total size 545.53 hectares, of which 392.91 hectares are arable, 91.90 hectares of meadows, 11.92 hectares of wasteland and 51.00 hectares of water, at 6976 marks property tax entry, the von Arnim brothers in Blankensee are given as owners. Julius Walsleben was now the tenant of Neudorf.

The handbook of real estate in the German Empire from 1903 now lists Neudorf under Alt Kölpin. The hectare numbers are identical to the 1896 numbers. Annois von Arnim is now named as the owner. Julius Walsleben was still the tenant of Neudorf.

In Niekammer's goods address book for the province of Brandenburg from 1907, the size and the number of animals are summarized for Neudorf, Stiern and Alt-Kölpin. The owner of the three estates was still Annois von Arnim. The tenant Julius Walsleben also continued to run Neudorf.

In Niekammer's goods address book for the province of Brandenburg from 1914, the size and number of animals are summarized for Neudorf, Erdmannswalde and Alt-Kölpin. The owner was still Annois von Arnim. However, the property was no longer leased. A certain Jacobs is now named as administrator.

Niekammer's goods address book for the province of Brandenburg from 1923 also lists Neudorf only summarily together with Erdmannswalde and Alt-Kölpin. Taurus is no longer mentioned. The total size at that time was 752 hectares, of which 251 hectares were arable, 196 hectares were meadows, 126 hectares were pastures, 200 hectares were forest and 69 hectares were water. The animal population was: 58 horses, 140 head of cattle, of which 67 were cows, 538 sheep and 200 pigs. Annois von Arnim is still noted as the owner, and Jacobs continues to be the administrator. The property tax entry is valued at 7770 marks. There was no change compared to Niekammer's goods address book for the province of Brandenburg from 1929.

Population development from 1774 to 2000
year 1774 1790 1801 1817 1840 1858 1871 1895 1925
Residents 41 76 66 51 60 58 (75) 133 * 139 * 130 *
  • with old Kölpin

The estate remained in the possession of the von Arnim family until 1945, after which it was expropriated in the 1946 land reform.

Communal history

At the time when the Vorwerk Neudorf was built, Neudorf belonged to the Uckermärkischer Kreis of the Mark Brandenburg . With the district reform of 1816/17, three new districts were formed from the Uckermark. Friedenfelde came to the Templin district of the Brandenburg province . With the district reform of 1952 in the former GDR , the Templin district was given a completely new shape and was assigned to the Neubrandenburg district . With the district reform of 1993 in the state of Brandenburg, the three districts of Angermünde , Prenzlau and Templin were combined to form the district of Uckermark.

After the division of the estate in 1752, Neudorf became an independent manor, after 1763 it was attached to the Friedenfelde manor. After the sale of Friedenfelde in 1818, it became a manor again with the accessories Achimswalde, Erdmannswalde and Stiern. From the middle of the 19th century, Neudorf together with Achimswalde, Erdmannswalde and Stiern formed the Neudorf manor district, which was assigned to the district 5 Groß Fredenwalde in 1874. In 1928 the Neudorf estate with Achimswalde, Erdmannswalde and Stiern was combined with the Friedenfelde estate to form the Friedenfelde community. In 1931 and 1950 Neudorf was a residential area in Friedenfelde, and in 1957 and 1971 a district of Friedenfelde. In 1992, Friedenfelde formed the administrative community of Amt Gerswalde with thirteen other municipalities . On December 31, 2001, Friedenfelde, Gerswalde, Groß Fredenwalde, Kaakstedt and Krohnhorst merged to form the new municipality of Gerswalde. Friedenfelde and Neudorf are now parts of the municipality of Gerswalde, Achimswalde and Stiern are only living spaces. Erdmannswalde no longer exists.

Neudorf manor house

According to Reisinger, the current building was built in the 19th century as the estate manager's residence. or owner. After 1945 resettler families were brought into the building. It was later used by the local LPG . After the fall of the Wall, the organization ATD (Aide à toute Detresse) acquired it and had it restored. Today it is a meeting place for young people from different nations.


