Rainer Mausfeld

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Rainer Mausfeld (born December 22, 1949 in Iserlohn ) is a German professor emeritus for general psychology at the University of Kiel in 2016 . His scientific focus is on perceptual psychology , cognitive science and the history of psychology . His criticism of representative democracy and the functions of the mass media , published since 2015, is viewed controversially in the media .

Education and academic career

Mausfeld studied psychology, mathematics and philosophy at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn and mathematical psychology at the University of Nijmegen from 1969 to 1979 . Then he was a consultant at the Institute for Test and Talent Research of the German National Academic Foundation in Bonn until 1981 .

In 1984 Mausfeld received his doctorate on Fechner scaling at the University of Bonn . The focus of the work is on the principles of the construction of psychophysical discrimination scales.

In 1987 he was Visiting Research Professor at the University of California, Irvine .

In 1990 Mausfeld received his habilitation in Bonn with research work mainly on perceptual psychology and in 1992 accepted a professorship for general psychology at the University of Mannheim .

In 1993 he moved to the University of Kiel.

Memberships and functions

Mausfeld headed the DFG project color constancy and was head of an international research group at the Center for Interdisciplinary Research (ZiF) in Bielefeld from 1995 to 1996 .

Since 2004 Mausfeld has been a member of the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina in its Psychology and Cognitive Science section.

Research focus

One focus of Mausfeld's university work since his dissertation has been perceptual psychology . The focus is especially the perception of color in the foreground of his inquiries. In connection with his research, Mausfeld also analyzed the theoretical foundations of experimental and understanding psychology . The subject of Fechner's psychophysics and Fechner's scaling forms the starting point.

According to the Leopoldina, Mausfeld's further academic work focuses on “... conceptual forms of the perception system, on the basis of which physical inputs can activate categories of meaning, architectural foundations for the ability to simultaneously take multiple mental perspectives, structure and computational principles of internal causal analyzes, through which, among other things, mental activities caused internally can be separated from externally caused. "

Mausfeld mentions the history of ideas in the natural sciences, especially the 17th century, as another area ; the history of perceptual psychology is in the foreground.

He dealt with the rivalry between cognitive psychology and cognitive neurosciences in cognitive science: he sees a major problem in the relationship between psychology and biology in neurological neo- reductionism . In contrast to biological approaches , he sees the peculiarity of the spiritual in the intrinsic multiperspectivity of the mind.

Since 2009, Mausfeld has also published on ethical and political aspects of psychology, such as her participation in the research and development of white torture methods .

Mausfeld has been giving lectures and publishing articles and monographs on political propaganda and manipulation as well as on the analysis and criticism of representative democracy since 2015 .

Color perception

According to Mausfeld, the psyche does not just depict physical data of color perception . He criticizes an atomistic conception of perceptual psychology, which explains perceptions from the interaction of simple factors ("concept of measuring instruments of perception"). Rather, the overall context of visual perception is decisive for color perception. The sensation ( sensation ) after presentation mouse field always perception in terms of perception . The senses are tools of the mind . According to his understanding, pareidolia is also an example of the influence of the mind on the processing of perception .

Nature, awareness and freedom

According to Mausfeld, knowledge of neural connections and activity is not sufficient to explain consciousness and thought processes . Even the behavior of comparatively under-complex organisms such as nematodes cannot be explained by neuron activity. According to Mausfeld's view, the relationship between nature and spirit must therefore lie below the neural level in the physical. This connection is also shown in the fact that nature is more puzzling to us than our consciousness. Mausfeld sees the special thing about consciousness in the simplicity and wholeness of the subjective experience, which the psychologist, however, reveals to be a complex interaction of partly unconscious factors. Only the " intrinsic multiperspectivity " of thinking made possible by this opens up the possibility of alternative ways of thinking and acting, according to Mausfeld. This means that people can organize the same perception in different ways, which becomes clear, for example, in so-called tilting images , but also in the entire metaphor of human language. Mausfeld explains this achievement of the organization of perception through a complex functional architecture in which biological pre-imprints, linking mechanisms between sensory stimulus and perception and semantic patterns work together.

