Nikolai Albertowitsch Fuchs

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Nikolai exhilarated Fuchs ( Russian Николай Альбертович Фукс ; born July 31 . Jul / 12. August  1895 greg. In Landwerau ; † 10. October 1982 in Moscow ) was a Russian physical chemist and university lecturer .


Fuchs was born in Landwerau, where his parents spent their summer vacation. The father Albert Lwowitsch Fuchs (1857-1938) was a well-known Moscow lawyer , whose clients included Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky and the embassies of the United States and the United Kingdom . The mother Anna Iossifowna Fuchs was a housewife. Nikolai Fuchs was the youngest of four sons next to a sister. Like two of his brothers, Nikolai had perfect pitch . One played the cello , the second viola , Nikolai the violin, and the father the piano . Because of Nikolai's musical talent , everyone, including himself, believed that he would become a musician . The sons had music lessons from the best teachers and learned French and German . All children had a college degree.

In 1913, Nikolai Fuchs began studying at the Moscow Trade Institute in the trade technology department, which he graduated in 1917 as a first-rate trade engineer. His scientific activity began in 1916 in the private physical laboratory in Pyotr Nikolayevich Lebedev's apartment under the direction of Pyotr Petrovich Lasarev . The October Revolution and the Russian Civil War interrupted his scientific activity, so that he now worked as an engineer in various positions and for a time drove as a stoker on locomotives .

From 1930 Fuchs taught chemistry and physics at the 2nd Moscow Chemical-Technological Institute , which in 1933 became the Military Academy for Chemical Defense. At the Chair of Colloid Chemistry , he investigated the capillary equilibrium at the boundary between two liquids and a vapor phase . He developed a method of surface investigation using the dew point method. He investigated the growth process of two-dimensional crystals during the condensation of steam on a surface.

In 1932, at the invitation of Alexei Nikolajewitsch Bach and Alexander Naumowitsch Frumkins , Fuchs organized the first laboratory for aerosols in the USSR , which became his life's work, at the Moscow Karpov Research Institute for Physical Chemistry (NIFChI, now affiliated with Rosatom ) . Since aerosol research was still in its infancy, he first developed a method for precision measurements of the size and charge of aerosol particles, which he then used for extensive series of measurements. He examined the mechanisms of formation of aerosols and the formation of a new phase. The focus of his scientific work was the formation and kinetics of aerosol systems. In 1934 he presented a theory of the condensation and coagulation of aerosol particles. In 1937, together with Natalija Dmitrijewna Rosenblum and Igor Wassiljewitsch Petrjanow-Sokolow, he developed a method for the preparation of ultra-fine polymer fibers . With active participation Petrjanow-Sokolow ultrafine fiber mats were for later HEPA produced industrially, the world as Petrjanow- filters were known.

In 1936, Fuchs married the English teacher Marina Semyonovna Gussewa (1904–1991), whose father Semyon Michailowitsch Gusew was an engineer in the Moscow Railroad's electrification group . In 1937 their son Mikhail Nikolayevich was born.

Before he was supposed to defend his doctoral thesis on April 24, 1937 , Fuchs was arrested on the night of April 21, 1937 and taken to Moscow's Butyrka prison of the NKVD as a victim of the Great Terror . The reason was the denunciation of his deputy, who had defended his candidate dissertation under the direction of Fuchs . On June 4, 1937, the NKVD troika sentenced him to five years in a camp because of his contacts with colleagues in Germany , as he informed his wife on a postcard from Kotlas in July 1937 . He came to Vorkuta to work in the coal mine . After a few months he came back to Moscow to the Sharashka , a prison-like research institute and design office of the NKVD. Fuchs worked in a secret chemical laboratory and for some time shared the cell with the virologist Lev Alexandrovich Silber . Fuchs' 84-year-old father Albert Lwowitsch Fuchs was arrested on January 4, 1938, sentenced to death by the Military College of the Supreme Court of the USSR on March 28, 1938 for involvement in a counter- revolutionary terrorist organization, shot on the same day in Kommunarka and on March 21 , 1938 January 1958 rehabilitated by judgment of the Supreme Court of the USSR. After the beginning of the German-Soviet war , the chemical laboratory of the NKVD was evacuated to Siberia in 1941 and returned to Moscow in 1944. Fuchs' sentence had been extended to 8.5 years. On October 29, 1945, Fuchs was released with the ban on staying in Moscow.

