Crime scene: house of cards

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Episode of the series Tatort
Original title House of cards
WDR shooting of crime scene Cologne "Kartenhaus" -8647.jpg
Country of production Germany
original language German
classification Episode 977 ( list )
First broadcast February 28, 2016 on Das Erste
Director Sebastian Ko
script Jürgen Werner
music Dürbeck & Dohmen
camera Kay Gauditz
cut Dora Vajda

House of Cards is a television film from the crime series Tatort . The paper produced by the WDR was on 28 February 2016 First aired. In this 977th crime scene sequence, the Cologne commissioners Ballauf and Schenk determine their 65th case.


Adrian Tarrach stabs Klaus Hartmann, the stepfather of his seventeen-year-old friend Laura, in his kitchen while Hartmann's wife Carmen is waiting for him in the car in front of the house. Adrian and Laura leave the house, Laura initially does not know about the murder. She had told Adrian that she had been raped by her stepfather; a lie, as she later admits. Max Ballauf and Freddy Schenk quickly identify the convicted Adrian as the perpetrator, because his fingerprints are on the murder weapon. Adrian and Laura have gone into hiding and put out to be wanted. While on the run, Adrian commits another murder; Laura initially takes a liking to the Bonnie & Clyde- inspired life on the run and threatens a walker with a gun who catches her having sex in a stolen car. Later, the two of them hide in an empty apartment in a high-rise estate in Cologne, not far from Adrian's mother, whom Adrian took care of after his brother's suicide and his father's death. The brother jumped from the skyscraper roof after he had been beaten up again by his father; the father fell drunk from the balcony - Adrian later admits to Laura that he pushed him. Tobias Reisser, Ballauf und Schenk's new colleague, can intercept a call from Laura and persuade her to reveal her whereabouts. He storms the apartment, but is overwhelmed by Adrian. Adrian flees to the roof with Laura, pursued by Schenk and Ballauf. He releases Laura and escapes arrest by jumping off the roof to her death.


The film was shot in Cologne from June 30, 2015 to August 1, 2015. The scenes in the high-rise estate were created in the Cologne districts of Chorweiler and Meschenich-Kölnberg .

The final scene of the film is underlaid with an interpretation of the song Wonderful Life by Smith & Burrows .



“It is remarkable that those responsible for this beautifully photographed, masterfully rhythmic and, admittedly, a bit intrusively quoting Cologne 'Tatort' episode dare to follow the inner logic of the killer couple. Public-law explanations are largely left out. "

“[…], Spectators and commissioners know from the start who is looking for: Adrian and Laura. After Bonnie & Clyde from the Rhine. The acquaintance here also has dramaturgical charm, as a spectator you slowly rattle towards the abyss with the two of them. And Ballauf and Schenk don't even have to stop at the sausage stand to look into the river, hoping for inspiration. "

- Katharina Riehl : Süddeutsche Zeitung

TV Spielfilm rated the film as average; he offers "good actors" but also a "thin, predictable story". "Only the scenes with Bettina Stucky as Adrian's mother remain in my memory".

Audience rating

The first broadcast of Kartenhaus on February 28, 2016 was seen by 10.61 million viewers in Germany and achieved a market share of 28.0% for Das Erste .

"Company car" from KHK Schenk


  • The "company car" from KHK Schenk is a 1963 Chrysler New Yorker
  • The investigator illegally searches the suspect's apartment or room, making himself trespassing punishable.
  • instead of its Walther P99 service pistol , KHK Schenk uses a drum revolver

Web links

Commons : Tatort: ​​House of Cards  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Crime scene: House of cards at crew united
  2. ^ Christoph Pierschke: Shooting for the new Cologne crime scene. Bonnie and Clyde in Chorweiler. In: Company. Westdeutscher Rundfunk Cologne, July 21, 2015, accessed on January 22, 2019 .
  3. Oliver Junge: Is blood more stylish than love? In: Feuilleton. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung , February 28, 2016, accessed on January 22, 2019 .
  4. ^ Christian Buß: Killer couple in the Cologne "crime scene". Sex with guns. In: Culture. Spiegel Online , February 26, 2016, accessed on February 26, 2016 : "7 out of 10 points"
  5. Katharina Riehl: Cologne "Tatort"? More like Bonnie & Clyde from the Rhine. Süddeutsche Zeitung, February 26, 2016, accessed on February 26, 2016 .
  6. TV Spielfilm, issue 4/2016, page 129
  7. Fabian Riedner: Primetime Check: Sunday, February 28, , February 29, 2016, accessed on February 9, 2016 .