Sailauf Forest

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Sailaufer Forst area free of parish

The Sailaufer Forst is a 13.88 km² community-free area in the Aschaffenburg district in the Bavarian Spessart . The area is completely wooded and is crossed by the donkey height.



The forest lies east of the eponymous municipality of Sailauf . The highest point is the Steigkoppe with 502  m above sea level. NN . In the south-western part of Forst there are 19 exclaves from Sailauf and two from the municipality of Laufach .

Neighboring communities

Schöllkrippener Forst
(community-free area)
Sailauf parish
Neighboring communities community
Forst Hain im Spessart
(municipality-free area)

Culture and sights



On the Swabian Saint

There are two memorials in the Sailauf Forest:

  • The octagonal sandstone pillar "Am Schwabenheiligen" is on the road from Sailauf to the Englander. It is a memorial to the Schwab district hunter who died in the middle of the 18th century. Only 100 years later (1850) was this stone with an inscription set by Schwab's descendants, namely the family of the local brewer and innkeeper Johann Adam Bergmann. This was the father of the automobile entrepreneur Theodor Bergmann .
  • Approx. 1.5 km further, the path that starts at the hiking car park at Schwabenheiligen leads to the “Kurzen Heiligen” (on the Eselsweg at the boundary of Laufach). This is a wayside shrine that reminds of the murder of the district forester Kurz by a poacher in the middle of the 19th century. The image depicting the crime has been changed several times over the years, most recently in 1980.

natural reserve

The following nature reserves are partly in the area of ​​the Sailauf Forest:


The district road AB 2 ( Spessart-Höhenstraße ) and in Lohrgrund the AB 23 lead through the Sailaufer Forst .

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Area information at, as of December 31, 2018 , accessed on August 1, 2020.

Web links

Commons : Sailaufer Forst  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 50 ° 2 ′ 29.9 ″  N , 9 ° 17 ′ 58.2 ″  E