Nut farm

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Nut farm
Nusshof coat of arms
State : SwitzerlandSwitzerland Switzerland
Canton : Canton of Basel-CountryCanton of Basel-Country Basel-Country (BL)
District : Sissach
BFS no. : 2854i1 f3 f4
Postal code : 4453
Coordinates : 627 564  /  260175 coordinates: 47 ° 29 '30 "  N , 7 ° 48' 16"  O ; CH1903:  six hundred and twenty-seven thousand five hundred and sixty-four  /  260175
Height : 536  m above sea level M.
Height range : 417–657 m above sea level M.
Area : 1.72  km²
Residents: 263 (December 31, 2018)
Population density : 153 inhabitants per km²
Location of the municipality
Deutschland Deutschland Kanton Aargau Kanton Solothurn Kanton Solothurn Bezirk Liestal Bezirk Waldenburg Anwil Böckten Buckten Buus Diepflingen Gelterkinden Häfelfingen Hemmiken Itingen Känerkinden Kilchberg BL Läufelfingen Maisprach Nusshof Oltingen Ormalingen Rickenbach BL Rothenfluh Rümlingen Rünenberg Sissach Tecknau Tenniken Thürnen Wenslingen Wintersingen Wittinsburg Zeglingen ZunzgenMap of Nusshof
About this picture
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Nusshof is a municipality in the district of Sissach in the canton of Basel-Landschaft in Switzerland .


Nusshof is a small farming village and after Kilchberg and Liedertswil the third smallest municipality in the canton. The neighboring communities include (clockwise from the north) Magden , Wintersingen , Sissach , Hersberg and Olsberg (exclave).

coat of arms

The coat of arms of Nusshof dates from 1945. It shows a two-leaved green hazel branch with three red hazelnuts on a white background. The community decided in favor of the hazelnut because it fits the place name and is easy to depict heraldically.


In 1372 the land belonged to the Olsberg Monastery . In the late Middle Ages, a small village came into being that fell under the rule of the city of Basel in 1461. It is believed that a conspicuous tree gave the settlement its name. The first documentary mention comes from the year 1504 as the farm by dem Nussbom.


Until 2010 Nusshof had its own primary school with multi-class lessons. After that, the school was merged with that of Wintersingen , where lessons now take place.


  • Hans-Rudolf Heyer: The art monuments of the canton of Basel-Landschaft, Volume III: The district of Sissach. Edited by the Society for Swiss Art History GSK. Bern 1986 (Art Monuments of Switzerland, Volume 77). ISBN 3-7643-1796-5 . Pp. 160-162.

Web links

Commons : Nusshof  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Permanent and non-permanent resident population by year, canton, district, municipality, population type and gender (permanent resident population). In: bfs. . Federal Statistical Office (FSO), August 31, 2019, accessed on December 22, 2019 .