White Torture and Responsibility of Science

In his work, Mausfeld shows what part psychologists have in the development, application and justification of modern methods of white torture . This is not aimed at gaining information, as claimed, but at breaking the will, disciplining, humiliating and degrading its victims. He said the American Psychological Association (APA) board of directors and the United States Department of Defense lobbied an APA working group to intervene in an investigation into the involvement of psychologists in torture. Using the example of torture research, Mausfeld defines ethical and legal principles and limits of scientific work. He considers observance of human rights to be ethically and legally binding without restriction.

Popular science contributions

Why are the lambs silent? (2015)

In his publication from 2015 (3rd edition 2018) with the subtitle How elite democracy and neoliberalism destroy our society and our livelihoods , Mausfeld argues that the terms democracy and freedom have been falsified in a way reminiscent of George Orwell . In its current form, Schumpeter's representative democracy is merely an " electoral oligarchy " and freedom is only a possibility for the economically powerful to act.

In his critical analysis of the political system he relies on the work of Ingeborg Maus and Alex Carey , among others . The securing of power for the new power elite , which is mainly the financial elite, takes place in new forms of transforming power and manipulating consciousness in order to “make power invisible”.

In his opinion, the media play a decisive role in this. He advocates the thesis that the media in capitalistically organized societies primarily have a system-stabilizing function. He also relies on the propaganda model designed by Noam Chomsky and Edward S. Herman . This model explains how an objective reporting of the mass media in capitalist organized societies is prevented by certain filters. This filtering leads to a restriction of the public space of debate, i.e. what can be thought and say in a society.

From the point of view of the ruling elite, it is even wanted and desired that the population get excited about the greed of bankers, the mendacity of politicians, the intellectual corruption of journalists or the cruelty or sadism of torture experts,

“In other words, about the characteristics of people who are the product of deeper, structural conditions and, in their context, almost represent qualification features - and thereby lose sight of the structural and institutional causes and thus the actual centers of power! Our priority is therefore to gain insight into these structural conditions. "

The neo-liberalism is a rational occurring ideology , who had succeeded as a narrative framework to establish and as apparently no alternative enforce interpretation of reality.

Mausfeld depicts information overload , fragmentation and decontextualization / recontextualization of messages as three particularly important techniques of propaganda (with regard to opinion management) , because all three techniques would make actual events and relationships invisible.

Phenomena of a "deep state" as manifestations of authoritarian capitalism (2017)

The essay by Mausfeld in the anthology Facade Democracy and Deep State. On the way to an authoritarian age , edited by Ullrich Mies and Jens Wernicke, advocates the thesis that representative democracy has always served the express purpose of “denying the people the ability to legislate for themselves, as well as the right to be an independent political actor The actual centers of power, such as the large media corporations , are largely invisible to the population and cannot be democratically voted out, they are not subject to any public accountability and are organized in an extremely authoritarian manner.

The question of how rule is organized can be answered empirically according to Mausfeld : According to known studies, the actual centers of political power lie far beyond any democratic control and at the same time determine practically all fundamental political decisions. With the assessment criterion of the Federal Agency for Civic Education for the question of whether a form of rule can be described as democracy, Mausfeld sees the empirical analyzes at hand as proof that “Western capitalist democracies actually represent a new type of totalitarian rule ”.

However , Mausfeld rejects the concept of a “ deep state ” as outlined by Mike Lofgren as too simple, since this term contains “concreteistic causal attributions in personal categories ” that lead to a mystification of the actual and more subtle mechanisms of social control .

Fear and Power (2019)

In his 2019 book Anxiety and Power - Domination Techniques for Generating Fear in Capitalist Democracies , Mausfeld argues that the compulsion to wage labor is the main factor in generating social anxiety in capitalist democracies, which can be manipulatively exploited for purposes of power. Together with Ingeborg Maus and Günter Frankenberg , he sees the three main traditional methods of generating fear in the deformalization and refeudalization of law through the systematic use of “legal dummies ” in the form of indefinite legal terms , as well as in the “ideology of meritocracy ” and in the psychotechnology of the “propagandistic generation of alleged threats ”. Mausfeld counts among the modern “neoliberal methods” the economization of all areas of life, the ideology of social opacity and uninfluenceability, precarization , the ideology of the entrepreneurial self and the neoliberal “ spiral of trauma ”: The victims of globalization are suggested that they are responsible for their own fate, theirs Shame for it prevents them from rebelling. They would identify with the aggressor and think they were right.

