Paul Pöchhacker

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Paul Pöchhacker (born March 27, 1975 in Amstetten ) is the campaign manager of the Social Democratic Party of Austria (SPÖ) and became known through the Silberstein affair .


Pöchhacker attended primary school in Ybbs from 1981 to 1985 . Then until 1994 the federal high school in Wieselburg . From October 1994 he studied history and political science at the University of Vienna and graduated in 2002 as Mag. Phil. with the diploma thesis The "Mythic Complex State Treaty" and its meaning for the Austrian identity . From October 2001 he did his community service with Kinderfreunde Leopoldstadt .

From 2003 to 2004, Pöchacker was a research associate under Rudolf Schicker and Gerhard Steger at the Austrian Society for Policy Advice and Policy Development (ÖGPP). He also worked for the Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology (see studies ).

In 2010 he founded a company for public relations services based in Vienna .


From July 1, 2000, he started working for the SPÖ Action Office and from January to March 2001 he was a member of the campaign team for the 2001 regional and local council elections in Vienna .

In the 2006 National Council election , Pöchhacker was responsible for the analysis under campaign manager Norbert Darabos , communications manager Josef Kalina and external consultant Stan Greenberg . Also in the time following the election he was responsible for analysis and research as well as “ opponent observation ” in the party headquarters .

From October 3, 2011, Pöchhacker worked as a contract employee with a special contract at the Federal Ministry of Defense and Sport under the then Defense Minister Darabos.

In the 2013 National Council election , Darabos brought Pöchhacker back to party headquarters for opinion research because he relied on local experts who had worked long and hard with the American and Israeli PR consultants during the intensive election campaign. US consultants continued to strain the campaign budget of the party affected by massive staff cuts and Darabos assumed that Pöchhacker could now perform the same as Stan Greenberg .

In 2014 he represented Gernot Blümel ( ÖVP ), Feri Thierry ( NEOS ), Marcus Franz ( Team Stronach ) and others of the SPÖ as party strategists for the master’s course in Political Communication at Danube University .

Election of the Federal President in 2016

During the federal presidential election in 2016 , Pöchhacker dedicated the "cripple song" on Twitter to the candidate of the Austrian Freedom Party (FPÖ), Norbert Hofer , who was seriously injured in a sports accident and walks with a stick . The SPÖ candidate Rudolf Hundstorfer apologized and assured Hofer that Pöchhacker would not be in his campaign team.

National Council election 2017

During the Silberstein affair in the 2017 National Council election campaign , after the arrest of the SPÖ spin doctor Tal Silberstein on August 14, 2017 in Israel , Pöchacker took on his agenda, which was criticized by the Austrian People's Party (ÖVP) and the FPÖ. On August 19, he again apologized in writing to Norbert Hofer for his inappropriate tweet from 2016. The FPÖ criticized the fact that the SPÖ published the letter before it reached Hofer.

In the course of the Silberstein affair, he was part of the three-person SPÖ campaign management team and continued to run Facebook pages, some of which used racist , anti-Semitic and xenophobic schemes and were intended to discredit the ÖVP candidate Sebastian Kurz . While the SPÖ long denied their involvement in the dirty campaigning carried out with it , the Pöchhacker direct superior, the SPÖ campaign manager and federal manager Georg Niedermühlbichler resigned on September 30, 2017 .

At the beginning of the affair, Pöchacker's role was downplayed; in fact, he had been involved in all coordination activities of the Chancellery around Silberstein since autumn 2016 . After the publication of further internal SPÖ documents, he knew about the activities and the continuation of the Facebook pages until the end, even after Silberstein and his Israeli team had left. Pöchhacher was then suspended by the SPÖ . In fact, he had instructed the political advisor Peter Puller commissioned by Silberstein that the pages should remain online for the time being, otherwise the connection to Silberstein would be seen immediately.

The SPÖ reserved legal steps against Pöchhacker, Silberstein and Puller. The version that Pöchhacker acted on his own is doubted by party insiders. Niedermühlbichler himself is said to have chatted internally about the campaign. Journalist Barbara Tóth sees Pöchhacker as the key person who “should have sounded the alarm much earlier in the interests of the party.” The ÖVP sued Pöchhacker, along with the “SPÖ, Christian Kern , Georg Niedermühlbichler, Tal Silberstein, Peter Puller […] and Robert L. because of the dissemination of credit damaging, insulting, racist, anti-Semitic and inflammatory content ”. In January 2018, the ÖVP withdrew all complaints.

