Senior field veterinarian

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Senior field veterinarian
Rank badge on the epaulette of the jacket of the service suit for military uniform wearers of the medical forces.

Rank badge

Rank group Staff officers
NATO rank code OF-4
Rank Army / Air Force Senior field veterinarian
Marine rank -
Abbreviation (in lists) OFVet (OFV)
Grade A 15 according to BBesO

The senior field veterinarian is one of the ranks of the Bundeswehr . Senior field veterinarians are medical officers with a license to practice as a veterinarian . The rank is determined by the Federal President with the order of the Federal President on the rank designations and the uniform of the soldiers on the basis of the Soldiers Act .


Senior field veterinarians are deployed in one of the monitoring centers for public law tasks as "command veterinarians " in the areas of animal welfare , animal disease control , animal husbandry and for the veterinary care of the federal service dogs , mules and Haflingers . As an "institute veterinarian " (e.g. in the medical academy and affiliated institutes such as the Institute for Microbiology of the Bundeswehr or in one of the central institutes of the medical service ), he is employed in the specialist areas of histology , food technology , microbiology , food hygiene , etc. Senior field veterinarians are mostly veterinarians . You lead specialist departments of the central institutes or work as head of the operations and training center for pack animals or as commander of the school for service dogs . The animal welfare officer of the Bundeswehr is a senior field veterinarian. In the monitoring centers, they are, comparable to civilian official veterinarians, an important public-law control body for food and animals in the area of ​​the Bundeswehr properties and in the countries of deployment . Like other staff officers , they work in the units and departments in command authorities , offices or in the ministry (veterinary) specialist questions. Senior field veterinarians teach as lecturers at the Bundeswehr training facilities .


For appointment to Oberfeld veterinarian or the setting with this rank, the same legal principles and requirements apply minimum for example with regard length of service , career affiliation and employment as commander doctors . Instead of a license to practice as a doctor or dentist 's license to practice as a veterinarian requirement. If you are employed as a senior field veterinarian, instead of being licensed as a regional or specialist doctor, qualifications as a specialist veterinarian or two years of work as an official veterinarian are required.

Rank badge

The rank badge for senior field veterinarians essentially corresponds to that for senior field doctors . A career badge in the form of a modified Aesculapian staff serves to distinguish between the Oberfeldveterinare . The snake writhes in the raceway badge for veterinarians in double winding (by a rod, not shown).


The rank was newly created with the sixth order of the Federal President on the rank designations and the uniform of soldiers from May 5, 1966.


With regard to the power of command in terms of troop service and technical matters within the meaning of the Superiors Ordinance and the Military Disciplinary Code , with regard to equivalent, subordinate and superordinate ranks within the meaning of ZDv 14/5 and with regard to salary , senior field veterinarians are treated on an equal footing with senior field physicians . In the order of promotion to be regularly followed according to the Soldiers' Career Ordinance and ZDv 20/7, the previous rank is the senior veterinarian and the next rank is the senior veterinarian . Ranks for veterinarians only carry army uniforms.

Bundeswehr Cross Black.svg Officer rank
Lower rank   Higher rank
Corvette Captain
Medical Officer Chief Pharmacist Chief Veterinary
Lieutenant Colonel,
Frigate Captain, Chief Medical
Officer, Chief Pharmacist, Chief
Flotilla Doctor, Flotilla
Colonel doctor
Colonel pharmacist
Colonel veterinary
fleet doctor
fleet pharmacist

Rank group : Teams-NCOs-NCO-NCOs-Lieutenant-Captains-Staff officers-Generals


  1. ↑ Rank badge on the shoulder flap of the jacket of the service suit for army uniform wearers of the medical forces
  2. ZDv 20/7 on the basis of Section 44 of the Soldiers ' Career Ordinance ( Ordinance on the Careers of Soldiers (Soldiers' Career Ordinance - SLV) . March 19, 2002, Section 44 ( online [accessed on March 25, 2014] Newly drafted by Bek. V. 19 August 2011 I 1813. Last amended by Art. 2 Paragraph 5 G of April 8, 2013 I 730). )
  3. The pictured next to the Aufschiebeschlaufe braided tapes in Waffenfarbe gives branch of service to. In addition to the slip-on loop shown here on the shoulder flap for the field blouse in a five-color camouflage pattern, there are a number of other types of rank insignia, which are described in more detail in the article → "Rank insignia of the Bundeswehr" .