“Neoliberal politics is characterized by the financial abuse of millions of people. And it keeps us permanently in fear of falling and losing status. Scared, employees put up with even the worst working conditions - and often slide further into poverty. A trauma spiral emerges, also characterized by "identification with the aggressor". It would be an expression of natural self-assertion if the victims protested against it. To prevent this from happening, those in power resort to an easily understandable but well-functioning trick. They persuade the exploited and the precarious that they themselves are the cause of their misery. Those who are broken in their self-confidence usually no longer have the guts to fight for a fairer world. "

In the Handelsblatt , Norbert Häring compares Mausfeld's publication with four other books which, in his opinion, demonstrate the current turn towards renewed critical questioning or justification of the capitalist “system” . Mausfeld, whose presentation is more radical and fundamental than the works of Plumpes , Anderson , Rajan and Collier , mainly addresses the mechanisms by which the fear generated by capitalism is intensified and abused as an instrument of rule by the elites. Without the creation of existential fear, capitalism would not function.

According to Julia Lührs ( wdr5) , Mausfeld hit a nerve with his publication. For him, the prescribed fight against terror is the best example of fear as a domination technique. It shows how quickly people are ready to give up their humanity, because those who fear terrorism are more willing to support tough political decisions.



In the opinion of the Americanist and conspiracy theory researcher Michael Butter, Mausfeld's contributions to topics critical of the media and capitalism show “strongly populist and sometimes also conspiracy theoretical features”. In terms of his area of ​​expertise, Mausfeld lacks the competence to express himself on political issues, but because of his professorial title he is perceived as an authority.

The communication scientist Michael Meyen describes Mausfeld's position as perspective and radical democratic. Mausfeld is interested in the inner psychological tension: How do we manage to bring together our personal wishes and the perspective of common social and ecological interests? Like Ingeborg Maus , Mausfeld represents an egalitarian vision: the recognition of everyone as free and equal regardless of their factual differences.


In his review in Deutschlandfunk Kultur , Bodo Morshäuser describes Mausfeld's publication Why are the lambs silent? as a "plaintive allegation". The book, which Mausfeld wanted to understand as a “detailed warning”, depicts how “a privately financed so-called indoctrination industry ” is waging a psychological war against the population. The media, foundations , think tanks and lobby groups use soft power techniques to manipulate the human mind at its weakest point: the subconscious . The aim of neoliberal post-democracy is to secure and legalize the unrestricted rule of the rich over the atomized, fragmented and monitored poor . In the redistribution process from the bottom up, the poor should be made aware that this policy is only about their well-being. This influence was used, among other things, by language regulations that limited the range of opinions and the “space for debate ”. In conclusion, Morshäuser complains that Mausfeld did not do the work to work out alternatives to representative democracy or to cite earlier functioning attempts at democratic procedures: "He wrote a book of indignation".

According to Erdem Gökalp ( Stuttgarter Nachrichten ), Mausfeld has reached an audience of millions with his political lectures on YouTube in recent years. His book Why Are the Lambs Silent? read "like the dystopian world from a George Orwell novel". Gökalp regrets that the book is “too dry” compared to the lectures. Often "his theses got lost in a wave of quotations and references".

In his regular column in the Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Milosz Matuschek calls Mausfeld a “popular enlightener” and places him in the thought tradition of Wilhelm von Humboldt , John Dewey and Noam Chomsky . Mausfeld worked out in detail how the pictorial relationship between “shepherd” and “flock of lambs” was articulated in everyday life. This fixed image forms a common thread in the theoretical explanations of the state from Plato to David Hume , James Madison , Friedrich II ., Alexis de Tocqueville , Bertrand Russell and Harold Dwight Lasswell . Matuschek warns that democracy is running away from democrats. In Matuschek's opinion, the system must be comprehensively renovated. Mausfeld makes it clear that everyone has to start with himself to save democracy.