In November 1945 Fuchs became head of the physical laboratory in the closed research institute NII-862 for applied chemistry in Sagorsk . In November 1946 he became a senior scientist at the Samoyov Research Institute for Fertilizers , Insecticides and Fungicides in Cherepovets . In February 1947 he defended his doctoral thesis and was awarded a doctorate in chemical sciences. In August 1949 he became head of the laboratory of the Central Research Institute for Disinfection of the Ministry of Health of the USSR in Moscow. As a result of the campaign against cosmopolitanism, the conditions of residence tightened again, so that Fuch had to leave the Moscow area ( 200 km radius ). He moved to a village 200 km from Moscow and continued to work on the mechanics of aerosols. Later he moved to Kashin . From 1951 he worked at the Agricultural Institute in Stavropol . After Stalin's death, he was given an amnesty in April 1953 and was given an unrestricted passport , so that he returned to Moscow with his family.

In 1958 Fuchs was fully rehabilitated and reinstated in the Karpow Institute, so that he re-directed the laboratory he had founded (until his death). The theoretical treatment of aerosols was deepened. Together with AG Sutugin he developed the worldwide used Fuchs-Sutugin interpolation formula . Fuchs published a series of fundamental works on the electrical charge of aerosol particles, on chromatography together with Igor Wassiljewitsch Petrjanow-Sokolow and on the theory of filtration together with AA Kirsch. Fuchs was co- editor of the Journal of Aerosol Science .

After Fuchs' death, the street at the Fraunhofer Institute for Toxicology and Aerosol Research (ITA) in Hanover, which was newly built in 1981, became Nikolai-Fuchs-Strasse . The International Aerosol Research Assembly (IARA) awards the Fuchs Memorial Award at the 4-year International Aerosol Conference , which was received in 2002 by the head of the laboratory AA Luschnikow founded by Fuchs (together with Kikuo Okuyama).


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Professor Nikolai Albertovich Fuchs (August 1, 1895 - October 10, 1982) . In: Journal of Aerosol Science . tape 14 , no. 1 , 1983, p. 1–3 , doi : 10.1016 / 0021-8502 (83) 90077-0 ( [accessed May 11, 2019]).
  2. a b c d e f g Květoslav Spurný : Nikolai Albertowich Fuchs (1895–1982) aerosol scientist and humanist memories on the occasion of his 100th birthday . In: Journal of Aerosol Science . tape 27 , no. 6 , 1996, pp. 833-852 , doi : 10.1016 / 0021-8502 (96) 00049-3 ( [accessed May 11, 2019]).
  3. a b c d e Alexander and Vasily Kirsch: Nikolai Albertovich Fuchs July 31, 1895 - October 10, 1982 (accessed on May 11, 2019).
  4. Country heroes : Петрянов-Соколов Игорь Васильевич (accessed on May 8, 2019).
  5. Сталинские расстрельные списки (accessed May 11, 2019).
  6. ^ NA Fuchs: The Mechanics of Aerosols (Translated from the Russian edition (Moscow) by RE Daisley and Marina Fuchs. CN Davies, Ed.) . Pergamon; Macmillan, London, New York 1964 ( [accessed May 11, 2019]).
  7. NA Fuks, AG Sutugin: HIGHLY DISPERSED AEROSOLS (Vysokodispersnye aerozoli translated) . In: Fizicheskaya Khimiya . 1969, p. 5–83 ( [PDF; accessed on May 11, 2019]).
  8. NA Fuchs AG Sutugin: Highly Dispersed aerosol . Ann Arbor Science Publ., Ann Arbor 1970.
  9. ^ Rita Van Dingenen, Frank Raes: Determination of the Condensation Accommodation Coefficient of Sulfuric Acid on Water-Sulfuric Acid Aerosol . In: Aerosol Science and Technology . tape 15 , no. 2 , 1991, p. 93-106 , doi : 10.1080 / 0278682910895951 .
  10. ^ Fuchs Memorial Award (accessed May 11, 2019).