Plattenburg district

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Plattenburg Castle

The Plattenburgische circle , also circle Plattenburg was a mark of Brandenburg county in the Prignitz , which emerged in the course of the 16th century and until 1816 inventory. The official seat was at the Plattenburg Castle (municipality of Plattenburg , district of Prignitz , Brandenburg ). The largest part was united in the administrative reform of that time together with the larger parts of the districts of Perleberg , Lenzen and Havelberg to form the district of Westprignitz . The place Werder , located only place of the district south of the Elbe, came to the then district Osterburg .

Geographical location

The Plattenburg district consisted of three unrelated parts, the western part being a small exclave on the Elbe between Bälow and Hinzdorf , i.e. H. was in the Perleberg district. The main part bordered in the west and north on the Perlebergische Kreis, in the northeast on the Pritzwalkischen, Havelbergischen and Kyritzischen districts, in the south on an exclave of the Pritzwalkischen Kreis and the Havelbergischen district and in the south at two places on the Seehausenschen district (respectively from 1735 the Arendsee-Seehausen district), which belonged to the Altmark . The southeastern part was sandwiched between the Havelberg, Kyritz and Havelländischer districts and in the south at the Duchy of Magdeburg .

Associated places

  • Bad Wilsnack ( Wilsnack ), city
  • Wilsnack, aristocratic estate, near the town of Wilsnack, together with 2 Büdners, 6 grottos, water, wind and fulling mill, sheep and 2 forester over 5000 meters of wood
  • Abbendorf ( village and estate ) (today part of the municipality of Rühstädt )
  • Bendelin ( village ) (today a district of Plattenburg )
  • Damerow (also Damrow, Vorwerk ) (today a district of the city of Havelberg)
  • Haverland ( village and Vorwerk ) (today in the Abbendorf district, Rühstädt municipality)
  • Jackel ( forester's house ) (today part of the municipality of Bad Wilsnack)
  • Legde ( village ) (today part of Legde / Quitzöbel )
  • Groß Leppin ( village ) (part of the municipality in the Glöwen district, Plattenburg municipality)
  • Klein Leppin ( noble estate ) (today part of the municipality of Plattenburg)
  • Groß Lüben ( village ) (today part of the municipality of Bad Wilsnack)
  • Klein Lüben ( village ) (today part of the municipality of Bad Wilsnack)
  • Övelgünde ( Oevelgünne, Vorwerk ) (no longer exists)
  • Plattenburg ( noble estate ) (today a part of the municipality and municipality of Plattenburg)
  • Saldernholz ( forester's house, on the west side of the Elbe near the village of Werder ) (no longer exists, not exactly localized, near the Werder district of the town of Seehausen (Altmark))
  • Saldernhorst ( colony near the village of Vehlgast ) (no longer exists, was south of the new Dosse, about 1 km above the confluence of the Dosse into the Havel)
  • Scharleuk ( Scharleuck, fisherman's house on the Elbe between Bälow and Klein Lüben ) (today part of the municipality of Bad Wilsnack)
  • Söllenthin ( Sölenthin, Dorf ) (today a part of the municipality of Plattenburg)
  • Uhlenberg ( colony ). The colony was established near Bad Wilsnack in 1776. Around 1800 10 Büdner lived here. After that the place was no longer mentioned.
  • Vehlgast ( village ) (today part of the municipality in the district of Vehlgast-Kümmernitz , City of Havelberg)
  • Waldfrieden ( Todtenkopf, Vorwerk ) (today part of the municipality in the district of Vehlgast-Kümmernitz , City of Havelberg)
  • Werder ( village ) (today a district of Seehausen (Altmark) , district of Stendal ) (Werder was originally north of the Elbe, now the old arm of the Elbe)
  • Zernikow (also Zernickow, Vorwerk ) (today a part of the municipality of Plattenburg)
  • Zichtow ( Vorwerk ) (today part of the municipality of Plattenburg)

In 1816 the Plattenburg district was dissolved and combined with most of the Perleberg district , the Lenz district and the Havelburg district to form the Westprignitz district .


  • Friedrich Wilhelm August Bratring : Statistical-topographical description of the entire Mark Brandenburg. Volume 1: The general introduction to the Kurmark, the Altmark u. Containing Prignitz. XVIII, 494 pp., Berlin, Maurer, 1804.
  • Lieselott Enders : Historical local dictionary for Brandenburg, Part I, Prignitz . 463 pp., Weimar 1962.
  • Gerd Heinrich: Administrative division 1608 - 1806. Mounts and circles of the Altmark, Kurmark and Neumark. Historical Atlas of Brandenburg. Publications of the Berlin Historical Commission at the Friedrich Meinecke Institute of the Free University of Berlin in 1967.