Tanjev Schultz sets in the Süddeutsche Zeitung Mausfeld's publication Why are the lambs silent? with the radical criticism in Hans-Peter Martin's Game Over and would like to use Mausfeld to show how great the risk is of drifting off into crude knowledge. Mausfeld ignored research and debates in the press that he criticized as “neoliberal dominated”, for example on tax evasion or the Panama Papers . He represented schematic truths and his book was hardly original: "It is based on a radical democratic theory on, it mixes with the thought patterns of the old Adorno and more angry over the years and paranoid expectant Noam Chomsky - and you have a book for the left Angry Citizens ”. He notes critically that you only have to turn a few words from left to right so that Trump or the “lying press” cracker can follow the analysis well. Mausfeld's image of the elite does not correspond to reality, because if you ask around the "elites", you will meet a great many "who sing a song about civil society engagement". The fact that he cites Jean Ziegler approvingly that the economic order of neoliberalism kills about as many people in one year as the Nazi regime kills in six years, and that he labels them as the “greatest enemy of democracy”, the reviewer rates as “ half silly ” in the face of real dictatorships and " infamous ".

In New Germany Daniela Dahn comes to the conclusion that Mausfeld had in Why are the lambs silent? examines with rare acuteness what must have happened to us, “that we watch impotently how elite rule and neoliberalism destroy society and our livelihoods.” Mausfeld bases his criticism on thinkers critical of democracy such as Noam Chomsky and Sheldon Wolin , although I did Karl Marx in Die deutsche Ideologie pointed out that the thoughts of the rulers are always the ruling thoughts because of their material power. Society would not function without indoctrination ; it was dependent on the illusion of political self-determination of the citizens. Critically, however, Dahn thinks a little more leniency is conceivable, because the existence of Mausfeld's book is proof that the situation is not yet totalitarian. State practice can still be increased. Mausfeld himself also sees hope for change by overcoming political apathy .

After a detailed table of contents in the discussion section of her review, Gertrud Hardtmann comes to the conclusion that the rousing book lacks a “constructive counterpart ... who takes both the concerns and arguments of Mausfeld seriously and critically differentiates them.” It is worked out that the Concealment of criminal structures is effective and international structures have to be developed to combat these effectively beyond national borders so that the world becomes and remains a habitable and protected place for all people.

Movie and TV

In 2015, Mausfeld was invited to Phoenix by Michael Krons for an interview in the program Im Dialog . The topic was how quickly people are ready to give up their humanity in the fight against terror.

In 2018, the SWR broadcast a program in the Teleakademie series with a lecture by Mausfeld: Elite democracy and opinion management. Has the idea of ​​the “responsible citizen” outlived itself? In the lecture this question will be discussed based on the Lippmann-Dewey controversy .


Mausfeld lives in Dänisch-Nienhof and is married to the qualified psychologist and psychoanalyst Gisela Bergmann-Mausfeld.

