Partii Naleraq

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Partii Naleraq
Hans Enoksen (2008)
Party leader Hans Enoksen
Alignment Separatism , populism , centrism
founding March 8, 2014
Headquarters Nuuk
Sit in the Inatsisartut
Member of the Folketing not represented

The Partii Naleraq ( Greenlandic for "bearing mark" or "orientation point") is a political party in Greenland .


The Partii Naleraq was officially founded on March 8, 2014 by former Prime Minister Hans Enoksen , after he left the Siumut . The reason was the allegation of a failed fisheries policy and the appointment of Prime Minister Aleqa Hammond's partner as advisor to the Minister of Fisheries. Enoksen had already voted in parliament in October 2013 against his party and the lifting of the uranium mining ban. In October 2014, Anthon Frederiksen declared that he would not run again with his Kattusseqatigiit Partiiat , dissolved the party and joined the Partii Naleraq. In 2018, the party gained additional support through the dissolution of the Partii Inuit , whose chairman Nikku Olsen also joined the Partii Naleraq.

In the first election after the founding of the party, the Partii Naleraq was only just behind the Democraatit fourth strongest force. After the breakup of the Kielsen I cabinet , the Partii Naleraq became a member of the Kielsen II cabinet , which was in office until the end of the legislative period. After the parliamentary election in 2018, in which the party was able to improve its result slightly, it became a member of the Kielsen III cabinet . In the same year the party left the government in protest against the Danish funding of the planned new Greenland airports.

Political orientation

According to Hans Enoksen, the name of the party, which can be translated as "Peilmarke", comes from the fact that Greenland politics at the time of its founding lacked a political course aimed at. It can be classified as centrist and populist .

When the party was founded, the leadership's political goals were primarily to support the less affluent part of the Greenlanders, who live as fishermen and hunters in the villages and outlying districts in North and East Greenland. For them, the catch quotas should be increased, prices reduced and the housing situation improved. The focus was placed on the fact that the Greenland population can support itself through fishing, hunting, livestock farming and agriculture and is less dependent on imports.

Before the 2018 election, the party announced independence in 2021 as the new main political goal on the occasion of the 300th anniversary of the colonization of Greenland by Hans Egede .

Party leader

Election results

Parliamentary elections

choice be right Share of votes Seats space episode
2014 3,423 11.7%
4th Opposition, from 2016 junior partner of the government
2018 3,931 13.6%
4th Junior partner of the government, opposition from 2018

Folk elections

choice be right Share of votes Seats space MP
2015 1,058 5.2%
3 not represented
2019 1,565 7.8%
5 not represented

Individual evidence

  1. Her er Partii Naleraqs hovedbestyrelse at
  2. Hans Enoksen forlader Siumut in Sermitsiaq
  3. Anthon Frederiksen stiller op for Partii Naleraq at
  4. Inuit candidate stiller op for Enoksen at
  5. This is Hans Enoksen's parti hedde in the Sermitsiaq
  6. Greenland election moves into its last two weeks at
  7. Greenland independence on hold in snap election at
  8. Mærkesag for Partii Naleraq: Egenproduktion af madvarer at
  9. Partii Naleraq established in
  10. Partii Naleraq in Den Store Danske
  11. Selvstændighed bliver mærkesag for Partii Naleraq at