  • Jochen von Arnim, Martin von Arnim: The von Arnim family: Chronicle of the family in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. 684 S., Degener, Neustadt ad Aisch, 2002 ISBN 3-7686-5178-9 (in the following abbreviated Arnim & Arnim, The sex of Arnim, chronicle with corresponding page number)
  • Martin v. Arnim, Christoph Graf v. Arnim, Cornelia Dansard b. v. Arnim, Angelika v. Stülpnagel geb. v. Arnim, Jasper v. Arnim: The family of Arnim. V part of family tables. Verlag Degener & Co., Neustadt ad Aisch, 2002 ISBN 3-7686-5178-9 (in the following abbreviated to Arnim et al., The family of Arnim, family tables with the corresponding table number)
  • Lieselott Enders : Historical local dictionary for Brandenburg. Part VIII: Uckermark. Hermann Böhlaus successor, Weimar 1986 (hereinafter abbreviated to Enders, Historical Ortlexikon für Brandenburg, Uckermark with corresponding page number)

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Enders, Historisches Ortslexikon für Brandenburg, Uckermark, p. 693/94.
  2. Arnim, The family of Arnim. Chronicle, p. 306 (Blankensee branch).
  3. Arnim, The family of Arnim. Chronicle, p. 289.
  4. Arnim, The family of Arnim. Family tables, plate no. 70 (main trunk Gerswalde, branch Gerswalde Red House).
  5. Enders, Historisches Ortslexikon für Brandenburg, Uckermark, p. 82.
  6. ^ A b Richard Boeckh: Local statistics of the government district of Potsdam with the city of Berlin. 276 p., Verlag von Dietrich Reimer, Berlin, 1861 (based on the 1858 census) Online at Google Books , p. 96/97.
  7. ^ Paul Ellerholz, H. Lodemann, H. von Wedell: General address book of the manor and estate owners in the German Empire. With details of the properties, their size (in Culturart), their net income from property tax, their tenants, branches of industry and post offices. I. The Kingdom of Prussia. I. Delivery The Province of Brandenburg. 311 pp., Nicolaische Verlags-Buchhandlung R. Stricker, Berlin 1879, PDF , pp. 210/11.
  8. ^ Paul Ellerholz: Handbook of real estate in the German Empire. With indication of all goods, their quality, their size (in culture type); your property tax net income; their owners, tenants, administrators etc .; of industries; Postal stations; Breeding of special cattle, exploitation of livestock etc. I. The Kingdom of Prussia. I. Delivery: Province of Brandenburg. 2nd improved edition, 340 pp., Berlin, Nicolaische Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1885, pp. 276/77.
  9. Arnim, The family of Arnim. Chronicle, p. 310 (Blankensee branch).
  10. F. Mauer: Alphabetical index of all the towns and districts in the Potsdam administrative district, together with a list of the associated chief foresters and district commands. 296 pp., A. Stein's Verlagsbuchhandlung, Potsdam 1897, p. 176.
  11. Paul Ellerholz, Ernst Kirstein, Traugott Müller, W. Gerland and Georg Volger: Handbuch des Grundbesitz im Deutschen Reiche. With indication of all goods, their quality, their size and type of culture; your property tax net income; their owners, tenants, administrators etc .; of industries; Post, telegraph and railroad stations; Breeding of special breeds of animals; Exploitation of the livestock etc. I. The Kingdom of Prussia. I. Delivery: Province of Brandenburg. 3rd improved edition, 310 pp., Berlin, Nicolaische Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1896, pp. 262/65.
  12. ^ Ernst Kirstein (editor): Handbook of real estate in the German Empire. With indication of all goods, their quality, their size and type of culture; your property tax net income; their owners, tenants, administrators etc .; of industries; Post, telegraph and railroad stations; Breeding of special breeds of animals; Exploitation of the livestock etc. I. The Kingdom of Prussia. I. Delivery to the province of Brandenburg. 4th improved edition, LXX + 321 p., + 4 p., Nicolaische Verlags-Buchhandlung, Berlin, 1903, p. 266/67.