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Hartmut Bagger , Command Staff of the Armed Forces I 3, Federal Ministry of Defense (Ed.): ZDv 37/10. Suit regulations for soldiers in the Bundeswehr . July 1996. Reprint from October 2008. Bonn July 16, 2008, 4 labels, p. 539 ( digitized version ( memento from September 19, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) [PDF; 3.5 MB ] Reprint October 2008 replaces first edition from July 1996).
  2. a b The Federal Minister of Defense (ed.): ZDv 14/5. Soldiers Act . DSK AV110100174, change status July 17, 2008. Bonn August 21, 1978, rank designations in the Bundeswehr, p. B 185 (Not to be confused with the Law on the Legal Status of Soldiers (Soldiers Law) ).
  3. ^ Agreed English texts. STANAG 2116 . NATO standardization agreement (STANAG) . NATO codes for grades of military personnel. 5th edition. 1992 (English, NATO Rank Codes - 1992 [accessed March 25, 2014]).
  4. a b c The Federal President (Ed.): Order of the Federal President on the rank designations and the uniform of the soldiers . BPresUnifAnO. July 14, 1978 ( PDF - Order of the Federal President on the rank designations and uniforms of soldiers from July 14, 1978 ( Federal Law Gazette I p. 1067 ), last amended by Article 1 of the order of May 31, 1996 ( Federal Law Gazette I p. 746 ) has been changed).
  5. ^ Federal Minister of Defense ; Command Staff of the Armed Forces IV 1 (Ed.): Abbreviations for use in the Bundeswehr - German Abbreviations - ZDv 64/10 . Bonn January 19, 1979 ( PDF - as of September 17, 1999).
  6. a b Appendix I (to § 20, paragraph 2, sentence 1) Bundesbesoldungsgesetz orders of A and B . ( Online [accessed on March 25, 2014] Federal salary regulations (BBesO) only apply to professional and temporary soldiers and are an annex to the Federal Salary Act (BBesG)).
  7. The Federal Minister of Defense (ed.): Law on the legal status of soldiers (Soldiers Act - SG) . Bonn March 19, 1956, § 4 Paragraph 3 (2) - ( PDF [accessed on March 25, 2014] Revised by notice of May 30, 2005 I 1482. Last amended by Art. 1 G of April 8 2013 I 730).
  8. a b Ordinance on the Careers of Soldiers (Soldiers' Careers Ordinance - SLV) . March 19, 2002 ( online [accessed on March 25, 2014] revised by notice of August 19, 2011 I 1813. Last amended by Art. 2 Par. 5 G of April 8, 2013 I 730).
  9. Note also: Annex (to § 3). Allocation of the career paths of the soldiers to the career groups of the men and women, the NCOs and the officers
  10. a b The Federal Minister of Defense ; Personnel, Social and Central Affairs Department (Ed.): ZDv 20/7. Provisions for the transport and for the recruitment, acceptance and admission of soldiers . Bonn March 27, 2002, Art. 635 ( PDF ( memento of October 26, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) [accessed on March 26, 2014] DSK AP210100187, reprint January 2008).
  11. ^ Federal President Heinrich Lübke et al .: Sixth order of the Federal President on the rank designations and the uniform of soldiers from May 5, 1966 . In: Federal Law Gazette Part 1 . tape 1966 , 20 of May 13, 1966. Bonn May 5, 1966, p. 325 ff . ( Online [PDF; accessed May 12, 2015]).
  12. Federal Minister of Defense (Ed.): Ordinance on the regulation of the military superior relationship (Superior Ordinance - VorgV) . June 4, 1956 ( online [accessed on March 25, 2014] last amended by Art. 1 No. 2 V of October 7, 1981 I 1129).
  13. ^ Military disciplinary code (WDO). In: Laws on the Internet . Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection , August 16, 2001, accessed on November 5, 2014 (from August 16, 2001 ( Federal Law Gazette I p. 2093 ), last amended by Article 7 of the Act of August 28, 2013 ( Federal Law Gazette I p . 3386 ) has been changed).
  14. a b The equivalent, higher and lower ranks are given in accordance with ZDv 14/5 B 185, cf. The Federal Minister of Defense (ed.): ZDv 14/5. Soldiers Act . DSK AV110100174, change status July 17, 2008. Bonn August 21, 1978, rank designations in the Bundeswehr, p. B 185 (Not to be confused with the Law on the Legal Status of Soldiers (Soldiers Act) . The order of the ranks shown in the info box does not necessarily correspond to one of the regular rank sequences provided for in the Soldiers' Career Ordinance , nor does it necessarily correspond to the rank hierarchy described in the Superiors Ordinance a managerial relationship ).