Regine Albrecht

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Regine Albrecht (born August 3, 1948 - March 15, 2013 in Berlin ) was a German actress , voice actress and theater director .


The guest lecturer for drama at the University of Film and Television Potsdam could be seen in some film and television productions of the television of the GDR and DEFA in the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s , but played mainly in the theater.

In 1997 she moved to Potsdam, where she also directed from 1997 to 2013 at the Hans Otto Theater .

In addition to her theater work, she was best known for her work as a voice actress. She lent her voice to numerous actresses in over 300 roles and was honored with the German Prize for Synchron (Silhouette) for the synchronization of Brenda Blethyn in Grasgeflüster 2001 .

She became known for her interpretation of Emily Gilmore (Original: Kelly Bishop ) in the series Gilmore Girls . She lent her voice to Candice Bergen in the role of Shirley Schmidt in the series Boston Legal . She has also appeared several times on Jane Lynch and Natalija Nogulich , and for Frances Conroy as Ruth Fisher in the series Six Feet Under .

She has also voiced her voice in films (including: Broken Flowers ) Gemma Jones l (including: Bridget Jones - Chocolate for Breakfast ), as well as Maureen Lipman ( The Pianist ), Roberta Maxwell ( Brokeback Mountain ), Margo Martindale ( The Human Flaw ) and Penelope Wilton ( Iris ).

In 2007 she fell ill with cancer, which she succumbed to in March 2013 at the age of 64.

Filmography (selection)


Synchronous rollers (selection)



Radio plays


German Award for Synchron 2000/2001 for outstanding female synchronous work as the voice of Brenda Blethyn in Grasgeflüster

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ In memoriam Regine Albrecht-Schmitz in: Association of Synchronous Actors
  2. ^ Regine Albrecht. In: German dubbing file , accessed on March 2, 2017 .
  3. More than just one vote - Regine Albrecht's death in Potsdamer Latest News April 4, 2013