Fonts (selection)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Rainer Mausfeld's résumé , leopoldina.org, accessed on February 27, 2017.
  2. Member entry by Prof. Dr. Rainer Mausfeld (with picture and CV) at the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina , accessed on July 18, 2016.
  3. ^ Mausfeld, R. (2012). The appearance of the real. The empirical misconception of perception and the perceptual attribute 'phenomenally real'. In: Kluck, S. & Volke, S. (Ed.): Closer to it? On the phenomenology of perception. (Pp. 192-219). Freiburg: Alber. Mausfeld, R. (2013). Biological function of sensory systems. In: CG Galizia & P.-M. Lledo (eds.): Neurosciences (pp. 239-252). Berlin: Springer. Mausfeld, R. (2013). On the phenomenology and internal semantics of the perceptual attributes 'phenomenally real' and 'phenomenally unreal'. In K. Mertens & I. Günzler (eds.): Perceiving, feeling, acting. Phenomenology in the competition of methods. Mentis publishing house. Mausfeld, R. (2013). The attribute of realness and the internal organization of perceptual reality. In: L. Albertazzi (Ed.): Handbook of Experimental Phenomenology; Visual Peception of Shape, Space and Appearance (pp. 91-118). Chichester: Wiley.
    Rainer Mausfeld: Notions such as “truth” or “correspondence to the objective world” play no role in explanatory accounts of perception . In: Psychonomic Bulletin & Review . tape 22 , no. 6 , 2015, ISSN  1531-5320 , p. 1535-1540 , doi : 10.3758 / s13423-014-0763-6 .
  4. ^ Mausfeld: Perceptual Psychology. In: A. Schütz, H. Selg, M. Brand, S. Lautenbacher (Eds.): Psychology. An introduction to its basics and fields of application. (PDF) Kohlhammer, Stuttgart 2010.
  5. ^ Rainer Mausfeld: Color Perception: From Grassmann Codes to a Dual Code for Object and Illumination Colors. (PDF) Accessed January 12, 2019 .
  6. J. Golz, F. Faul, R. Mausfeld (Eds.): Experimental Psychology.
  7. ^ Theo Herrmann, Werner H. Tack, Niels Birbaumer, Dieter Frey, Julius Kuhl: Subject area B: Methodology and methods / research methods in psychology / methodological foundations in psychology . In: Encyclopedia of Psychology . Subject area B, series 1, volume 1 : Methodological foundations of psychology . Hogrefe, Verlag für Psychologie, Göttingen 1993, ISBN 3-8409-0522-2 ( books.google.de ).
  8. Mausfeld, Rainer: Fundamentals of Fechner scaling: principles d. Construction psychophysical. Discrimination scales. Lang, 1985, ISBN 3-8204-5240-0 .
  9. a b Curriculum Vitae Professor Dr. Rainer Mausfeld (PDF), on leopoldina.org
  10. ^ R. Mausfeld: Psychology, Biology, Cognitive Neuroscience. On the current dominance of neuroreductionist positions and their tacit basic assumptions. In: Psychological Rundschau. Volume 61, No. 4, 2010, pp. 180-190.
  11. ^ R. Mausfeld: Intrinsic multiperspectivity: On the architectural foundations of a distinctive mental capacity. In: PA Frensch, R. Schwarzer (Ed.): Cognition and neuropsychology. International perspectives on psychological science. Volume 1, Psychology Press, London 2010, ISBN 978-1-84872-022-0 , pp. 95-116.
  12. ^ Rainer Mausfeld: Torture for the Fatherland. About the contributions of psychology to the development of techniques of "white torture" . April 2009.
  13. a b R. Mausfeld: Psychology, "white torture" and the responsibility of scientists. In: Psychological Rundschau. Volume 60, No. 4, 2009, pp. 229-240 ( uni-kiel.de PDF).
  14. ^ Rainer Mausfeld: Perception Psychology: History and Approaches. In: Joachim Funke , Peter A. Frensch (Hrsg.): Handbuch der Allgemeine Psychologie - Kognition. Hogrefe, Göttingen 2005, pp. 97-107.
  15. Why we see faces everywhere . In: Neue Zürcher Zeitung . December 12, 2017 ( nzz.ch [accessed January 10, 2019]).
  16. Psychology, Biology, Cognitive Neuroscience On the current dominance of neuroreductionist positions and their tacit basic assumptions. In: Psychological Rundschau. Volume 61, No. 4, 2010, pp. 180-190.
  17. Rainer Mausfeld: Anti-terror fight: Scientists distinguish themselves as torturers . In: time online . July 15, 2009, ISSN  0044-2070 ( zeit.de [accessed February 22, 2017]).
  18. Jana Hauschild: How US researchers helped the CIA: The torture psychologists. In: Spiegel online. Retrieved February 22, 2017 .
  19. ^ Rainer Mausfeld: Why are the lambs silent? How elite democracy and neoliberalism are destroying our society and our livelihoods. Westend, Frankfurt am Main 2018, p. 8.
  20. ^ Rainer Mausfeld: Why are the lambs silent? How elite democracy and neoliberalism are destroying our society and our livelihoods. Westend, Frankfurt am Main 2018, p. 16.
  21. ^ Rainer Mausfeld: Why are the lambs silent? How elite democracy and neoliberalism are destroying our society and our livelihoods. Westend, Frankfurt am Main 2018, p. 153 ff.