In February 2018, the SPÖ declared that Pöchhacker had left the federal party by mutual agreement . In March 2018 Christian Kern signed a contract on behalf of the SPÖ with Pöchacker's newly founded public relations company . In the course of the financial crisis of the SPÖ after the National Council election in 2019, this contract would be "up for grabs" according to Federal Managing Director Christian Deutsch .


  • Answer to queries 4798 / AB XXV. GP supplements. (PDF; 385 kB) Strategy development bmvit . Austrian Parliament , July 8, 2015, accessed October 7, 2017 .
  • Query response 5554 / AB XXIV. GP. (PDF; 102 kB) "Development of the modes of transport" survey for the bmvit . Austrian Parliament , July 28, 2010, accessed October 7, 2017 .
  • Paul Pöchhacker: Malta . Ed .: ÖGPP (=  privatization and liberalization of public services in the EU ). 2004 ( Online [PDF; 90 kB ; accessed on October 7, 2017]).
  • Paul Pöchhacker: Poland . Ed .: ÖGPP (=  privatization and liberalization of public services in the EU ). 2004 ( Online [PDF; 103 kB ; accessed on October 7, 2017]).
  • Andreas Höferl, Paul Pöchhacker: Poverty and wealth report for Austria . Ed .: ÖGPP. 2004 ( Online [PDF; 783 kB ; accessed on October 7, 2017]).
  • Veronika Adensamer, Werner T. Bauer , Andreas Höferl, Bela Hollos, Paul Pöchhacker: More rights for people . Ed .: ÖGPP. 2003 ( online [PDF; 55 kB ; accessed on October 7, 2017]).
  • Paul Pöchhacker: Pensions . Ed .: ÖGPP (=  privatization and liberalization of public services in the EU ). 2003 ( online [PDF; 658 kB ; accessed on October 7, 2017]).
  • Dagmar Hemmer, Paul Pöchhacker: Postal Services . Ed .: ÖGPP (=  privatization and liberalization of public services in the EU ). 2003 ( online [PDF; 87 kB ; accessed on October 7, 2017]).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Paul Pöchhacker: The “Mythic Complex State Treaty” and its significance for Austrian identity . Vienna 2002 (university diploma thesis).
  2. ^ ÖGPP: About Us ( Memento from October 17, 2004 in the Internet Archive )
  3. Company profile. GBI-Genios , September 12, 2017, accessed on October 7, 2017 (selection: company information, company profiles. Use preview.).
  4. Claudia Dannhauser, Martina Salomon : Strategists fixed, advertisers open . In: The press . February 21, 2006, p. 4 .
  5. Barbara Tóth : Lots of sand in the box . In: Falter . No.  11 , March 12, 2008, p. 8 .
  6. request answering 12114 / AB XXIV. GP. (PDF; 190 kB) Austrian Parliament , September 5, 2012, accessed on October 5, 2017 . Parliamentary question 9615 / J XXIV. GP. (PDF; 89 kB) Austrian Parliament , October 21, 2011, accessed on October 5, 2017 .
  7. § 36 Contract Employees Act
  8. a b Herbert Lackner : Crumbling Bulwark . In: profile . No.  11 , November 3, 2013, p. 32, 33 ( online [accessed October 7, 2017]).
  9. Thomas Hofer , Barbara Tóth (ed.): Election 2013. Power, media, billionaires - analyzes of the National Council election . 2nd Edition. LIT , Vienna 2014, ISBN 978-3-643-50549-1 , p. 19 ( limited preview in Google Book search).
  10. Parties and media, strategists and doers: A staccato of discussions. Danube University Krems , June 23, 2014, accessed on October 9, 2017 .
  11. Martin Ladstätter: SPÖ employee discriminates against National Council President Hofer. Association "Disability Advice Center BIZEPS", January 23, 2016, accessed on October 11, 2017 .
  12. ^ Cripple song. In: . Retrieved October 3, 2017 (Performers: Helmut Qualtinger and André Heller ).
  13. Hundstorfer apologizes to Hofer for the “cripple” tweet. In: The Standard . January 22, 2016, accessed October 3, 2017 .
  14. ^ ÖVP shoots down other SPÖ employees. Kronen Zeitung , August 20, 2017, accessed on October 7, 2017 .