  13. ^ Paul Niekammer (ed.): Goods address book of the province of Brandenburg. List of all goods with details of the property's properties, the net income from property tax, the total area and the area of ​​the individual crops, livestock, all industrial facilities and telephone connections, details of the property, tenants and administrators, the post, telegraph and railway stations and their removal from the estate, the Protestant and Catholic parishes, the registry office districts, the city or administrative districts, the chamber, regional and local courts, the Landwehr districts as well as an alphabetical register of places and persons and a manual of the royal authorities of the province. 271 p., Leipzig, Paul Niekammer, Stettin, 1907, p. 94/95.
  14. ^ Ernst Seyfert (ed.): Goods address book for the province of Brandenburg. List of all manors, estates and larger farms in the province with details of the property properties, the net income from property tax, the total area and area of ​​the individual crops, livestock, all industrial facilities and telephone connections, details of the property, tenants and administrators of the Post, telegraph and railway stations and their distance from the estate, the Protestant and Catholic parishes, the registry office districts, the city and administrative districts, the higher regional, regional and local courts, an alphabetical register of places and persons, the manual of the royal authorities as well a map of the province of Brandenburg at a scale of 1: 1,000,000. XLV, 433 pp., Reichenbach'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Leipzig, 1914, pp. 168/69.
  15. ^ Oskar Koehler (arrangement), Kurt Schleising (introduction): Niekammer's agricultural goods address books. Agricultural goods address book of the province of Brandenburg: Directory of all manors, estates and larger farms in the province of approx. 30 hectares upwards with details of property properties, net income from property tax, the total area and the area of ​​the individual crops, livestock, all industrial plants and the telephone connections, details of the owners, tenants and administrators, the post, telegraph and railway stations and their distance from the property, the Protestant and Catholic parishes, the registry office districts, the city and official districts, the higher regional, regional and local courts, one alphabetical place and person registers, the manual of the royal authorities and a map in the scale 1: 175.0000. I-XXXII, 343 pp., Reichenbach'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Leipzig, 1923, pp. 96/97.
  16. Royal Statistical Bureau: The municipalities and manor districts of the Prussian state and their population. According to the original materials of the general census of December 1, 1871. II. The Province of Brandenburg. Verlag des Königlich Statistischen Bureau, Berlin 1873 Online at Google Books , p. 15.
  17. Contribution to the statistics of the State Office for Data Processing and Statistics, Historical Community Directory of the State of Brandenburg 1875 to 2005 7.15 pm, Uckermark District PDF ( Memento of the original from October 26, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  18. Ernst Fidicin: The territories of the Mark Brandenburg or history of the individual districts, cities, manors, foundations and villages in the same, as a continuation of the Landbuch Kaiser Karl IV., Volume 4 (I. District Prenzlau, II. District Templin, III. District Angermünde). Published by J. Guttentag, Berlin, 1864 Online at Google Books , p. 154
  19. Official Gazette of the Royal Government of Potsdam and the City of Berlin Extra sheet of June 6, 1874, p. 180 Online at Google Books
  20. ^ Service portal of the state administration of the state of Brandenburg: Gerswalde municipality
  21. ^ Ingrid Reisinger: Well-known, unknown and forgotten mansions and manor houses in the state of Brandenburg, Volume 2 , Stapp Verlag Berlin, 1st edition 2013, ISBN 978-3-87776-082-6 , p. 644.


  1. Reisinger writes that Joachim Erdmann von Arnim did not acquire Neudorf and Friedenfelde until 1763. This contradicts the local history of Neudorf in the historical local dictionary as does the Arnim family chronicle.

Coordinates: 53 ° 8 ′ 26 ″  N , 13 ° 43 ′ 5 ″  E