  22. ^ Edward S. Herman, Noam Chomsky: Manufacturing consent: the political economy of the mass media . Updated ed. New York 2002, ISBN 0-375-71449-9 .
  23. ^ Rainer Mausfeld: Why are the lambs silent? How elite democracy and neoliberalism are destroying our society and our livelihoods. Chapter: The Neoliberal Indoctrination. Westend, Frankfurt am Main 2018, p. 136.
  24. ^ Rainer Mausfeld: Why are the lambs silent? How elite democracy and neoliberalism are destroying our society and our livelihoods. Westend, Frankfurt am Main 2018, p. 115 ff.
  25. ^ Rainer Mausfeld: Why are the lambs silent? How elite democracy and neoliberalism destroy our society and our livelihoods , Westend, Frankfurt am Main 2018, p. 32 ff., 39–42.
  26. Rainert Mausfeld: phenomena of a deep state as manifestations of authoritarian capitalism. In: Ullrich Mies, Jens Wernicke (ed.): Facade democracy and deep state. On the way to an authoritarian age. Promedia Verlagsgesellschaft, Vienna 2017, ISBN 978-3-85371-425-6 , p. 47 ff.
  27. scholar.princeton.edu (PDF).
  28. Lea Elsässer: Systematically distorted decisions? The Responsiveness of German Politics from 1998 to 2015: Final Report . OCLC 979260303 ( bmas.de [accessed January 18, 2019]).
  29. Fear and power - techniques of domination to generate fear in capitalist democracies. Westend, Frankfurt am Main 2019, p. 10 ff.
  30. Rainer Mausfeld: Fear and Power: Techniques of Rule for Generating Fear in Capitalist Democracies . Westend Verlag, 2019, ISBN 978-3-86489-746-7 ( com.ph [accessed on March 16, 2020] 5 references, as evidence for the Wikipedia article.): "Three of these traditional fear-generating techniques are briefly addressed here : 1. the deformalization of law through the systematic use of indefinite legal terms, 2. the ideology of meritocracy and 3. the psychotechnology of the propagandistic generation of alleged threats. "
  31. Fear and power - techniques of domination to generate fear in capitalist democracies. Westend, Frankfurt am Main 2019, p. 25 ff.
  32. Jump up ↑ Fear and Power, Techniques of Power to Generate Fear in Capitalist Democracies , pp. 64 ff.
  33. ^ Rainer Mausfeld: The fear makers. Retrieved on March 16, 2020 (excerpt from the publication from 2019 with an opening by Mausfeld. The quotation reproduces this opening ...).
  34. Book tips on the topic of capitalism: The system question returns - five books on the topic of criticism of capitalism. Retrieved August 11, 2019 .
  35. How fear uses power. July 18, 2019, accessed March 16, 2020 .
  36. Michael Butter: "Nothing is what it seems". About conspiracy theories. Suhrkamp, ​​Berlin 2018, ISBN 978-3-518-07360-5 , p. 62 f.
  37. ^ Michael Meyen: Rainer Mausfeld and the communication science. In: Michael Meyen (Ed.): Medienrealität 2018. [1] (accessed on July 19, 2020)
  38. Book review - "Why are the lambs silent?" By Rainer Mausfeld. (Podcast) In: Reading. Deutschlandfunk Kultur , October 6, 2018, accessed on November 18, 2018 .
  39. Erdem Gökalp: Critical book about the elites in Germany . In: Stuttgarter Nachrichten , November 29, 2018.
  40. ^ Henning Ottmann: History of political thought . tape 1 .2: The Greeks. From Plato to Hellenism . Springer-Verlag, 2016, ISBN 978-3-476-02851-8 ( books.google.com ).
  41. Milosz Matuschek, Why are the lambs silent? In order to save democracy, one must first understand what is ailing it. In: Neue Zürcher Zeitung , October 30, 2018.
  42. Tanjev Schultz: Social Justice: Those up there, we down there. In: Süddeutsche Zeitung , November 12, 2018. Online at ( Süddeutsche.de , accessed June 5, 2020).
  43. ^ Rainer Mausfeld: Why are the lambs silent? How elite democracy and neoliberalism are destroying our society and our livelihoods. Retrieved January 10, 2019 .
  44. Daniela Dahn: Lively argument in the narrow corridor. Radical enlightenment about rule - on Rainer Mausfeld's criticism of democracy. In: new Germany. December 29, 2018, accessed January 11, 2019 .
  45. Gertrud Hardtmann. Review of April 24, 2019 on: Rainer Mausfeld: Why are the lambs silent? How elite democracy and neoliberalism are destroying our society and our livelihoods. Westend Verlag, Frankfurt 2018, ISBN 978-3-86489-225-7 .
    Table of contents: socialnet reviews, ISSN  2190-9245 , socialnet.de , accessed July 3, 2019.
  46. program ARD de-ARD Play-Out-Center Potsdam, Potsdam Germany: In dialogue. Retrieved January 10, 2019 .
  47. Prof. Dr. Rainer Mausfeld: Elite democracy and opinion management. June 12, 2015, accessed January 10, 2019 .
  48. SWR TV Tele-Academy. Retrieved January 10, 2019 .
  49. ↑ Directory of Members. Retrieved February 24, 2017 .