  15. Kickl: Norbert Hofer accepts Pöchhacker's personal apology for dedication to the Krüppellied. APA-OTS , August 21, 2017, accessed October 7, 2017 .
  16. ^ A b Anna Thalhammer: SPÖ man continued campaign . In: The press . October 3, 2017, p. 1 ( Online [accessed on October 21, 2017] Online title: SPÖ man continued Facebook campaign after Silberstein's departure).
  17. Gernot Bauer, Michael Nikbakhsh: Filth layer work . In: profile . No. 40 , October 9, 2017, p. 18-20, 23-24 .
  18. ^ A b Christian Böhmer: Silberstein: The SPÖ's relief offensive is again wavering . In: Courier . October 4, 2017, p. 2 ( Online - The print article contains a facsimile of the correspondence.): “The correspondence between Pöchhacker (SPÖ) and Puller (Silberstein) shows that Silberstein's team asked what should happen to the underhanded Facebook pages. Pöchhacker's answer: The pages have to stay online for the time being - otherwise you would see the connection between Silberstein and the pages immediately. "
  19. Niedermühlbichler leaves . In: The press . October 1, 2017, p.  3 ( Online [accessed October 21, 2017]).
  20. Gernot Bauer: The truth about the truth . In: profile . No. 40 , October 2, 2017, p. 18, 19 ( Online [accessed on October 21, 2017] Online title: SPÖ consultant Silberstein organized right-wing Facebook page against Kurz).
  21. election splinter . In: Wiener Zeitung . No.  199 , October 12, 2017, p. 4 : "He was active in the SPÖ campaign [...] as a liaison to Silberstein and has been involved in all coordination activities of the Chancellery relating to Silberstein since autumn last year. He kept appearing on the mailing list of emails that went back and forth between the Chancellery and Silberstein. "
  22. ^ SPÖ: New contracts with service providers emerged . In: Courier . October 11, 2017 ( online [accessed October 11, 2017]).
  23. Gernot Bauer: Dirty campaigning affair: SPÖ team continued as before after Silberstein arrested. In: profile . October 3, 2017, accessed October 4, 2017 .
  24. SPÖ suspends controversial employees. In: Austria . October 3, 2017. Retrieved October 3, 2017 .
  25. Gerald John: Causa Silberstein: SPÖ suspends alleged liaison man. In: The Standard . October 3, 2017. Retrieved October 3, 2017 .
  26. Florian Klenk , Barbara Tóth : Rise and Fall of Christian K. In: Falter . No.  41 , October 11, 2017, p. 10–13 ( excerpt [accessed on October 11, 2017]): “This Pöchhacker now controls Silberstein's 'Facebook focus group project', known as the 'special unit' for dirty campaigning. They launched the pages 'The Truth About Sebastian Kurz' and 'We for Sebastian Kurz'. "
  27. ^ Anna Thalhammer: Silberstein's role and fees . In: The press . October 6, 2017, p. 1 ( Online [accessed October 11, 2017]).
  28. ^ Günther Oswald, David Krutzler, Petra Stuiber: The SPÖ is looking for the truth about itself . In: The Standard . October 2, 2017, p. 2 ( Online [accessed October 4, 2017] Online title: Election campaign affair: Kern does not resign and promises to clarify the situation).
  29. The Silberstein Scandal . In: Thomas Hofer , Barbara Tóth (Eds.): Wahl 2017. Loser, Leaks & Leadership . ÄrzteVerlag, Vienna 2017, ISBN 978-3-9503276-4-9 , p. 136, 143 ( Commercial Court Vienna, GZ D089 / 17, October 10, 2017; see FN 33, 36).
  30. Josef Redl, Barbara Tóth : From the greatest election scandal in history to the Causa finita . In: Falter . No. 6 , February 7, 2018, p. 16, 17 .
  31. ^ Progressive Research Consulting GmbH. In: . Retrieved on July 9, 2019 (commercial register number 486039p).
  32. Oliver Pink : Paul Pöchhacker's contract is also being scrutinized . In: The press . November 29, 2019, p.  2 ( Online [accessed December 6, 2019]).
  33. Gerald John: Rendi-Wagner is fighting for her place at the top . In: The Standard . November 29, 2019, p. 2 ( Online [accessed December 6, 2019]).